Meeting Time: November 07, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item


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    Aisha Siddiqui 11 months ago

    I am a homeowner in Oakland District 2 and I implore our representatives in the Oakland City Council to call for a resolution to support a ceasefire in Palestine and affirming solidarity with Palestinians against genocide. I call for a special meeting of the City Council to pass this resolution, announced before November 7. The Richmond City Council has passed a resolution that serves as an example. Please stand up and use your power to do what you can and stand on the right side of history, and against oppression. Rest assured we will all remember the actions of each council member when it is time for elections.

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    Rmy Doucet 11 months ago

    My name is Remy Doucet, and I am an Oakland resident of district 3. I urge you to sponsor and pass the resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire and to allow immediate humanitarian aid to Gaza. Oakland residents have made our voices heard through protests and calls to elected officials. Please show national administration what the will of the people is.

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    Nena Barnes 11 months ago

    Dear Oakland City Council Members,

    My name is Sienna Barnes. I'm a resident of Oakland, D3. I am writing to urge you to sponsor and pass a resolution that affirms solidarity with the Palestinian people, that calls for an immediate ceasefire, and that condemns the state of Israel's occupation, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide committed against the Palestinian people.

    I have friends in Gaza, I have friends with family members in Gaza, and I wake up/go to sleep every day waiting to learn if they've been killed, or worse, buried under the rubble. Over 10,000 Palestinians have already been killed and more are being killed every hour. Their blood is on our hands.

    I second the others in asking you to:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution IMMEDIATELY.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    I implore you to be on the right side of history, and make a stand for our collective humanity. Call for a ceasefire, now.

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    Ris Coto 11 months ago

    My name is Ris and I am a resident of the East Bay. I implore Oakland City Council members to stand on the right side of history by passing a resolution condemning the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people and calling for an immediate ceasefire and end to the occupation. This resolution is an opportunity to make a profound difference, to make a stand for justice, and to demand an end to the U.S. military aid to Israel. On Tuesday, October 24, Richmond City Council boldly passed a resolution standing against genocide in Gaza, making it the first city in the United States to stand on the right side of history on this critical issue. Oakland can set a powerful precedent to heed our calls and hopefully lead a wave of solidarity across the nation.

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    Sharon Mulligan 11 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland District 4, and I urge the Oakland city council to strongly oppose the genocide of Palestinians, and to call of a ceasefire in Gaza now. As a Jewish American, opposition to the the Israeli military's murder of Palestinians does not make me feel unsafe, and is not anitsemitic. On the contrary, ANY genocide of ANY people is what makes me feel unsafe.
    The Oakland City Council has a chance to take an important historic stand, and be the voice of 66% of Americans, across party lines, who want a ceasefire.
    Thank you.

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    Carolina Prado 11 months ago

    Hi I am a district 2 resident and I support the city of Oakland calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as well as the end U.S. military aid to Israel for the clear war crimes against the Palestinian community.

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    Cassidy Jones 11 months ago

    My name is Cassidy Jones and I am a resident of District 2. As a local resident deeply concerned about the pervasion of global justice and human rights, I urge the council to do the following as a bare minimum in support of affirming solidarity with Palestine:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.
    I am deeply emotionally tied with the safety and liberation with Palestine. Oakland has a long tradition of standing against the oppressive systems the United States government deems acceptable. I hope you will join the example of our neighboring city of Richmond in denouncing the genocide of the Palestinian people and the United States governments support and funding of the Israeli military. Please condemn this active genocide of over 10,000 people. "A name is not a word. It is not a number. It is a world. A whole world is lost when someone dies." Imagine 10,000 worlds, and please take action.

