Meeting Time: December 03, 2024 at 3:30pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6.1 25-0203 Subject: Approvals For The California College Of The Arts Redevelopment Project From: Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) A Resolution Certifying The Final Environmental Impact Report For The California College Of Arts Campus Redevelopment Project Located At 5212 Broadway And Adopting Findings Concerning Environmental Impacts, Mitigation Measures, And Rejection Of Alternatives, And Adopting A Statement Of Overriding Considerations And A Mitigation Monitoring And Reporting Program, All In Accordance With The California Environmental Quality Act

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    Julie Graffagna 2 months ago

    I have lived in the CCA neighborhood for almost 30 years and have seen a lot of housing go up that is unaffordable to many Oaklanders. We need more affordable housing and this developer is only agreeing to 5%. The developer is requesting many accommodations that the Oakland is not required to grant, and those accommodations will greatly increase the value of the site. Oakland should receive commensurate benefits in return, including a greater number of affordable housing units. The historic buildings should be moved or preserved and interim use of the property should be offered to the arts community and to continue helping the un-housed. There also needs to be better guarantees that the property will be protected and not allowed to deteriorate prior to construction. I urge the City to reject the current proposal and require that the Conditions of Approval be revised to better compensate Oakland for the tremendous value the landowner and developer seek to obtain.

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    Ben Gould 2 months ago

    We urgently need more housing. This is a great project and should be approved to move forward as quickly as possible.

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    Stephanie Beechem 2 months ago

    I’m reaching out as an Oakland homeowner who lives within walking distance of the CCA campus and development project.

    I bought my house in Oakland in 2019 and found that my choice of neighborhoods and homes was greatly constrained by what (little) I could afford in this high cost area. Building more housing and improving affordability across the East Bay is key to the city’s future and to many families’ ability to thrive and to put down roots here. That’s why I’m thrilled that the CCA site is in the process of being converted into housing for many more Oakland neighbors.

    I urge Councilmembers to support the currently proposed project and provide the accommodations and flexibility requested by the site developer.