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Agenda Item

5 20-0259 Subject: Creation Of The Department Of Workplace & Employment Standards From: Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.29 Of The Oakland Municipal Code Entitled "City Agencies, Departments And Offices" To Create The Department Of Workplace And Employment Standards Focusing On Workplace Protections And Employment Standards To Implement Measure Z (Hotel Minimum Wage And Working Conditions Ordinance (Oakland Municipal Code Chapters 5.93 And 2.44 And Sections 2.36.010(A) And 5.92.050).

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    Allyssa Victory over 4 years ago

    Oakland has been a leader in establishing strong labor standards — with overwhelming voter support. But workers continue to experience violations of their rights due to the lack of robust enforcement. Wage theft is rampant and disproportionately impacts low-wage workers, who in Oakland are predominantly people of color. Strengthening enforcement of Oakland’s existing laws is one important way to close these gaps.COVID-19 demonstrates that some of our lowest paid workers are our most essential. By setting up the Department, Oakland can play an important role in addressing systemic racial and economic inequality and inequities, and support working families and communities of color by curbing abusive and rampant wage theft, and ensuring that workers’ rights are being upheld. Thank you in advance for adopting resolutions as proposed without amendment and to the coalition of labor and community that made this possible.

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    Marla Wilson over 4 years ago

    I live in D2 and urge the City Council to help the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters, of course, created this department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. Right now, we need this department to stand up for workers, especially BIPOC, low-wage workers. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda.

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    Sara Shor over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of North Oakland and I urge the City Council to support workers! Uphold the Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) and uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. Now is the time.

    We are in a critical moment in history. We need our elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities.The city needs to prioritize funding this Department and others that advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers.
    This department is a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 of the agenda to support workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Alana ONeal over 4 years ago

    I am writing in support of Oakland workers - especially low-wage service workers who are majority black and people of color - and to urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES).

    Now more than ever, Oakland needs to protect and support workers who are on the front lines of the coronavirus crisis, and are among the hardest hit economically. We know that Black, Latino and Asian workers are disproportionately represented in the low-wage workforce, and are adversely impacted by wealth inequality, wage theft, and by this COVID-19 pandemic. Investing in the enforcement of workplace and employment standards is critical. We need to support working families by curbing wage theft, and ensure that workers’ rights are being upheld, including minimum wage, paid sick day, living wage, and local employment protections, instead of leaving workers to fight against large companies alone.

    A O’Neal

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    Amanda Young over 4 years ago

    On behalf of the ACLU of Northern California, we support working families in the City of Oakland, and urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Jennifer Lin over 4 years ago

    Thank you Councilmember Bas for your leadership. The National Employment Law Project urges you to vote YES on Items 5 & 6 to support the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) and to uphold the rights of workers and enforce the city's labor laws. 76% of Oakland voters voted to create this Department when they passed Measure Z in 2018. Now more than ever, we need our elected leaders to step up for working people and prioritize resources that address economic and racial inequities. The city should prioritize funding this Department and others that directly address the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This Department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers toiling in the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to supporting workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Nifa Akosua over 4 years ago

    My name is Nifa Akosua I urge the council to stand up for our black and brown workers who are risking their lives right now to support us all during this pandemic. It is our turn to support and take care of them ! Let's continue to invest and support the future of our Oakland workers, please approve items 5 and 6. Peace and light !

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    Carmen Guzman over 4 years ago

    My name is carmen Guzman and I am a hotel worker in Oakland I support working families in the City of Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers.
    This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Ankush Ganapathy over 4 years ago

    I support working families in the City of Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES). Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. Now is the time. We are in a critical moment in history. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Liana Molina over 4 years ago

    Thank you Councilmember Fortunato Bas for your leadership on this! I urge the council to adopt these ordinances to move forward on making the DWES a reality. Oakland workers need a home, and a champion in the city that will work to uphold the strong labor laws Oakland voters have enacted like minimum wage, paid sick days, and times up protections for hotel workers. The city has an opportunity to stand up and defend the rights of workers. Please approve items 5 & 6 today!

    Liana Molina
    District 7 resident

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    Tony Evans over 4 years ago

    Hi my name is Tony I live in the town for over 60 years, I also work in Oakland .I support working families in the City of Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. .The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers.This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6

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    David Shor over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of North Oakland. I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. Now is the time. We are in a critical moment in history. We need our elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. The city needs to prioritize funding this Department and others that advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers.
    This department is a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 of the agenda to support workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Sari Bilick over 4 years ago

    I am a district 1 resident of Oakland and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. Now is the time. We are in a critical moment in history. We need our elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities.
    The city needs to prioritize funding this Department and others that advance racial and economic justice and health. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers.
    This department is a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 of the agenda to support workers that hold up our economy and community.
    Thank you.

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    Romana Guerrero over 4 years ago

    Hello I am long time resident of East Oakland for over 35 years I support working families in the City of Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities.
    The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. not on the backs of workers.This department can be a tool for justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6

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    Cherri Murphy over 4 years ago

    Hello My Name is Cherri Murphy
    Minister here in the East Bay
    Live in District 5 the Fruitvale neighborhood
    I am writing to support the City's new Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement which was approved by voters under Measure Z in 2018. Oakland needs this to help make real laws like the emergency paid sick days ordinance we passed last week and other local labor standards like minimum wage (Measure FF) and sexual assault protections (Measure Z). Last year, the Council approved funding for the Chief Enforcement Officer position to run the Department in the 2019-21 budget.
    Since the recession of 2008, as a black queer woman I know firsthand how important it is to have job benefits and labor protections in place. Most of the workers we are talking about today, are predominantly african American and people of color. This Department is necessary and vital and I see it as an effort for improving equity and sustainability for our black and brown communities. Please vote yes.

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    Nicole Marquez over 4 years ago

    I support working families in the City of Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Yulisa Elenes over 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Yulisa I am a long time resident of east Oakland have also worked in Oakland for over 20 years . I support working families in the City of Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department
    of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and
    make this Department a reality. Now is the time. We are in a critical moment in history. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities.
    The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD,
    not on the backs of workers.
    So please approve!

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    Jahmese Myres over 4 years ago

    I am a DISTRICT 6 resident. It is critical that we have a Dept specifically and solely focused on ensuring Oakland's labor laws and standards are followed. Now more than ever, it is critical that workers receive the pay, benefits, equipment and standards that Oakland and state laws requires. In the past, I have heard city officials say they do not have money to fund the creation of this department. However, by shifting money away from police and supporting new progressive revenue streams (not parcel or sales taxes), the City will have more than enough money to set up this voter-required dept. Please also ensure Dept leadership that is experienced in workplace investigation protocol. Thank you for all of your work to lead Oakland through this challenging time!

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    Cynthia Morfin over 4 years ago

    My name is Cynthia Morfin and I am a worker advocate and organizer in Oakland. I have spoken to hundreds of workers in Oakland who are not receiving their paid sick days, proper wages, and other local labor laws. Our laws and policies are only as strong as they are enforced. Establishing a proactive, worker-centered office is imperative to the success, security, and empowerment of Oakland workers. Please support the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards.

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    Samuel Barron over 4 years ago

    I support working families in the City of Oakland,
    and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote
    in 2018. The city needs to fulfill what the voters want and make this Department a reality. Now is the time. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial
    and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers.
    This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to
    uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.