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Agenda Item

5 20-0204 Subject: Amendment To City Charter Article XI, Adding Section 1106, Youth Voting From: Council President Kaplan And Councilmember Bas Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution On The City Council's Own Motion Submitting To The Voters At The November 3, 2020 General Municipal Election, An Amendment To Article XI (Elections) Of The Charter Of The City Of Oakland To Add Section 1106 To Provide For Voting By Persons Aged 16 And Above For The Office Of School Board Director On The Oakland Unified School District Board, And Directing The City Clerk To Take All Actions Necessary Under Law To Submit This Item To The November 3, 2020 General Election

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    Ravahn Samati over 4 years ago

    My name is Ravahn Samati and I am writing to express my strong support for the Oakland Youth Vote resolution. I am at graduate of OUSD and partner to an OUSD teacher. I am associated with a number of community organizations including Educators for Democratic Schools. I grew up in District 2 in the Cleveland Heights neighborhood. I encourage you to VOTE YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution on May 19th because:

    This is an opportunity to develop an active, educated youth voting electorate by integrating real voting practice into civic engagement and government curriculum in our schools. The majority of our School Board already supports this measure and have stated in a letter to Council, “We will support the Superintendent and staff to provide the necessary education and support for these young voters.”

    Thank you in advance for your support.

    Ravahn Samati

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    Kathleen Bailey over 4 years ago

    High school students know better than anyone what they need to achieve their own success and satisfaction. They should have a say in who makes these impactful decisions for them. This will also add a layer of richness to students' learning in US Government courses in 12th grade, since all students in that course will be eligible to vote. Multiple studies have shown that students who engage in a meaningful Civic Engagement project in high school continue to be engaged voters for years to come. The opportunity to be involved in an election, researching candidates and considering stakeholder needs, will be a great boon to their self identification as voters.

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    Perla Hernandez over 4 years ago

    Dear council members,
    Hello my name is Perla Hernandez. I am 15 years old, I am a student leader in your district and attend Castlemont High school. I am writing to ask you to vote YES on the Oakland youth vote resolution being put forth. Having the right to vote for the school board is personally important to me because I'm an expert of my own experiences, being able to vote will give me and my peers an opportunity to share our past experiences that affected us in our learning and school culture. Decisions made by our School Board directly impacted us, so we believe we should have a voice on who represents us on the School Board. I care deeply about ALL students being prepared for college,career and life and believe that having the right to vote in school board elections is vital to our success. Thank you all for your support and continued leadership in ensuring that all Oakland youth have an opportunity to be decision-makers of their future. Perla Hernandez Future Voter!

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    Angelica AlamilloPrez over 4 years ago

    My name is Angelica Alamillo-Perez and I along with my 17 year old son Santos, are in strong support of allowing 16 and 17 year olds to vote for school board trustee. The voice of the student has been at the gates of participation in our society for too long. We ask them to model the behavior of upstanding citizens, yet cut them out of the entire process. They are the most affected by the policies enacted by the trustees. We would be at the forefront of the democratic process if we show the rest of the state that we care about youth enough to truly hear their voice.

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    Young Whan Choi over 4 years ago

    I support the youth vote! I live in District One and have worked for OUSD for the past 15 years. As a former high school social studies teacher and leader of civic engagement, I strongly believe that students have important things to say about their education. Students are the most important constituent in public education and they should have a role in electing the officials who are supposed to represent the community.

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    David Weintraub over 4 years ago

    My name is David Weintraub and I support the Youth Vote and I speak for the organizations of which I am a member and representative, the Wellstone Democratic Club and the Educators for Democratic Schools. I previously wrote a letter on behalf of Wellstone and will not reiterate all the points I made there.
    In addition to the points I made there I will add that not only our city , but our country is facing a momentous period of transition ahead. It will go one of two general directions, toward an unrestrained authoritarian, anti-democratic, anti-science and enviornment and racist direction or a more egalitarian, democratic, sharing and caring direction. The first direction requires suppressing the vote. The second requires protecting and expanding the vote to those who have been and will be continued to be disenfranchised. This measure is one of many that will support the direction that will retain our humanity and morality.

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    Samantha Lamont over 4 years ago

    “My name is Samantha Lamont and I am writing to express my strong support for the Oakland Youth Vote resolution. I am an OUSD grad (Montera and Tech) and I now live in District 6. I encourage you to VOTE YES on the Oakland Youth Vote resolution on May 19th because we need to boost voter turnout for the long term. Voting is habitual, and 16 is a much better time than 18 to establish the habit of voting. At 18, people are in a state of transition that makes it less likely they will vote. At 16, young people can begin the practice of voting in a more stable environment, before leaving home and before leaving high school - where they are supported by family, peers, and teachers.

