Meeting Time: January 14, 2025 at 11:30am PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3 25-0266 Subject: Estuary Park Master Plan And CEQA From: Oakland Public Works Department Recommendation: Adopt AResolution, Following Recommendation Of The Planning Commission, That: (1) Adopts The Estuary Park Master Plan (Master Plan), (2) Approves A Major Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Subject To Findings And Conditions Of Approval Attached To The Supporting Agenda Report, That Allows For Implementation Of The Master Plan Improvements, And (3) Adopts Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings

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    Carlos Blythe 26 days ago

    Dear Commissioners,
    I write in support of the Estuary Park Master Plan as developed by Measure DD Community Coalition.
    Speaking as both, a resident of Oakland and as the AARP Advocate for Oakland District 2, I urge the acceptance of the Estuary Park Master Plan. Measure DD is an opportunity to create a great place that our older residents can use daily for family fun and outside gatherings.
    In order not to repeat all that has been said, I second other 2 comments made in "support "of the acceptance of the Estuary Master Plan, by Mr.'s Yolton and Threlfall.
    Thank you,

    Carlos Blythe
    AARP Advocate for Oakland District 2

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    Mark Yolton 28 days ago

    ​I write in support of the Estuary Park Master Plan as developed by the Measure DD Community Coalition, city of Oakland employees, and others after years of community input and feedback and rounds of adjustments.

    As a member of the East Bay Rowing Club (EBRC) who uses the neighboring area at least four days a week, I can tell you that we are anxious to see this land finally developed as envisioned and proposed more than 20 years ago: as a vibrant public park space, on the waterfront, that serves the people of Oakland and beyond. This property holds so much untapped potential, and currently feels abandoned and wasted.

    Improving this space will provide a destination venue for recreation, for family outings, organized activities, and joyful experiences that take advantage of this unique space -- and that enriches the lives of the people of Oakland, that highlights the natural beauty of this waterfront area, and that makes a positive impression on visitors. It'll also benefit the many restaurants, businesses, and condo's in the area.

    A renewed, renovated, and redeveloped Estuary Park will significantly benefit all of us and so many others in Oakland and beyond. We look forward to the approval of the Estuary Park Master Plan to spark progress on this exciting project to bring it from a decades-long dream to reality.

    Mark Yolton
    East Bay Rowing Club / EBRC
    Jack London Aquatic Center / JLAC

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    William Threlfall 29 days ago


    I am writing in support of the Dec 24, 2024 Agenda Report recommendations.

    I strongly urge you to adopt the Estuary Park Master Plan as presented. As described in the Agenda Report, the Master Plan is the mature work product of a significant investment of public funds in an extensive planning process.

    The Master Plan will renovate and expand a key recreational resource for Oakland residents, and it will ensure clear views and public access to the park from the Embarcadero. The plan is consistent with the site’s OS/RSP zoning, the Estuary Policy Plan, and the Brooklyn Basin Development Agreement and its Council-approved amendments.

    Please send it forward with your approval!

    William Threlfall
    11 Woodside Glen Ct
    Oakland CA 94602