Roads- Oakland's roads are worse than some places in Haiti. I was there last December and I was amazed on the development of its infrastructure.

Filth- Many places in Oakland are a dump, there is trash everywhere. It is embarrassing!

Schools- Unless your kids go to a charter school, private or a school in the hills, you will find that schools are horrible. How can we expect Oakland to change when we are not investing in our kids!

Taxes- Stop stealing money from its citizens, and put the money back into the city!!! Our property taxes have increased tremendously, and I don't see much of an improvement anywhere.

Crime- Hiring more cops and policing is not enough. You have to invest in its citizens!!

0 Comments 8 Votes Created

Green the streets by taking streets that need repaving and simulaneously creating new 'bulb outs' for new street tree planters that can also function as bioswale stormwater management for wet periods. This would lessen water runoff - both helping to recharge and clean local ground water and runoff, as well as create new shade and visual appeal to streets. (see image for example in Portland)

12 Votes Created

jay kelly almost 10 years ago

Dear Oakland City officials, you'd like your citizens to deposit litter into receptacles, yet you fail in the worst way to pick up that garbage. Case in point at the corner of Vernon and Lee Street overflowing with poop bags. Disgusting, please do your part!

10 Votes Acknowledged