Meeting Time: November 07, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item


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    AJ Pluss 11 months ago

    Hello! I am AJ Pluss, Jewish resident of district 6. I am writing to ask the Oakland City Council to be on the right and just side of history. Please join Richmond in issuing a resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine. The people of Gaza are facing US-funded genocide and ethnic cleansing. Over 4,000 Palestinian children have been killed in the name of oppressive, colonial interests that the United States government, and by extension local leaders such as yourself, must disavow.

    I second others above in saying Oakland city council members must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    Thank you,
    AJ Pluss, PT, DPT
    Oakland district 6

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    L Tran 11 months ago

    My name is L Tran, and I am a resident of the East Bay. I urge the City of Oakland to take an explicit stand in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation by issuing a resolution in support for a ceasefire and condemnation of the U.S. backed genocide. We must join the City of Richmond and Alameda County in being on the right side of history. Your solidarity would urge peace for Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Jewish people, and ALL. Palestinian liberation is representative and collective.
    Please, urgently:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    Thank you.

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    Antony Wood 11 months ago

    My name is Antony Wood and I have been an Oakland resident of District 2 for the past year. I implore the City of Oakland to speak out about horrific genocide happening against Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, and the complicity of the US state in this genocidal endeavour. In order to do so, I second the others in this forum who ask that you:

    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide; and
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency; and
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    The recent resolution passed by the council of Richmond affirming solidarity with Palestine is exemplar in this regard. We must acknowledge that the foundations of the system which we live in here in the States is propped up by imperialist modes of exploitation around the world, and so should do all we can to end US complicity in the settler colonial occupation of Palestine by the Israeli state.

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    Che Ortiga 11 months ago

    My name is Che Ortiga, I am Jewish Oakland resident in district 1. I am urgently calling on elected officials to do their part in calling for a ceasefire and ending the genocide of Palestinian people.
    I am urgently calling on council members to :
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.
    Please stand on the right side of history and speak up for Oakland residents who oppose genocide.

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    Tevita Tapavalu 11 months ago

    My name is Tevita Tapavalu, and I am a resident of District 7 in Oakland. I'm calling on our city council to make a historical stand against the US-Israeli genocide of Palestinians, and say we will not be complicit and silent. I urge city council members to act NOW and join the City of Richmond in issuing a Resolution. I second others in saying Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, an end to U.S. military financing of Israel, delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, as well as supporting the right of Palestinians to a free, unoccupied homeland.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.
    The city council and all communities in Oakland must act TODAY to publicly join the hundreds of thousands of people living on occupied Turtle Island to end the genocide and support a liberated Palestine.

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    James Codega 11 months ago

    My name is James, and I am a resident of District 3 in Oakland. I'm calling on our city council to serve as a model for the rest of the country and say we will not be complicit and silent about the ongoing U.S.-Israeli genocide of Palestinian people. I urge city council members to join the City of Richmond in issuing a Resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine and taking action against the genocide in Gaza. I second others in saying, Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, an end to U.S. military financing of Israel, delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, as well as supporting the right of Palestinians to a free, unoccupied homeland.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.
    The city council and all communities in Oakland must act TODAY to publicly join the hundreds of thousands of people living on occupied Turtle Island to end the genocide and support a liberated Palestine.

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    Emily Kruger 11 months ago

    This is Emily Kruger, I live in District 3 and I am imploring you to stand with the people of Palestine and pass a resolution supporting a ceasefire. We must show our federal government that we are another city that refuses to sit in silence as our tax dollars support a genocide. We must stand firmly on the right side of history and demand a ceasefire now!

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    Sarah Price 11 months ago

    Hello, my name is Sarah Price and I'm an East Bay resident. I am writing to you begging you all to stand on the right side of history by passing a resolution condemning the ongoing genocide and massacre of Palestinian people & call for an immediate ceasefire. The world is watching as war crimes are being committed before our very eyes, via social media, the news, and through on the ground journalism. None of us who have witnessed these atrocities will ever be able to forget the video and photo footage of the absolute bloodshed and devastation these last 30 days have been shown us. History will not look back fondly on those who stayed silent or supported these crimes against humanity. If the international community refuses to hold war criminals responsible for their crimes, then no one is safe. This is not about religion or politics. This is about humanity and humanity must always prevail.

