Meeting Time: November 07, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item


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    Aly Kronick 11 months ago

    My name is Aly Kronick and I am a Jewish high school teacher living and working in District 1. I stand in support of Oakland Against Genocide's position and demand a resolution from the Oakland City Council condemning genocide of Palestinian people and to call for an immediate ceasefire. I believe that Oakland can stand on the right side of history.

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    Priya Patel 11 months ago

    Hello Oakland City Council,

    My name is Priya Patel, and I am a resident of Oakland in District 2. I urge the City Council to follow the City of Richmond and sponsor and pass a resolution calling for a cease fire in Gaza and condemning the genocide of the Palestinian people. I ask the City of Oakland to take a stand for peace and against the mass murder of innocent people. It is imperative that our city stand on the right side of history. Thank you.

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    Adam MA 11 months ago

    My name is Adam and I am a D1 resident. I am writing to ask the Oakland City Council to call for an immediate ceasefire and condemn Israel's murder and displacement of Palestinians in Gaza.

    I am Jewish and anti-Zionist. Such a resolution would not affect my safety at all. Palestinians, however, are suffering from a campaign of mass slaughter and collective punishment abetted by the support, and acquiescence, of the international community.

    The people of Oakland have a unique tradition of standing on the right side of history. The overwhelming majority calls for a ceasefire today. Please listen to the people and continue that legacy. Thousands of lives are at stake.

    Thank you.

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    naina khanna 11 months ago

    My name is naina khanna, i am a homeowner in Oakland City Council District 1 and have been a resident and taxpayer in Oakland for more than 18 years. Oakland has historically led the way in advancing human rights and dignity. Now it's time we do that again. I write to strongly urge our elected officials in Oakland to stand on the right side of history by passing a resolution condemning the genocide of the Palestinian people, demanding a ceasefire now, demanding a robustly resourced humanitarian response to the crisis in Palestine, and which calls for defunding all city, state, and federal military support for Israel - including the use of Oakland's port for this purpose. Oakland's City Council must immediately:
    - call a special meeting to address this
    - sponsor and pass a resolution condemning genocide, demanding a ceasefire now, and demand an end to all US military aid to Israel (city, state, and federal) - including any use of Oakland resources to support Israel's military action, such as the Port of Oakland. Further, Oakland must divest from any entities - private or public - that support Israel's military.
    - update the public on actions being taken by the city of Oakland to address this genocide and human rights crisis.

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    ingrid De Santiago 11 months ago

    Oakland D2 resident calling on Oakland City Council to use the power you were elected into to denounce ethnic cleansing in Palestine. It's not complicated and it's not an ethical grey area - your actions will send a very clear message on where you stand on genocide. Calling for a cease fire is the very least you can do as a city. To offer a comprehensive resolution it would include a call for an end to the apartheid state and Israeli occupation of Palestine. Queers stand with Palestine!

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    Laura MalchowHay 11 months ago

    Hello Oakland City Council,

    My name is Laura Malchow-Hay, and I am a resident of Oakland in District 1. I urge the City Council to follow the City of Richmond and sponsor and pass a resolution calling for a cease fire in Gaza and condemning the genocide of the Palestinian people. I ask the City of Oakland to take a stand for peace and against the mass murder of innocent people. It is imperative that our city stand on the right side of history. Thank you.

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    Lena Dalke 11 months ago

    My name is Lena Dalke and I'm a resident of District 1 in Oakland. I beseech you to stand on the right side of history by sponsoring and passing a resolution that condemns the genocide of the Palestinian people, calls for an immediate ceasefire and allows access to urgently needed humanitarian aid in Gaza. We need to stop funding this cycle of violence and terror that has already taken too many lives.

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    Michael Josh D 11 months ago

    My name is Michael Josh D. and I'm a volunteer with a couple Oakland organizations. After seeing the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people, I cannot simply sit idly. I know that most of the Oakland City Council have run on the idea of empathy and care for our community, so I urge you to extend that to your community once more. I urge you to sponsor and pass a resolution condemning the genocide of the Palestinian people. I urge you to follow the precedent set by the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. Our government is fueling this horrific and brutal genocide, and we cannot let it continue. We cannot let more lives be lost. We cannot let the Palestinian cries be ignored. This simple act that I present to you can and will ripple--and with each ripple, I believe that we can make a substantial difference.

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    Yveey Perez 11 months ago

    Oakland D2 resident and OUSD Parent asking Oakland to stand up and call for an immediate ceasefire! We need to pass a resolution to ensure the safety and right to life for our Palestinian Brothers and Sisters. Oakland does not support genocide or ethnic cleansing!

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    Satya Chima 11 months ago

    My name is Satya Chima and I am a resident of Oakland. I urge City Council to sponsor and pass a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an end to military funding for Israel, and an end to the occupation of Palestine. Alameda and Richmond have taken a public stance and passed resolutions calling for a ceasefire and I expect and demand that Oakland do the same. It is the least we can do to stand up and stand in solidarity with the millions of people throughout the U.S. and the world who are pleading for an end to this genocide. Not taking action to support and pass a resolution in support of a Palestinian lives would be a disgrace to Oakland’s legacy. Do not be complicit in genocide. Please support an immediate ceasefire.

