Idea: cease fire.

ahtziry cardenas 10 months ago

cease fire from palestinians as this is a genocide happening in front of our eyes. I am a recent graduate and to hear that all of the gaza graduates of 2024 are all deceased breaks my heart. I know a lot of people do not see anything wrong with this war because it is not them and their family but i know we all have common sense and morals and we know this is something that should’ve never even happened there is traumatized kids while isrealis dance and make fun of hostages this is not right and everyone knows it the government is finally being exposed and even if a thousand congress and payed media tries to lie and make us believe isreal is in the right the truth will ALWAYS come out and all of our voices will be heard because even one human speaking up helps and there is millions of civilians asking to cease fire and where is the freedom of speech when we try to protest this? where is the freedom of speech but when every person who has tried to call out the government have been silenced or have disappeared this is not something new i hope the people are finally opening their eyes and fight for the freedom of palestinians where they cannot fight for themselves i will be the voice of all the palestinians who don’t know if they will be alive tomorrow and i will continue to fight to cease fire because in no way, shape, or form is this correct.