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Agenda Item

5 20-0204 Subject: Amendment To City Charter Article XI, Adding Section 1106, Youth Voting From: Council President Kaplan And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution On The City Council's Own Motion Submitting To The Voters At The November 3, 2020 General Municipal Election, An Amendment To Article XI (Elections) Of The Charter Of The City Of Oakland To Add Section 1106 To Provide For Voting By Persons Aged 16 And Above For The Office Of School Board Director On The Oakland Unified School District Board, And Directing The City Clerk To Take All Actions Necessary Under Law To Submit This Item To The November 3, 2020 General Election

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    Tiffany Grant King over 4 years ago

    You have my total support!

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    Kay Cuajunco over 4 years ago

    My name is Kay Cuajunco, an Oakland resident for the last 10 years, and I am writing to ask you to vote YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution being put forth at an upcoming City Council meeting today.

    I believe students are ready to vote because 16 and 17 year olds have a stake in issues related to their education, and deserve to help decide how their education affects them. They are already leaders in their communities who have advocated beneficial improvements like restorative justice programs. Nearly 500,000 16-year-olds in California are pre-registered to vote which demonstrates the demand and eagerness with which young people are ready to engage in our democracy.

    It is more important than ever that young people of color have a voice and role in building a healthier and more equitable Oakland — especially in our schools. We can solve the challenges facing us by expanding democracy to make sure the voices of our young people are heard.

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    Michelle Mazzeo over 4 years ago

    Vote yes to place oakland youth vote on november ballot

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    Kimi Lee over 4 years ago

    I support the Youth Vote measure. We should allow youth to vote and get involved early, this will help them become active voters and participate in our democracy. They can make decisions and should be given a voice in our elections.

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    David Yusem over 4 years ago

    I live in Oakland and have a child in OUSD. I am also and employee of the school district. I coordinate the Restorative Justice work happening in our schools. Many of the students trained in restorative practices support this amendment. Knowing many of them and the integrity and passion they have when it comes to having a say with issues that impact their lives, I support this amendment to to the City charter allowing people 16 years and older to vote for school board directors at OUSD. Thank you for voting YES.

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    Francisco Del Toro over 4 years ago

    I am a 20 year resident of District 5 born and raised in the Fruitvale neighborhood I believe Oakland students are ready to vote because they are the ones dealing with the new rules implemented in there school system not the adults who in my opinion don't really know how to deal with current problems but the youth do and will come up with better solutions.

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    Heather Manchester over 4 years ago

    My name is Heather Manchester and I support the youth vote! (as is) I live in District 5 and have worked for OUSD and with youth for the past 20 years. As a former middle school counselor and leadership teacher I know young people have important insights on how to improve their schools, education systems and their community. Students are the most important stakeholder in public education and they should have a role in electing the officials who are supposed to represent the community. Empowering young people to vote at 16 for school board increases civic engagement and life long voters. I encourage you to vote Yes to place Oakland Youth Vote on the November ballot. Thank you.

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    Carla Zamarripa over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Carla Zamarripa. I am 38 years old, I live in your district. I am writing to ask you to vote YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution being put forth at an upcoming City Council Meeting.
    I believe it is CRITICAL for students to vote because they are the ones who are being directly impacted by the decisions and policies being made. Without their voice, it is not representative of the student body and their needs. We need to work towards advancing our generation and their participation will also develop their leadership skills and their voice.
    Thank You,
    Carla Zamarripa

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    Jeni P over 4 years ago

    Our youth deserve to have a say in decisions that directly and greatly affect them, like the school board. I know many 16- and 17-year-olds who are more informed and involved than many adults - I would totally trust them with this responsibility.

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    Dante Popple over 4 years ago

    Students should have a voice in the governance of the place where they must spend 8 hours a day. Lots of studies show more participatory forms of education are increase student satisfaction and learning. We should welcome feedback from students of all ages and give them real power to enact change in the classroom and at school.
    Allowing students to vote for the school board will also set them up to be involved in democratic institutions as adults.

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    liz suk over 4 years ago

    I am resident of D7 and am in support of Oakland Youth Vote. Youth and students were impacted directly by the OUSD cuts and school closures. They need to have their voice heard to elect school board members who directly impact their daily lives. As the Political Director of Oakland Rising, we also formal endorsed this moving forward on this resolution.

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    Wendy Spander over 4 years ago

    Yes our kids should for sure have a voice in this!!

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    Suguey Hernandez over 4 years ago

    I am a resident in District 5 and I am writing to support the Resolution put forth by Council Members Kaplan and Bas. As an Oakland resident I believe that our city works best when all are involved in the decision making. Putting forth this resolution sends a clear message to young people in the country which is that even when we are in grave uncertainty your voices matter and your issues are our issues. Young peoples voices and opinions should be captured in our electoral process so that we can build a City state and county that represents all of us.

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    Elena Pinsky over 4 years ago

    My name is Elena and I am writing to express my strong support for the Oakland Youth Vote resolution. I am an OUSD staff member. I live in Grand Lake. I encourage you to VOTE YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution on May 19th because civically engaging youth allows them to advocate from themselves and their communities and have agency in making change.
    Thank you in advance for your support.

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    Xin Huang over 4 years ago

    Dear Council members, I am a student from Oakland Technical High School and I strongly support the Oakland Youth Vote resolution. The decisions made by the school board might directly impact us, I think it will be more fair for everyone who will be impacted by it to have a voice to speak for themself. As a student, I am worried about if we have enough resources and support that allow me and other students to succeed. Especially during the pandemic, schools are closed and we lack access to education. Therefore, it's important for use to vote for leaders who can represent us and our ideas, and leaders support our interest.

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    Roxana Franco over 4 years ago

    Dear City Council Members,

    My name is Roxana Franco and it is with deep gratitude that I ask you to support Oakland Youth Vote as-is. For the past year I have been working with Oakland Youth leaders to support their goal to expand voting rights on school board elections. As someone who has worked in the education system for many years, I have stood with young people when they have organized to create a more equitable and just education system. Young people have pushed for programs like Restorative Justice, Ethnic Studies, reinstating supper, foster care youth supports, and the list goes on. Providing them with the opportunity to practice civic engagement is a natural next step to enhance their leadership. I believe that voting Yes to place OYV on the November ballot is an investment in marginalized communities across Oakland.

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    Kim Miyoshi over 4 years ago

    I am writing to strongly encourage you to vote YES on Oakland Youth Vote!

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    Nikita GibbsNolen over 4 years ago

    I believe that our youth voices definitely matter. I believe that allowing them to vote will set a precedence. Therefore, I am expressing my support .

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    Regina Napolitano over 4 years ago

    My name is Regina Napolitano and I am writing to express my strong support for the Oakland Youth Vote resolution. I am a high school teacher at Oakland School for the Arts. I live in North Oakland in District 1. I encourage you to VOTE YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution on May 19th because empowering our young people to vote earlier encourages them to be part of the electoral process and helps them feel like their voices count.
    Thank you in advance for your support.
    Regina Napolitano

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    Emma Uysal over 4 years ago

    I support this because students deserve to have a voice in who is making decisions for them. We are impacted by those decisions every day, but no one ever asks us what is best. As a student, I know what is working in my school, but right now there is no accountability to students. This would change that. Thank you for supporting us, Oakland Tech class of 2023