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    Chaney Turner 11 months ago

    My name is Chaney Turner, I'm an Oakland native living in D7, I Chair the City of Oakland Cannabis Commission, I'm a California Democratic Assembly District 18 & most importantly a human who is concerned about the safety & well being of Palestinian and oppressed people world-wide. I'm writing to urge council to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire & condemning genocide & war crimes against Palestinian people. We also want an end to the U.S funding these war crimes with our tax dollars. Historically, Oakland has been a place of resistance representing freedom & justice for marginalized & oppressed people. As a Black person living on occupied Ohlone land. I know of the collective struggle we share with our Palestinian brothers & sisters especially when it comes to brutality, colonialism & displacement. We are witnessing genocide!

    Please do what's right and remember we're watching what side of history you're chasing to be on during this time.

    Thank you

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    Molly Rosenthal 11 months ago

    Hello city council members, My name is Molly Rosenthal and I am a resident of Oakland district 3. As a person of Jewish heritage, I join my fellow members of the Jewish community of Oakland in asking that the city council pass a resolution for immediate ceasefire and end of the genocide of Palestinian people. A resolution would not make me feel unsafe about my Jewish heritage. It is not anti-semitic. On the contrary, turning a blind eye in this moment would make me feel less safe, because as this violence continues, it will only lead to more and more violence. Calling for immediate ceasefire is not anti-semitic, and ignoring is instead anti-human and anti-life.

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    Anna Macknick 11 months ago

    My name is Anna and I am a resident of district 1. I urge you to pass a resolution condemning the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza and beyond, and calling for a ceasefire, humanitarian aid, and an end of Israeli occupation. I hope we can follow in the footsteps of our neighbors in Richmond in being loud and clear about the values of Oakland residents.

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    Nida Khalil 11 months ago

    I am in support of a strong resolution being passed demanding a CEASEFIRE now. Please do what is right and stand with humanity. They need us to speak for them. Thank you.

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    Roxana Dhada 11 months ago

    My name is Roxana Dhada, member of District 2, Oakland resident of 15 years. I have known no true safety while my country supports an apartheid state determined to oppress people just like me. But witnessing the past 30 days of mass murder, imprisonment, torture, bombing, gassing, mass war crimes against the Palestinian people has destroyed my ability to live in our city. I am haunted by what I've seen, and by your silence. We the people of Oakland will not be silent participants in this. We will not rest until we stop our unforgivable partnership with Israel. We must earn our right to claim Oakland's legacy of justice, people power, and economic resilience. I call on you City Council President Bas, Vice Mayor Kaplan, and every Councilmember to use your power to follow the precedent set by Alameda County Democratic Central Committee and City of Richmond:
    - Call a special meeting with extreme urgency. Nothing is more important.
    - Sponsor and pass a resolution condemning the genocide of the Palestinian people - just this month, Israel has murdered 10,022 Palestinian people including 4,100 children. Their blood is on our hands.
    - In this resolution, demand an immediate ceasefire, an end to Israel's apartheid regime, and an end to all U.S. military aid to Israel at the federal, state and city level.
    The American people have never had so much power to condemn, defund, and end genocide. When our descendants ask us what we did, I want to say - we did everything.

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    Paloma Salazar 11 months ago

    Ceasefire now! Oakland must send a message to the world that genocide is not ok. Vote YES on the resolution.
    Resident of D4

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    Anand Kalra 11 months ago

    Dear Council member Fife,

    I am a resident and voter in district 2 and I urge you to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, including city divestment from companies that supply the Israeli military. My family experienced forced displacement and migration in India in the 1940s, and we have had a chance to recover over the last few generations. For many Palestinians, the initial disruption in 1948 has been followed by 75 years of heavily restricted movement, freedom, and opportunity. Please support the lives and human rights of Palestinian civilians.

    Thank you,

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    Molly Hinde 11 months ago

    My name is Molly and I am a D1 resident and voter. I am writing to ask that the Oakland City Council vote for a resolution condemning the genocide and displacement of Palestinian people.

    At this point, the Palestinian death toll has passed 10,000 people. As other commenters have illustrated, we must not stay silent in the wake of this on-going war crime.

    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Amee Chew 11 months ago

    My name is Amee and I am D5 resident. I urge the Oakland City Council to please pass a resolution that condemns the Israeli military's genocide of Palestinian people, and calls for an immediate ceasefire, unlimited humanitarian aid to get in, and end to occupation. It's deeply disturbing how many billions of dollars our federal government is sending to Israel to commit genocide -- money that could be used for our communities, for our housing crisis, our public education system, jobs, healthcare, and the list goes on.

    Most people want Israel to cease fire. Most people don't want our tax dollars to fund genocide. We don't want Israel's bombing of hospitals, refugee camps, children, fishing boats, livelihoods, generations of whole families. We don't want the U.S. and Israel's use of banned chemical weapons like white phosphorus. It is appalling that as people are slaughtered, the voices of the majority are not reflected by our so-called representatives in Congress and the White House.

    Please take action, joining the City of Richmond and others, to serve as a democratic model for the rest of the country -- please:

    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Janina Turner 11 months ago

    Hello Oakland City Council,

    My name is Janina Turner. I am an Oakland resident in District 1. I urge the City and this Council to pass a resolution condemning genocide of the Palestinian people. The City should take follow suit to the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. If this Council stands for the people, stands for peace, stands against settler colonialism and the violence it has perpetrated throughout the world, then the city and this Council should take a stand today. Pass a resolution is the bare minimum and to not do so will put this Council on the wrong side of history and will not be forgotten.