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Agenda Item

5 20-0204 Subject: Amendment To City Charter Article XI, Adding Section 1106, Youth Voting From: Council President Kaplan And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution On The City Council's Own Motion Submitting To The Voters At The November 3, 2020 General Municipal Election, An Amendment To Article XI (Elections) Of The Charter Of The City Of Oakland To Add Section 1106 To Provide For Voting By Persons Aged 16 And Above For The Office Of School Board Director On The Oakland Unified School District Board, And Directing The City Clerk To Take All Actions Necessary Under Law To Submit This Item To The November 3, 2020 General Election

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    Troy Uysal over 4 years ago

    Students who are 16+ have spent years in the educational system and have had first hand experience in what our school system is lacking. They understand what the students and schools need better than most people and they have every right to determine who is leading the changes for that school system

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    Kharyshi Wiginton over 4 years ago

    Youth are the MOST impacted by the educational system, and therefore, from DEFINITELY have the right to vote and influence decision makers that govern such a huge part of their lives.

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    Chastity Garcia over 4 years ago

    The youth should have an opportunity to weigh in and contribute to deciding who is elected to serve on the School Board. For far too many years, the Directors have not represented the best interest of students and as such have negatively impacted their educational efforts experience. We have brilliant young people in this city and they should be empowered to participate in School Board elections. I hope that you will all support this Amendment and support Oakland’s students!

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    Silvia Matta over 4 years ago

    I totally support the youth vote!

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    Cindy Murphy over 4 years ago

    We support the youth vote!

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    Jill Broadhurst over 4 years ago

    Teenagers, let alone tax paying adult property owners in Oakland, are unaware and mostly uninterested, in this local elected position or governing board. Sad and frustrating as that is, it is true. One can try and educate on what the school board does but really it is up to the individual who has a curiosity and desire related to finances, outcomes and goals in education. My kids are interested in getting back to a real classroom, seeing friends and posting/ surfing on IG- and rightly so! This resolution is really to create a larger push for state elections and lowering the voting age. As an OUSD mother of 2 I say no.

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    Katrina BrekkeMiesner over 4 years ago

    Inequity is on parade in our country right now. Oakland has been a city at different times in our history that was not afraid to speak out for a different way of seeing what is possible. Giving youth a vote in who is elected to the school board likely would help ensure those running for school board must be informed about the issues facing students. As an elected leader you are our voice. As a lifelong Oakland resident and parent of two OUSD graduates I urge your courage to say yes to put the Oakland Youth Vote initiative on the ballot as it was written. The last minute amendment undercuts the student leadership and inadvertendly undocumented immigrants. The election in San Francisco exemplifies the point. Part of your job is to lead - the other part is to give hope. Give voters of Oakland a chance to say yes to an initiative that elevates public education.

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    Gisel Preciado over 4 years ago

    Hello My name is Gisel Preciado and I am a Oakland technical high school student. I am in support of the Oakland youth vote resolution. students have the best knowledge and insight as to what our schools excelling and what our schools are in need of improvement in. 16 and 17-year-olds should be able to vote in the elections to choose the school board members as after all the school board decisions will directly affect students and families. I strongly suggest that high school students should be given the opportunity to share their perspectives and ideas in the school board. Oakland is known for its activism and it’s bright minded students, I strongly suggest that you allow us to speak up and have a seat in the school board’s plan and choices. Please vote yes on the Oakland youth vote resolution. Thank you.

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    Rhummanee Hang over 4 years ago

    My name is Rhummanee Hang. I am a D2 resident, and Oakland native, born and raised. I've gone through OUSD schools and absolutely had ideas and opinions on what I needed from my schools. On behalf of the youth that I serve, I strongly support lowering the voting age for school board members to 16. Young people should have a say on who will be making decisions on their education. They have a much greater capacity for leadership and responsibility than we give them credit for.

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    Shina Robinson over 4 years ago

    I'm a D5 resident and voter and urge you to support empowering young people to be part of decisions that directly impact their lives. Young folks are already community leaders, it's time to help young people grow their skills to be future decision makers.

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    Carina Lieu over 4 years ago

    My name is Carina Lieu and I am an Oakland native (currently, I am a D2 resident). I urge you to vote in support of Oakland Youth Vote to give 16-year-olds the opportunity to elect School Board Directors. It has long been known that youth have been at the forefront of many movements to improve Oakland and Oakland schools. It is time to grant them the electoral power to make decisions about the schools that impact their futures the most. Please vote YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution. Thank yo!

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    Lillian Jacobson over 4 years ago

    My name is Lillian Jacobson, and I am a teacher at Castlemont High School. Our students have the deepest knowledge and insights about how our schools are serving (or not serving) them, and their voices can guide us towards a better future. Please enfranchise these young people so that they can speak up about the issues that will affect their futures. Please vote YES on the Oakland Youth Vote Resolution. Thank you!