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    MARA BENITEZ over 4 years ago

    Now more than ever Oakland youth deserve a say in who represents their interest during the aftermath of this pandemic. Vote yes to put the youth vote on the ballot and let Oakland voters decide, that's how democracy works.

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    Seetia Akpawu over 4 years ago

    Dear Council Members, My name is Seetia. I'm 16 years old, I'm a junior at Oakland Tech, and a youth leader with Oakland kids first. From the vision of a critical mass of young people taking responsibility for themselves, currently we don't have a voice in our community on the issues that impacts us the most. That's why I am asking you to stand with students to put Oakland Youth Vote on the November 2020 ballot. This is important to me because coming from a household of undocumented people, i know what it like not having a saying in a community. As a student I am worried about my education, the lack of support and resources that allow me and other students to succeed especially during our current crisis that is occurring. My peers and I should be allowed to be part of the decision for what will be impacting us in our future. Thank you in advance for voting yes on Oakland Youth Vote.

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    Tyler Thai over 4 years ago

    Good afternoon Councilmembers
    My name is Tyler Thai. I am 16 years old, a student at Oakland Technical, and a youth leader with Oakland Kids First. I am concerned about youth not having a voice in today’s school system.
    The School Board makes decisions for students that affect our education and school environment. For example, the budget cuts that set the teachers to go on strike for 3 weeks and the cut of the supper program all affect students in more ways than one.
    Having students be able to vote for the school board would allow us to have a voice in what happens to their schools, because we know best for what we need to succeed. Youth are more than ready to vote, having to deal with school work, providing for their families, and having a job. Neighboring cities like Berkeley have already adopted this legislation to allow 16 and 17 year olds to vote for their school board members
    Thank you in advance for supporting youth by saying yes to put Oakland Youth Vote on the Nov 2020 Ballot

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    James Miller over 4 years ago

    Good afternoon councilmembers my name is James And I am in support of Oakland youth vote .i am an organizer for Oakland kids first. As a student I am concerned about education and how unfair it is because of decisions that are made that impact youth . When supper was cut from my school I reached out to directors through speech to reinstate supper and supper was reinstated a few months later. My solution to help youth have a say in the decisions they are made that impact us, is expanding the voting age to 16/17 year olds. This will be beneficial because it will allow youth to choose who represents them and it shows equity. As a youth organizer would like for you to help support me, youth by committing to place the Oakland youth vote in the November ballot in support of our campaign .

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    Jermesha Hall over 4 years ago

    Hello my name is Jermesha Hall, I’m sending this in for item 5, Oakland’s Youth Vote. I am a junior at Oakland Tech, and a Youth Organizer with Oakland Kids First. I am here today to ask you to support and stand with youth leaders and vote yes to place Oakland youth vote on the November 2020 Ballot.
    Youth Vote is important to me because throughout almost my entire school career I have been in the Oakland Public School System. I understand how it feels to move into more challenging classes without feeling prepared for them, because I lacked the support I needed from those previous classes. I have experienced not having a teacher present and not having a extra support after school or in class. I don’t want future students to feel like they are powerless in that way.
    So I ask the council to please support and stand with students as we move to place Oakland Youth Vote on the November 2020 ballot by voting yes today. Thank you.

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    Ixchel Arista over 4 years ago

    My name is Ixchel Arista, I’m in ninth grade, and I attend Oakland High School. I am part of the Youth Organizing Council and a youth organizer with Oakland Kids First. I would like to first acknowledge the work the City Council is doing to address the equity issues that Covid-19 has surfaced. It is because of the inequities that Covid has lifted within our education system that I believe that Oakland Youth Vote will give students throughout Oakland a stronger voice and platform to take control of their education. The city council’s support to place Oakland Youth Vote on the November 2020 Ballot has made me feel heard as a student in the Oakland Unified School District. It has given me more confidence that students and the youth have the power to positively impact communities and society. Finally, I would like to sincerely thank all of the city Council members and their staff and I look forward to participate in Oakland’s democratic process and become an engaged voter.

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    Malia Liao over 4 years ago

    Dear Council Members,

    My name is Malia Liao and I support Oakland Youth Vote. I am 17 years old, a junior at Oakland Tech, and a youth organizer with Oakland Kids First. This email is to ask you to stand with the youth of Oakland and to vote yes on Oakland Youth Vote.

    Oakland Youth Vote would give students the platform to voice what we need. School board directors make decisions that directly impact us and our future so we should have the right to help elect the people in power.

    Studies show that expanding the voting age will encourage civic engagement and better prepare us for when we can vote in general elections. We hope that you support us with this campaign so that students no longer have to be on the receiving end of poor decisions.

    Please support OUSD students towards being ready for college, career, and life. Oakland Youth Vote will ensure equity and show your commitment to student success. We thank you in advance for voting yes on Oakland Youth Vote.