Meeting Time: November 07, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item


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    Dorothea Moerman 11 months ago

    My name is Dorothea Moerman and I am a current resident of D3 (recently moved from D4). I am Jewish and writing to strongly support any action this city can take to support the people of Palestine. I am horrified that my tax dollars are being used to murder men, women, and children in Gaza and the West Bank. Oakland must join the city of Richmond and the Alameda County Democrats in passing a resolution in solidarity with Palestine and it cannot happen soon enough. Israel has declared genocidal intent and they are carrying out that intent with actions by bombing water supplies, hospitals, schools sheltering displaced people, refugee camps, mosques, churches, and universities. They have also bombed refugee camps in the West Bank and are driving more Palestinians out of their villages in the West Bank at gunpoint every day. The only way to stop this is for America to revoke our consent.

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    Talia Fradin 11 months ago

    My name is Talia Fradin, I reside in district 4 of Oakland. City counsel should be taking immediate action to show solidarity towards Palestine. I am urging for a ceasefire as a starting point, and ultimately to support an end to Israeli occupation. I am Jewish and Indigenous, this resolution does not threaten me but in fact honors my ancestry. I have family who died in Auschwitz and family who died in California at the hands of genocide. We cannot stay neutral or silent during genocide. We should follow the leadership of Richmond and issue a resolution stating our solidarity with Palestine and against the genocide in Gaza.

    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Derek Ching 11 months ago

    Hello! My name is Derek, I am a resident of District 1 in Oakland. As a city, we should stand with the Palestinian people and serve as a model to the rest of the country and say we will not be complicit and silent about the ongoing genocide. I urge city council to join the City of Richmond in issuing a Resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine and take action against the genocide in Gaza. Speaking out for what is right is the least one can do in the face of such terrible atrocities.

    I second others in saying, Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Alizarin MenningaFong 11 months ago

    My name is Alizarin Menninga-Fong and I'm a D2 resident and voter. We have to do everything in our power to end the 16-year siege on Gaza and demand an immediate ceasefire. As others have shared, there are no two sides to genocide and Oakland must follow in the steps of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee to make our constituents' voices heard - we will not be complicit in the murders of over 10,000 people and over 4,000 children with the number sickeningly mounting every day.

    As a start, Oakland needs to
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Sarah Cornett 11 months ago

    My name is Sarah Cornett and I live in D3. I urge the city council to follow the leadership of Richmond and pass a resolution against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians and call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Thousands of people have been mobilizing in Oakland and the Bay area in recent weeks. I hope the council will show leadership and heed the overwhelming calls for a ceasefire by taking the following actions.

    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Hafsa Az 11 months ago

    Greeting. My name is Hafsa, a resident of District 4 in Oakland. I am showing up with solidarity for the Palestinian people and to speak up against their genocide. Our city is the first in giving land back to the Native Indigenous population, after our forefathers committed genocide against them. I urge my city's council, Oakland, to issue a resolution affirming solidarity with the people of Palestine. I urge my city to stand up tall against genocide and Islamophobia and call for a ceasefire and reparations for all the Palestinian lives that have been lost to the Israeli regime. I call for an end to their illegal occupation. This action is the bare minimum, and an easy way to stand on the right side of history. Make your residents proud.

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    Shahrzad Sekanjabin 11 months ago

    I am a resident and voter in D1. I urge the council to follow the city of Richmond and County of Alameda's example and pass a resolution against the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people as well as call for a ceasefire in Gaza. It is imperative that our elected officials represent the people of Oakland who stand united against war crimes and human rights violations which are being directly funded by the US taxpayers.

    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.

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    Amanda Chang 11 months ago

    My name is Amanda Chang and I live in District 1 in Oakland. I am calling upon the City of Oakland to follow the lead of the City of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee to sponsor and pass a resolution condemning genocide of the Palestinian people. Our state-elected representatives have not taken bold enough action to denounce the genocide of over 10,000 people in this month alone. Therefore, it is up to you, as our local officials to stand on the right side of history with this resolution. Every day the genocide escalates and Israel becomes more bold with their genocidal intent as the world sits back and allows it to happen. As our tax dollars have been used and are currently being used to fund this genocide, we cannot be part of that silence. We must act TODAY and align with the hundreds of thousands of people living on occupied Turtle Island to end the genocide and support a liberated Palestine.

    Therefore, Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Gracelynne West 11 months ago

    My name is Gracelynne and I am a District 1 resident. As a city, we should stand with the Palestinian people and serve as a model to the rest of the country and say we will not be complicit and silent about the ongoing genocide. I urge city council to join the City of Richmond in issuing a Resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine and take action against the genocide in Gaza.

