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Agenda Item

5 25-0268 Subject: OPD NSA Status Update From: Oakland Police Department Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report From OPD On OPD'S Progress Toward Compliance With The Negotiated Settlement Agreement (NSA) In The Case Of Delphine Allen, Et Al., V. City Of Oakland, Et Al.

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    LINDA GEORGE about 1 month ago

    I believe that public outreach for these Police Department reports are necessary. We have a lot of duplication of services/committees with one goal to make the PD better. We have the Public Safety Committee, Police Commission, ad hoc police commission to name a few. Each is eager to fix the PD. These committees need to work together in some effort and start streamlining these decisions and work. Not just passing on information from one committee to another. This has not done Oakland well so far. We cannot be held hostage to culture , and police officers who do not want to change. Creating a discipline is not the only way to change our PD , incentives and a robust reward program should be considered as well. We need our officers back on foot to meet the people they serve. not just driving by in their cars to increase police presence and confidence in the citizens. There are 3 new council members coming on board. The old Council is okay with business as usual. .The new incoming Council members will be reached out to to see if they feel your goals are in line with them

    Ken Houston Dist 7
    Zac Unger Dist 1
    Rowena Brown

    We need to get innovative and make strides forth with our New Chief and your current great work.