
Agree. Some routes are already bike routes. Focus resources there. Shafter for instance north of 51st / Pleasant Valley is like a cheese grader. Its incredibly rough - yet is a bike route. I am afraid to ride over it with my road bike. It has a nice slow traffic quantity and is relatively safe - but repaving these routes as a priority would help to focus limited city resources. Painting the green through bike lanes in intersections is also good. Enjoy the green painted lane on 40th between Telegraph and Broadway. Need more streets like that !


Addtionally creating a rational and complete bike route would be nice. Webster is a bike route - but abruptly ends in a plaza into broadway. One must then merge onto broadway and jump several lanes to continue down the bike route of webster south of 27th street. Having a clear bike infrastructure here is important - additionally adding a bike timed light at certain key intersections could give cyclists the extra few seconds they need to complete their maneuver safely and in a timely, equitable manner.
