Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Stephen Marks 10 months ago

    Everyone in Oakland supports peace, prays for peace, and works for peace, but this resolution from our city thousands of miles away will not bring us peace. It will, however, likely lead to more harassment and hatred of the Jewish community. As a private citizen, I want my City Council to focus on issues related to Oakland, not International ones. As far as I know, we have no resolutions in support of Ughurs, Yazidis, Kurds, Tibetans, Palestinians killed by Syrians, or any other International conflict. As a member of the Jewish community, I fear the anti Israel behavior and antisemitism which is already growing and makes Oakland a less safe place for many of our residents, especially in the Jewish community. Please remember that there was a ceasefire on October 6, but Hamas does not comply with ceasefires, and an immediate one would only allow them to rearm and kill more Israelis, as is their stated goal. But I don't mean to digress into International politics. Please don't pass or make International resolutions which will drive Oaklanders apart. Let's make local resolutions which bring the people of Oakland together.

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    Emma Dewey 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident of District 1. I am in full support of this resolution. As a city within the US, whose tax dollars are being used to fund Israel's indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians, it is absolutely our responsibility to call for an immediate ceasefire. A resolution from the city will make a strong statement reflecting the voices of millions of Americans and thousands of Oaklanders calling for a ceasefire and affirming the right of the Palestinian people to justice, safety, and sovereignty.

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    Charles Feltman 10 months ago

    Hamas has previously used time when NOT attacking Israel to plan later attacks. The recent murder (let's not call it anything else) of Israelis on October 7 is what caused the Israeli response, as prior to that only titt-for-tat responses were made to rockets sent across the Israeli border. When you consider the need to secure borders the presence of Hamas in Gaza is a continual threat - Prior to October 7 however Israel was prepared to accept occasional attacks to avoid an invasion but now with hostages that option is no longer one any country could accept.

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    Sandy Rappaport 10 months ago

    The City Council should not spend their time on international conflicts, especially given how many local problems there are, especially crime (been waiting over a month for the Oakland police to investigate a more than $100K theft from an elderly resident of an assisted living facility in Oakland). Moreover the City Council has never issued a resolution about the Yazidis, Kurds, Tibetans, Ughurs, or any other conflict (except Ukraine). As well, resolutions like this tend to inflame people's passions and generally lead to anti Israel and anti Semitic speech and behavior. The safety of the Jews in the Oakland community and surrounding areas should be protected by its government rather than be put at more risk.

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    Andrea Leitereg 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and fully support the call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Trinh Nguyen 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident of District 3, I am in full support of calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. I stand with the moral doctrine of human rights, which is being deprived from the Palestinian people in Gaza.

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    Karen Bloom 10 months ago

    This war is a tragedy caused by Hamas. One tiny mention of the hostages? No mention at all of Hamas? Calls for ceasefire imply that Israel should not exist as a Jewish state. Is this what Oakland wants to say?
    One side of this war is evil - the side not mentioned in this resolution, and the other side is trying to defend itself and prevent such evil from happening again. Of course we mourn the deaths of innocents. Hamas alone is responsible for all of their deaths.

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    Deborah Reback 10 months ago

    I strongly oppose this resolution. Oakland has so many of its own problems is this the best use of the councils time ? But if you feel strongly that you need to pass a resolution. Please condemn Hamas for brutally murdering innocent Israeli civilians. Please condemn Hamas for using Gazan civilians as human shields, Please condemn Hamas for not allowing their people to flee when Israeli soldiers tell them to do so to save themselves. Please condemn Hamas for vowing to keep murdering Jews until they are wiped off the face of this earth ( which is the real definition of genocide ). All people should be able to live in peace. Israelis and their Arab neighbors. A ceasefire without ending Hamas won’t help that goal.

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    Rami Ibrahim 10 months ago

    I am a resident of District 1, and it is imperative, that the city of Oakland call for a cease-fire immediately. After over 40 days of this genocide, over 13,000 Palestinians killed, over 6000 Palestinian children murdered, thousands still trapped under the rubble, with 70% of Palestinian civilians in Gaza rendered homeless, Oakland residents stand firmly for an immediate cease-fire. There have been multiple actions in Oakland, including anti-Zionist Jewish members of the Oakland community who were arrested at the federal building for calling for an immediate cease-fire. Our hard earned tax dollars in Oakland go towards Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people, and it is time to end to our unconditional funding of Israel’s war crimes, with money we could use for housing, healthcare, and education. The city of Oakland and the Palestinians in Gaza need the city council to vote Yes on this resolution immediately.

