Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Lane Berman 10 months ago

    Thank you for voting on this important resolution - as a Jewish person it horrifies me to hear people use the suffering of my people as fodder for further violence and subjugation of other people. I am a longtime Oakland resident and I hope you will vote in favor of a resolution for a ceasefire in Palestine. It is - quite literally - the least we can do.

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    Sofia FrankReese 10 months ago

    As a Jew and an Oakland resident, Israel's horrific violence against civilians in Gaza goes against everything I believe in. I strongly support Oakland saying no to genocide, no to war crimes, and YES to an immediate and lasting ceasefire.

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    Marianne OlneyHamel 10 months ago

    I support this resolution for an immediate ceasefire! I am ashamed and devastated that the US is funding and supporting genocide in Gaza, against the will of the majority of Americans. Oakland elected officials, passing this resolution for a ceasefire would be aligned with the will of the majority of citizens in our city. I urge you to pass this resolution. Ceasefire NOW, and permanently, to save precious human lives.

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    Naomi HardyNjie 10 months ago

    Please Oakland City Council Members, I urge you to vote for an immediate ceasefire for the GENOCIDE happening IN PALESTINE!! Please put an end to the violence and bombings of people, hospitals, and homes. Humans are dying daily do NOT let colonialism win!

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    Ari Jones 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution calling for and end to violence so we can work toward lasting justice.

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    Marissa Betts 10 months ago

    As an Oakland Resident, my heart aches witnessing the ongoing suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. I urge Oakland City Council Members to support a resolution for an immediate and enduring ceasefire. The cries of innocent lives demand our collective action. Let us stand united for justice, human rights, and a lasting peace. Please, be the voice that echoes our community’s compassion.

    With hope,

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    Annabelle Hakim 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Bya Founas 10 months ago

    Be on the right side of history by passing this resolution and help support the end of this genocide. Palestinians have a right be free.

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    Joey Swerdlin 10 months ago

    As a Jewish resident of Oakland, I feel this is essential to humanity and my beliefs that the killing in Gaza ends immediately. Palestinians are humans and do not deserve to be murdered. Additionally, with friends and family in Israel, I believe that it is in all of our best interest that an immediate ceasefire is called for. This is the first step and only way to ensure that no more innocent Palestianians are murdered and that my friends and family remain safe from further escalation of the horrors we are witnessing.

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    Leti Morales 10 months ago

    Support a ceasefire resolution now!

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    Kyung Na Park 10 months ago

    I support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza

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    Eyman Elzarka 10 months ago

    My name is Eyman- I am an Oakland resident and strongly support the call for an immediate ceasefire! I call on my representatives to represent the majority of the Oakland population who stands with Palestine and stands against Israel's violent actions. We cannot be a city that honors Native Americans and supports a present day ethnic cleansing. This resolution stands up against the dehumanization of Palestinians that is causing anti- Arab & anti- Muslim hate crimes to be at an all time high IN AMERICA- it is the responsibility of my elected officials to protect me as a hijabi muslim woman. Ceasefire now!

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    Sophie OC 10 months ago

    Over 10,000 Palestinians are dead including thousands of children. This is already too many. The humanitarian situation continues to be dire with millions in danger. Anyone with a heart should be supporting an immediate, permanent ceasefire, allowing aid and journalists into the region permanently. And a free Palestine. Genocidal violence is unacceptable. The Israeli system of apartheid, racial violence and occupation is unacceptable. Israel's holding hostage of over 10,000 Palestinian people in foreign prisons is unacceptable. Bombing hospitals is unacceptable.

    As American citizens whose tax dollars are supporting war crimes, atrocities, and injustices, the city of Oakland should absolutely take a stand with this resolution. Thank you ❤️

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    Nabiha Nuruzzaman 10 months ago

    I am a muslim resident, bay area physician, and constituent of Oakland. I fully support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Please do everything legislatively possible to end the collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza. We are following the precedent set by the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. We are complicit in genocide by our silence and federal funding—let’s end our silence now, and commit to ending our funding.

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    saba sadeghi 10 months ago

    I wholeheartedly support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. This is a genocide - it is cruel to not support the Palestinian people in this time in attaining simply the right to exist, let alone their freedom. City Council of Oakland, I implore you to stand on the right side of history - how do you want to be remembered ?

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    Emma Walters 10 months ago

    I'm a queer resident of Oakland and I fully support this resolution to support a ceasefire and support of people of Palestine. Oakland against hate in all forms!

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    Olivia Nouriani 10 months ago

    We must call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and stand against the horrific siege against the occupied people of Gaza. The people of Oakland have long paved the way in global fights against oppression, and I call on our City Council to stand on the right side of history, and have the courage to join cities like Richmond and Alameda in condemning this genocide.

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    Barsana Riyaz 10 months ago

    Palestinian lives matter. Ceasefire now.

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    Jillian Zdepski 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident, and a life long Bay Area resident, who calls for an immediate permanent ceasefire and to lift the siege on Gaza. Thank you for drafting this resolution, and I sincerely hope that Oakland will join cities such as Alameda, Richmond, and Detroit to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and against genocide.

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    Sye Gratz 10 months ago

    I am a queer Jewish constituent of Oakland. I am in full support of a ceasefire resolution. I call on Oakland, a place that works locally to remarriage the land, to do everything legislatively possible to contribute to the upending of the long standing apartheid, and occupation of Palestinians funded by the US government and military. As a Jewish person, with family who survived genocide and pogroms, there is nothing more necessary than to
    Support the liberation of Palestine. The IDF Is not defending Israel, they are utilizing the brutal Oct 7th attack as justification to wipe out an entire civilian population on their way to claim oil and land for economic gain. The Israeli government is a disappointment to their own people who want the safe return of their hostages. Instead Israel continues to bomb, using the name of the Jewish people and Jewish sovereignty, no care for collateral that even includes their own people. It must end now. Ceasefire now! No more children being bombed by US tax dollars!