Utah and Ohio found the Housing First models to be successful with case management to help people navigate addiction, health, employment, etc.

More taxes is not a solution, vote for creative out of the box solutions. Reallocate funds to be used to get people immediately housed. It’s a win-win.

Community Cabins and Shelters are bandages, but it doesn’t get people directly into housing. We can’t keep throwing money at bandages and the problem is still there and growing!

At this point even subsidizing market rate rental places is an option, make a deal with the developers that have empty units and/or empty buildings! Doesn’t benefit the developer or the city to have empty units sitting around.

For every 1 unit available you can house 2-4 people at a cost of 30-60M a year if it’s fully subsidized. If a person has some income or is employed the cost can quickly go down.

MONEY can be spent talking about how to get people housed or MONEY can be spent getting them directly housed!

Many decisions are made about city operations and services that affect the quality of life of residents. It would be helpful if residents had opportunities for public feedback and education at the earliest points of consideration - before matters are voted on by the Council.

35 Votes Created