    I second others in saying, Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Grace Anderson 11 months ago

    My name is Grace and I am a District 2 resident. In solidarity with the Palestinian people and the struggles of peoples around the globe resistance colonist + imperialism powers, I urge city council to join the City of Richmond in issuing a Resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine and take action against the genocide in Gaza.

    Oakland must:

    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Feby Boediarto 11 months ago

    My name is Feby, and I am a District 2 resident in Oakland, CA. I urge city council to join the City of Richmond in issuing a Resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine and take action against the genocide in Gaza. Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Julie F 11 months ago

    My name is Julie and I am a District 5 resident - I am writing to ask the Oakland City Council to join Richmond in issuing a resolution affirming solidarity with the Palestinian people of Gaza who are facing a campaign of US-sanctioned, US-funded ethnic cleansing. As we speak, civilians are not only being actively massacred but deprived of electricity, internet, drinking water, food, and humanitarian aid - an extension of the decades-long struggle for Palestinians' unrestricted right to exist in their Indigenous land. The path to peace and liberation is only through the collective liberation of all people, and this must include a free Palestine.

    I second others above in saying Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Kelsey Westphal 11 months ago

    I call for a resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinians against genocide. I call for a special meeting of the City Council to pass this resolution, announced before November 7. As a resident of district 2, I want my voice to be heard and for my elected officials to listen to all the voices calling for an end to the genocide in Palestine and our financial involvement in this horrible situation.

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    Amelia Berger 11 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland’s District 1 & I am writing to ask the city council to pass a resolution opposing the genocide in Palestine. It is important that Oakland follow Richmond’s example and take a stand on this issue. While we are fighting to make the federal government listen and stop spending US taxpayer money on enabling this tragedy, it is imperative that our local government makes a public statement.

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    Layla Cooper 11 months ago

    My name is Layla, I'm a Jewish resident and voter in D1. I urge the council to follow the city of Richmond and County of Alameda's example and pass a resolution against the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. It is imperative that our elected officials represent the people of Oakland who stand united against the war crimes and collective punishment current being committed by the IDF and funded by the US taxpayers.
    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.

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    Mink Ong 11 months ago

    Oakland District 3 resident writing to urge the city council to follow in the footsteps of Richmond and pass a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, the entry of humanitarian aid, and an end to Israel's ongoing occupation and genocide in Palestine. I am deeply disturbed by the use of our tax-dollars to fund genocide and apartheid against Palestinian people who have for so long experienced ethnic cleansing and genocidal violence, especially when the needs of people in our own communities are not taken care of. We see this take place on a local scale in Oakland, where our police are militarized and there seems to be ever-growing funds for incarceration and policing, yet so many people with deep roots in Oakland are experiencing poverty, houselessness, hunger, state-sanctioned violence, etc.

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    Grace Harrison 11 months ago

    I'm Grace Harrison, a resident of District 3 and I urge the council to pass an emergency resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinians against genocide. We must not be silent as the atrocities and violance against Palestinians continue and the US government continues to financially and politically support Israel.
    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Emma Walters 11 months ago

    My name is Emma and I am a resident of District 1. I urge the city council to follow Richmond's example and to pass a resolution in solidarity with Palestine. Oakland against genocide, against islamophobia, against anti-Semitism, against racism!

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    Jessica Mitchell 11 months ago

    My name is Jessica and I’m a D4 resident. I’m calling on council to pass a resolution in solidarity with Palestine, calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Put an end to Israeli warcrimes, bombing children and hospitals is not “self defense” it is collective punishment. Oakland cannot be silent in the face of genocide. The time to act is now.

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    Majeed Thaika 11 months ago

    I'm Majeed Thaika, a District 2 resident in Oakland, and I'm here to represent a community deeply committed to a resolution proposed by the Oakland City Council. This resolution urgently calls for an end to the violence against the Palestinian people by Israel and a halt to U.S. funding of weapons in this conflict. We also implore the provision of critical humanitarian aid to Palestine.

    I've witnessed the devastating effects of Islamophobia and racism fueling a prolonged military occupation, marked by the suffering and loss of innocent lives. This profound understanding leaves me horrified by the ongoing tragedy in Palestine and the American involvement in perpetuating this cycle of violence.

    It's disheartening to see significant resources allocated to destructive endeavors while fundamental needs like education, healthcare, housing, fair wages, and environmental protection remain underfunded. It's frustrating to be surrounded by poverty and inequality, knowing that substantial sums go towards causing harm in other countries, even to people who share my name.

    I implore the Oakland City Council to take a compassionate, unwavering stand in support of Palestine, echoing the sentiments of our community for justice, peace, and an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people.