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Agenda Item

5 20-0259 Subject: Creation Of The Department Of Workplace & Employment Standards From: Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.29 Of The Oakland Municipal Code Entitled "City Agencies, Departments And Offices" To Create The Department Of Workplace And Employment Standards Focusing On Workplace Protections And Employment Standards To Implement Measure Z (Hotel Minimum Wage And Working Conditions Ordinance (Oakland Municipal Code Chapters 5.93 And 2.44 And Sections 2.36.010(A) And 5.92.050).

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    Dylan Morris over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Dylan and I am a resident of Lake Merritt. The Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) should have been created already as it was voted on and passed in November of 2018 by an overwhelming majority of Oakland voters. Furthermore workers need this department, as laws are meaningless if we cannot ensure that they are being enforced. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Jocelyn Cansino over 4 years ago

    I support working families in Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. We are in a critical moment in history. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community.

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    Maria Moreno over 4 years ago

    Good Afternoon,

    I am writing on behalf of the Restaurant Opportunities Center of The Bay, our workers, employers & staff to express our support for working families in the City of Oakland. I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters won this department through Measure Z. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. We are in a critical moment in history. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially low income workers. Please approve items 5 & 6 on the agenda & demonstrate your commitment to uplifting workers in our city.

    Thank you.

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    Zach Johnson over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Zach and I am a resident of North Oakland. The Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) should have been created already as it was voted on and passed in November of 2018 by an overwhelming majority of Oakland voters. Furthermore workers need this department, as laws are meaningless if we cannot ensure that they are being enforced. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you.

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    Camilo Zamora over 4 years ago

    Causa Justa :: Just Cause supports working families in the City of Oakland, and we urge the City Council to implement the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. Now is the time. We are in a critical moment. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for ALL working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. Any funding cuts should come from the OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers that hold up our economy and community. Thank you. -on behalf of CJJC, Camilo Zamora

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    lian alan over 4 years ago

    I urge City Council to set up the new Department of Workplace Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers, enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. Now is the time. We are in a critical moment in history. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can advance justice for workers, especially workers in the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda to demonstrate your commitment to uplifting the workers. Thank you.

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    Alvina Wong over 4 years ago

    I support working families in the City of Oakland, and I urge the City Council to stand up the new Department of Workplace and Employment Standards (DWES) to uphold the rights of workers and enforce our city's labor laws. Oakland voters created this Department when we passed Measure Z with 76% of the vote in 2018. The city needs to fulfill the will of the voters and make this Department a reality. We need our local government and elected leaders to step up for working people and to prioritize resources towards addressing economic inequities which are racial inequities. The city needs to prioritize funding for this Department and others that uplift the needs of our communities and advance racial and economic justice. Any funding cuts should come from OPD, not on the backs of workers. This department can be a tool for advancing justice for workers, especially workers in some of the lowest-paying jobs. Please approve items 5 & 6 on today's agenda.

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    Sonya Karabel over 4 years ago

    I am a north Oakland resident and strongly support this law. Workers need a department of workplace & employment standards to make sure that workers can actually enforce their rights. Respect the voice of Oakland voters, who voted overwhelmingly in favor of measure Z, and create this department now!

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    Martha OckenfelsMartinez over 4 years ago

    My name is Martha Ockenfels-Martinez, and I am a public health researcher living and working in Oakland. I work at Human Impact Partners, a public health nonprofit in downtown Oakland. I am writing as both a resident and on behalf of our organization - we urge you to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z. Please vote YES and pass the ordinances in agenda items 5 & 6 and stand up the Department.

    This department is crucial for uplifting workers rights - which we know in public health translates to uplifting the health and well-being of workers directly, as well as our entire community. Thank you.