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    Lane Berman 11 months ago


    My name is Lane Berman and I am a Jewish Oakland resident of District 3. As a Jewish anti-Zionist, it is shameful to see the justification of a genocide predicated on creating a “home” for Jews through the ethnic cleansing and displacement of Palestinians. Following decades of this violent subjugation, we are now watching the genocide in Palestine’s Gaza strip accelerated, up close and personally through Palestinian journalists and social media. There have been over 10,000 confirmed murders by the state of Israel in under a month, and as United States citizens whose tax dollars have been used to support the state of Israel since nearly its inception, we need to take a moral stance against the occupation of Palestine and demand an immediate ceasefire. It is, quite literally, the least we can do.
    I am writing to urge you to please:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.
    This is a time to not be silent and to stand firm in our beliefs; that we must do everything in our power to support fights for freedom from oppression for all, that all people deserve a life of freedom, comfort, and safety.

    Thank you,
    L Berman
    Resident of District 6

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    farzana serang 11 months ago

    My name is Farzana Serang, I am a resident of Oakland in District 1. I urge you,my representatives, to sponsor and pass a resolution that demands an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, calls for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel and the allowance of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and condemns the genocide of the Palestinian people. I am inspired by the steps already taken by the City of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee to declare their solidarity with Palestine; I ask you to do the same.

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    Seema Badar 11 months ago

    Hello Oakland City Council,

    My name is Seema Badar and I am a Bay Area resident. I urge you to sponsor and pass the resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the Israeli genocide, and allow immediate humanitarian aid into Gaza. Since October 7th over 10,000 people have died and over 5000 of those are kids. Israel has bombed hospitals, schools, aid warehouses, evacuation routes, and entire multi family residential buildings. These are international war crimes. Please pass the ceasefire resolution immediately to prevent more innocent lives lost

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    Marcelo Vaz 11 months ago

    My name is Marcelo Vaz. I am an Oakland native and current resident of District 3. I am writing today to beg that you, as representatives of our city, take a stand against genocide and demand an immediate ceasefire in Palestine and stop our tax money from going to Israel to fund genocide. I am a Jewish American, and beyond all, a human, and we cannot stand by and watch Israel wipe other humans off of this Earth.

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    Haley Bash 11 months ago

    I have been a resident of Oakland D3 for the last decade. I urge you to sponsor and pass a resolution to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Cassia Artanegara 11 months ago

    My name is Cassia Artanegara. I have been resident of Oakland in District 3 for the past three years. I urge you, my representatives, to sponsor and pass a resolution that demands an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, calls for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel and the allowance of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and condemns the genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel’s apartheid regime. I am inspired by the steps already taken by the City of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee to declare their solidarity with Palestine; I ask you to do the same.

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    Rina Breakstone 11 months ago


    I am writing to you as an Oakland District 1 resident and an American Jew with family members living in Israel. I am asking you to:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    The actions of the Israeli government (blindly supported by the US government), do not reflect my Jewish values. The resolution to condemn the genocide of Palestinian people living in the occupied territories does NOT threaten my safety. Very much so the opposite. My safety, physically and emotionally, depends upon the freedom and safety of the Palestinian people. I ask that you be inspired by Angela Davis, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Michelle Alexander, and the many other brilliant activist writers and leaders of our time. Make the decision to be on the right side of history. Condemn the genocide of over 10,000 innocent Palestinian civilians, more than 1/3 of whom are children.

    Thank you,
    Rina Breakstone

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    Cristina Cabrera 11 months ago

    My name is Cristina Cabrera and I am a resident of Oakland in District 1 for over five years. I call on the City of Oakland to speak out and act now against the US-Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people both in Gaza and in the West Bank. I second the voices of my fellow Oaklanders in urgently calling for a ceasefire and for solidarity with Palestinians. As a member of the Bay Area LGBTQ+ community, I stand with Palestine and vehemently reject the pink-washing of Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing. 10,000 lives lost is already far too many. Join your constituents in standing with Palestine now.

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    Haley Mayes 11 months ago

    Dear Oakland City Council,

    my name is Haley Mayes, i am a proud east bay resident and i am writing to express support for Palestinian liberation and an end to the U.S. funded israeli occupation of Palestine. Oakland can best represent its citizens by:

    -Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution, following Richmond’s model, affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide. Condemn Israeli leadership’s ethnic cleansing and collective punishment.