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    Anaiya Joyner over 4 years ago

    Hello, my name is Anaiya Joyner. I attend Oakland Technical High School, I am writing you to ask if you vote YES on the Oakland Youth Resolution. This is because it directly affects the youth, as well as the fact that we know what our schools will need to succeed. It would greatly improve our education by allowing us to share our experiences that we've had in the OUSD school system. Voting YES will give many students the ages of 16-17 an opportunity to shape their futures. We as high school students know exactly what we need in a successful learning environment. Please consider the future of the OUSD youth.
    Thank you in advance for your support.

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    Kim Davis over 4 years ago

    I am a D6 voter and have 2 graduates and one current OUSD high school student, and urge you to vote YES to give Oakland 16 and 17 year olds the right to vote for school board. Students are most impacted by board decisions and, with teachers, most knowledgeable about what is working in our public schools and they deserve the right to help elect our school board. Young people across the globe are leading the way on critical issues like gun control and climate change, and our young people in Oakland are no different. They have advocated for what students need to succeed passionately, and with wisdom, and they deserve to have a greater voice. Please show our Youth that you support them by voting YES, and they will likely be lifelong voters. Thank you!

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    Joel Danoy over 4 years ago

    These poor children are going to be turned into political pons with officials praying on their immaturity to exploit them for political gains.

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    Kaitlin Hoekstra over 4 years ago

    My name is Kaitlin Hoekstra. I go to Oakland Technical High School and am writing to you in regards to who should have a say in who is on the School Board. The School Board affects 16 and 17 year old directly, which is why it would only make sense for students of this age group to have the voice to participate in this decision. If students of 16 and 17 years of age had a say in who is on the School Board, we would be more willing to cooperate and respect other decisions of authority, ensuring a better and more harmonized relationship between adults and teens. I hope you consider, and thank you for your time.

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    Samantha Pal over 4 years ago

    Hello! My name is Sam. I'm a 16 year old sophomore at Oakland High School. I've been a youth leader with the All City Council Student Union and Restorative Justice since 6th grade. I am also currently sitting on the ACC Governing Board as the Media Director. Having the rights to vote is personally important to me because this is me stepping up to give my family a voice and change. It would encourage them to vote and know that they matter in our community. As students, we don't think of this as a platform of power but platform of change WITH and FOR our community and partners.

    Continue to engage with young leaders and vote YES to support Oakland Youth Vote!!

    I want to express that if and when this gets passed, I will be old enough to vote but that should not change how much work and dedication myself and my peers have put into exploring the idea of OYV. I am here because I believe that those who turn 16/17 will grow the voting experience at a young age.

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    Ann Swinburn over 4 years ago

    I am an OUSD parent of a rising 2nd grader and a rising 6th grader at Melrose Leadership Academy, and I am in strong support of Oakland Youth Vote. I live on Fairfax Avenue in District 4. I encourage you to vote YES on the Youth Vote resolution because Oakland youth know exactly what our schools need to succeed. We already trust 16 and 17-year-olds with many adult responsibilities, and can always count on Oakland youth to fight for equity and justice in our schools. You have a chance to increase voter turnout in school board elections (and overall), and create strong life-long voters with this resolution. Please vote yes!

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    Victor Vega over 4 years ago

    Dear Council Members,
    Hello,my name is Victor Vega. I am 17 years old,I am a student leader in district 7 and I attend Castlemont High school. I am writing to ask you to vote YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution being put forth at an upcoming City Council Meeting. Decisions made by our School Board directly impacts us,so we believe we should have a voice on who represents us. It would improve our education by helping students and teachers share their experiences that affected them in learning. If you vote YES you will be giving thousands of youth the opportunity to shape their learning and future.I care deeply about ALL students being prepared for college,Career and Life,and believe that having a right to vote on school board elections is vital to the success of students in Oakland! Thank you in advance for your support and continued leadership in ensuring that all Oakland youth have the opportunity to be decision-makers of their future.

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    Aurora Castellanos over 4 years ago

    My name is Aurora Castellanos and I'm a resident of District 5 and a proud graduate of OUSD. I'm writing to to ask the Council to vote in SUPPORT of the Oakland Youth Vote resolution. I believe student's activism on issues impacting their schools and communities has demonstrated that they are ready to elect representatives that will address the issues that impact them. Students have first hand knowledge of the needs in their schools because they spend a majority of their time on school campus and they should be able to elect representatives that can address issues impacting their education. The student activism I was involved in as a youth made me a more civically engaged adult and my hope is that giving youth the opportunity to vote at 16 will make them life long voters so they can address the issues impacting their communities for the long term. Please stand with youth leaders by voting in support of the Oakland Youth Vote resolution.