    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    Thank you

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    Sierra Goldstein 11 months ago

    My name is Sierra and I am an Oakland resident, a Jewish person urgently calling on elected officials to do their part in calling for a ceasefire and ending the genocide of Palestinian people.
    I am urgently calling on council members to :
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.
    This is a time to not be silent and to stand firm in our beliefs; that we must do everything in our power to support fights for freedom from oppression for all, that all people deserve a life of freedom, comfort, and safety.

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    JenMei Wu 11 months ago

    My name is Jen-Mei Wu. I live in District 5. Please pass a resolution in solidarity with the people of Palestine, naming and condemning the genocide being committed by Israel in the name of “self-defense” and the U.S. for sending weapons to be used to kill children and other innocent Palestinians. I know there are a lot of local issues of concern, but this is also a big issue of concern to Oakland residents. This gets brought up multiple times a day when I talk to fellow Oaklanders. Please take action ASAP and craft a resolution in the strongest possible language and then share on all of your channels, including social media. Let’s let the world know that Oakland stands on the right side of history.

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    Stephanie Conrad 11 months ago

    I'm Steph Conrad, a resident of District 3 in Oakland, and I'm reaching out to urge the City of Oakland to take a stand against the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people and call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Let us take inspiration from the City of Richmond and the County of Alameda, becoming a city that champions human rights.

    We, the constituents, insist that you represent the interests of Oakland residents who firmly oppose war crimes and human rights violations funded by U.S. taxpayers. We refuse to be complicit while the loss of over 10,000 lives, including more than 4,000 children, continues to rise every day.

    I implore you to consider passing a resolution to address this urgent issue, taking a decisive step toward ending the suffering of the Palestinian people. I second others above in saying Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    lejla ahmetspahic 11 months ago

    My name is Lejla Ahmetspahic and I'm a resident of the East Bay, a child of genocide, a war refugee, and a proud American citizen. I am writing to implore you to stand on the right side of history by passing a resolution condemning the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people & call for an immediate ceasefire. The world is watching as war crimes are being committed before our very eyes on TV and social media. History will not look back fondly on those who stayed silent or supported these crimes against humanity. If the international community refuses to hold war criminals responsible for their crimes, then no one is safe. This is not about religion or politics. This is about humanity. Humanity must prevail.

    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    Thank you.

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    Elmont Drayton 11 months ago

    Dear Oakland City Council,

    I am Bo, a resident of District 1 (D1), and I am writing to request that the Oakland City Council follow Richmond's example by issuing a resolution that affirms solidarity with Palestine. The people of Gaza are currently experiencing a dire situation, marked by US-funded genocide and ethnic cleansing. Shockingly, over 4,000 Palestinian children have lost their lives due to oppressive, colonial interests that the United States government, and consequently, local leaders such as yourselves, must unequivocally disavow.

    I believe that Oakland should:

    Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution that expresses solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle against genocide.
    Urgently convene a special meeting to pass this resolution.
    Ensure that information and updates regarding the above actions are disseminated across all available platforms.
    Your support for these actions would send a powerful message of compassion and support to those affected by this ongoing crisis. I respectfully urge you to consider these steps and take them to demonstrate our city's commitment to justice and human rights.


    Bo Drayton
    Oakland Resident, District 1

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    Hyejin Shim 11 months ago

    My name is Hyejin Shim and I have been an Oakland resident of district 2 for the past 12 years. I implore the City of Oakland to stand on the right side of history by speaking out firmly against the horrific genocide happening against Palestinians in not only Gaza but the West Bank. I ask that you:

    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    This issue is of utmost importance, and it will absolutely be a deciding factor for each and every election I will vote in. I will not only vote against any candidate who fails to condemn these horrific war crimes that have already cost upwards of 10,000 lives in the last 30 days, but I will organize other Oakland voters to do so as well. We who have been protesting and speaking out are the most civically engaged constituents of Oakland, who are ready and willing to fight for what is right. In this time of rising fascism, we will not be satisfied with our elected officials doing the bare minimum. We will not settle for you simply being a good option by virtue of not being Trump. We will not vote for you for being a kinder, gentler supporter of American war crimes. We demand that you represent the interests of the people of Oakland, who will ALWAYS stand against the crimes of genocide—including Israel's.