    -Use your power as the City Council President (Oakland Municipal Code 2.20.070-A) and Chair of the Rules & Regulations Committee (Rule 23 of the City Council’s current Rules of Procedure) to call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency. More than 8,000 Palestinians have been killed in the last three weeks. Following the usual three-week procedure for introducing new agenda items is unacceptable while genocide is escalating.

    -Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms (including social media, website, and email lists) so that we, your constituents, know that you are accountable to us and transparent in your communications.

    Thank you in advance for choosing to stand on the right side of history and fight for human rights.

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    Miche Alvarez 11 months ago

    Hello my name is Miche Alvarez, I am a D2 resident. I am writing to urge the Oakland City Council to join Richmond in issuing a resolution affirming solidarity with Palestine. Ceasefire now, we are running out of time!

    Oakland must:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

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    Aiyana Redwood 11 months ago


    My name is Aiyana Redwood and I was born and raised in Oakland. My family has invested decades of love, attention, and money into Oakland and it's communities throughout the time that they all have lived here. I have been deeply affected by Israels genocide of the Palestinian people. I can no longer participate in my life before, knowing that my country sends $3.3 billion a year to fund Israel. I turn to my local government to make my voice heard so that I can tell my children and grandchildren that I was not silent. We, and you all in the city council, are complicit in the murder of over 10,000 and counting human beings with our own government funding. If you truly value and stand for housing rights, refugee rights, domestic violence prevention, and youth and educational rights for your people, you must also uphold these values for people in Palestine. If you cannot uphold these values for the people in Palestine, how can we trust you will uphold them for the people in your city that you are responsible for?
    Oakland MUST:
    - Sponsor or co-sponsor an advisory resolution affirming solidarity with Palestinian people against genocide.
    - Call for a special meeting to pass this resolution with extreme urgency.
    - Post information and updates regarding the above actions on all of your platforms.

    Thank you.

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    Bex Sussman 11 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland and the grandchild of a man who fled Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. And it is as a Jew that I say I would feel safest in a city that deems the lives of Palestinians to be worthy of protection, because the struggles of all oppressed peoples are interconnected, and none of us are free until Palestine is free.

    And I just want to add—no matter what “side” you are on, this genocide, and the occupation from which it emerges, does not keep *anyone safe. Not Palestinians, not Israelis, and not Muslim people or Jewish people in the Diaspora. Both Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism are on the rise nationally. This will only continue as the atrocities Israel is committing continue to be bankrolled by our tax dollars. That is why the Oakland City Council must meet the urgency of this moment by passing a resolution that demands a ceasefire, condemns Israel’s apartheid regime, recognizes the current and ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people, and calls for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel.

    A failure to denounce the genocide that is annihilating the people of Gaza and would constitute a failure to represent the countless Oakland residents who have a heart and a moral compass. There is a clear answer here, and a clear way to be on the right side of history.

    Please, be courageous, and take this opportunity to be true leaders. My people have a saying—"Whoever saves a single life, saves an entire universe." Imagine how many universes we could save.

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    AS Ikeda 11 months ago

    My name is A.S. Ikeda. I’m a volunteer with multiple Oakland organizations for housing and food justice. I am following up on emails sent to some of you, including Council President Fortunato Bas and Vice Mayor Kaplan. Witnessing Israel’s ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people has changed me forever—my life cannot continue as normal in the face of horrific violence beyond human comprehension, with an official death toll over 10000 and growing every minute, and thousands more unaccounted for. I believe that each of you ran for office out of deep care for the people you serve, and I call upon you now to fulfill that duty to your constituents. We call upon you to name what Israel is doing to Palestinians as genocide and to condemn it. There can be no neutrality in the permanent devastation that is genocide. There can be no neutrality when our leaders at the highest levels continue to fail us by actively facilitating genocide in our name with our taxpayer money. Use all your power, do everything in your control to introduce a resolution against the genocide of Palestinian people, and call a special meeting to pass it immediately. Show the world that the City of Oakland remains steadfast in its commitment to justice and has the courage to stand on the right side of history. Your people are speaking to you, will you listen in our time of need? We will remember your response.