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    Shell Ku 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland D2 resident and I am proud of our Oakland City Council Members for taking this courageous stand against genocide. I urge you all to pass this resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Susan Simon 10 months ago

    I don't know why a City Council believes that they have to take a stand on an international issue that doesn't involve the City of Oakland. And I don't understand why the City Council is taking a stand on THIS particular conflict when it remains silent, year after year, on horrors all over the world. There are people being slaughtered all over the world by religious fanatics who want everyone to believe what they believe, behave as they say to behave and yet this tiny sliver of land is getting your attention. Please fix the real problems in our city and stop trying to influence others on matters that have nothing to do with your governing. Make Oakland safer. Make Oakland government more efficient. Make Oakland government less wasteful. Make Oakland government more responsive to the needs of its citizens. Reduce the problem of homeless people in Oakland. When you solve those problems, perhaps you will have advice for others in different places. Stop the nonsense and get to work!

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    Darius Rudominer 10 months ago

    It is vitally important to speak out against the occupation and genocide of Palestine, especially right now. The US must pressure for a ceasefire to end this horrific loss of life, and resolutions like this one are important for laying the groundwork towards that. A ceasefire is not sufficient, the occupation of Gaza must end. But the first step is a ceasefire, and I urge the assembly to adopt this motion

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    Meredith Song 10 months ago

    I am a resident in district 1 and unequivocally support the resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, I believe it is a crucial first step to halting the genocide against Palestinians.

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    Greg Sterling 10 months ago

    I'm a resident of the Montclair district in Oakland. Any resolution must also condemn Hamas terror. Hamas is an organization whose main objective is the killing of Jews and destruction of Israel.

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    Sara Kohgadai 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland in District 2 and I whole heartedly support this resolution. The Gaza Strip is similar in size as Oakland to Berkeley and down to Fremont (25 mi x 5 mi) with over a million more people living in it than the entire Alameda County. That fact haunts me. For over 45 days, there has been CONSTANT bombing that has resulted in not only the displacement of millions of people, but the deaths of over 15,000 civilians. HALF of them are CHILDREN. Thousands more aare missing under rubble, maimed, risking water-born illness, and now homeless facing the elements as we near winter.

    Nearly every justification for the continued bombardment in Gaza describe the further use of war crimes (ie collective punishment).

    The racist rhetoric in response to the cries for ceasefire and labeling the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people for what it is is shocking. Dismissing support for Palestinians as "supporting terrorism" is reminiscent of post-9/11 nationalism that many of us cannot tolerate living through again.

    It should not be this hard to speak up for what is right. Given the City of Oakland's history of resistance in the face of racist policies and discrimination, a city council resolution such as this one is long overdue. The city council has a chance to represent the humanity of its constituents where our federal representatives have failed us.

    Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza, acknowledge the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people, and let

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    Elizabeth Fleischman 10 months ago

    This resolution is absolutely outside the bounds of Oakland's business. There are many social issues that plague our city, which we should instead focus all of our attention and efforts on. This resolution instead casts aspersions on international affairs which have no bearing on our city.

    I addition, this resolution fails to unequivocally condemn Hamas' actions of 10/7, or call to release ALL hostages immidately.

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    Lauren Helfand 10 months ago

    Oakland has no business in international affairs. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Israel is a real country dealing with the atrocities wrought by Hamas. Oakland, on the other hand, has real and serious issues of its own. Please focus on solving those issues immediately rather than being distracted by international affairs.

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    LM Ga 10 months ago

    I oppose this resolution. Since the passing of the Richmond resolution, which used dehumanizing antisemitic tropes, I have seen an increase in Jew-hatred in Oakland, with my own eyes. Businesses have been vandalized, synagogues have had to pay for expensive extra security, and Jews have been denied service at restaurants. Personally, I have received explicitly antisemitic messages with no provocation except for my mere existence as a Jewish Oaklander. We need this to stop. Please focus on the myriad local issues in Oakland, instead of shifting the focus to a complex international conflict that cannot and will not be solved by passing a one-sided resolution. If "Love Life" is really the motto of Oakland, the quality of life for ALL Oaklanders should be prioritized. We are here too, we are hurting, and we matter. Please vote no.

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    Anne Levine 10 months ago

    Amend your resolution to include a condemnation of Hamas as a terrorist organization You cannot criticize Israel and be silent about the atrocities committed by Hamas

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    Josh P 10 months ago

    If the Oakland City Council wants to support the HAMAS death cult in Gaza... well I guess it is easier to pass resolutions than cleaning up the trash and lawlessness of Oakland. Good work guys