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    Caitlin McKenna 11 months ago

    My name is Caitlin McKenna, and I am a resident of District 3 in Oakland. I'm calling on our city council to serve as a model for the rest of the country and say we will not be complicit and silent about the ongoing U.S.-Israeli genocide of Palestinian people. I urge city council members to join the City of Richmond in issuing a Resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine and taking action against the genocide in Gaza. I second others in saying, Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, an end to U.S. military financing of Israel, delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza, as well as supporting the right of Palestinians to a free, unoccupied homeland.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.
    The city council and all communities in Oakland must act TODAY to publicly join the hundreds of thousands of people living on occupied Turtle Island to end the genocide and support a liberated Palestine.

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    Madiha Haque 11 months ago

    Hi! My name is Madiha Haque and I am a resident of the east bay. I am deeply distraught by the events taking place in Palestine. The Palestinian people are suffering and the City of Oakland needs to call for a ceasefire immediately. We need to follow suit of Alameda and Richmond.

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    Marjan Akrami 11 months ago

    My name is Marjan Akrami, and I'm a proud resident of the east bay.
    The City of Oakland has always been a beacon of progress and social change. It is with this spirit that we implore you to sponsor and pass a resolution condemning the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people. We cannot remain silent while these atrocities continue.
    We must follow the admirable precedent set by the City of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee, who have already taken a stance against the injustices in Palestine. This is not a matter of politics; it's a matter of humanity and morality. It's the bare minimum we can do to stand on the right side of history.
    I cannot emphasize enough how urgent this matter is. Every moment that passes without action perpetuates suffering and injustice.
    I implore you to imagine the pain and suffering endured by innocent Palestinians, the anguish of families torn apart, and the desperation of those living under occupation.
    This resolution is an opportunity to make a profound difference, to make a stand for justice, and to demand an end to the U.S. military aid to Israel. We can be a city that champions human rights, and I believe that together, we can make a difference.
    Please, I urge you to pass this resolution and take a decisive step towards ending the suffering of the Palestinian people. Let Oakland be a shining example of compassion and justice. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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    Esme Sohn 11 months ago

    Hello! I'm Esme Sohn, a D6 resident. I am writing to ask the Oakland City Council to join Richmond in issuing a resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine. The people of Gaza are facing US-funded genocide and ethnic cleansing. Over 4,000 Palestinian children have been killed in the name of oppressive, colonial interests that the United States government, and by extension local leaders such as yourself, must disavow.

    I second others above in saying Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Ayya Elzarka 11 months ago

    My name is Ayya Elzarka and I live in District 2 in Oakland. I am calling upon the City of Oakland to follow the lead of the City of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee to sponsor and pass a resolution condemning genocide of the Palestinian people. Our state-elected representatives have not taken bold enough action to denounce the genocide of over 10,000 people in this month alone. Not only are innocent civilians dying in large numbers, Israel is guilty of violating a number of guidelines established in international law, and their actions need to be stopped immediately. This includes: starvation (Article 54 of Additional Protocol), not distinguishing civilian populations (Article 48 of Additional Protocol), depriving relief (Article 82b xxv of ICC statute), and the use of illegal legal weapons (white phosphorus). Therefore, it is up to you, as our local officials to stand on the right side of history with this resolution. Every day the genocide escalates and Israel becomes more bold with their genocidal intent as the world sits back and allows it to happen. As our tax dollars are currently being used to fund this genocide, we cannot be part of that silence.

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    Sarah Fathallah 11 months ago

    My name is Sarah Fathallah and I'm a resident of Oakland's District 3. I urge the city council 1) draft and pass a formal resolution in solidarity with the Palestinian people, who are being subject to ethnic cleansing and genocide by the Israeli state backed by the United States, and to 2) unequivocally call for an immediate ceasefire and entry of humanitarian aid and support in Gaza, echoing the demands of the tens of thousands of your constituents in Oakland and people across the Bay Area who have been mobilizing in recent weeks.

    On Tuesday, October 24, Richmond City Council boldly passed a resolution standing against genocide in Gaza, making it the first city in the United States to stand on the right side of history on this critical issue. Oakland can set a powerful precedent to heed our calls and hopefully lead a wave of solidarity across the nation.