Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Sonya Or 10 months ago

    Please don’t spread antisemitism; don’t support Hamas terror.

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    Zoe LopezMeraz 10 months ago

    A ceasefire is the minimum request. I support the right to return. I support humanitarian aid being delivered. I support self determination. I support the economic and political progress Palestine deserves to create on their own terms. Those of us in solidarity for the freedom of all oppressed people across the globe demand steps to divest from the war machine. We condemn endless war paid for with our taxes. We condemn endless war that further harms the planet. We condemn the unfathomably advanced technology and militarized police state that wreak terror across the world. We demand our resources be spent on advancing national human rights of healthcare, housing, education, and food at a minimum, that could be paid for with those murder dollars currently being pumped into imperialist nations across the world. We must do better.

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    Judith Klinger 10 months ago

    For the love of Pete, WHY? Why is this Council wasting its time on a foreign policy resolution? I'm involved in the Dimond Improvement Association and we volunteers have to do all the municipal functions to maintain our neighborhood: all the litter pickup, grant writing for safety ambassadors, pulling footage of criminal activities for the police, etc., etc. One of you Council Members said that if the Federal Gov't weren't spending money in the Middle East, it could spend money domestically. Same applies here! If Oakland weren't spending its time on maters outside of its control, it could be spending its time on those matters both within its control and its responsibility: the City of Oakland. PLEASE instead of bending to the loudest voices (and worrying about electability?), just make our city run better. Thank you.

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    Clare Coburn 10 months ago

    I fully support the call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Ari vinion 10 months ago

    I urgently support this resolution for Oakland to join the many voices around the world calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Our collective liberation is all bound together, we cannot be silent in the face of genocide.

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    Seetha Sankaranarayan 10 months ago

    As a resident of district 3, I strongly support this resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Sarah Cornett 10 months ago

    I am a resident of D3. I strongly support this resolution. This is an important opportunity to stand in solidarity with the besieged people of Gaza. I only wish it could have happened sooner. Nearly 70% of Americans support a ceasefire, why shouldn't our town?

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    George King 10 months ago

    I was born in Oakland, raised in Oakland, and live and work in Oakland. I think the City Council should consider solutions regarding homicides, auto crime, retail theft and the myriad issues facing the residents of Oakland. There has not been a survey of Oakland residents regarding the issues in the current resolution. Opinions of residents vary. The residents of the city are being abandoned on local issues to deal with international issues.

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    Emily Geminder 10 months ago

    As a Jewish resident of Oakland, I strongly support the resolution calling for an immediate (and permanent) ceasefire. I've been incredibly moved to see the organizing of Jews and non-Jews across the country insisting that "never again" means never again for anyone. As an American Jew, I feel that I have a particular responsibility to condemn US support for Israel's genocidal actions and destruction. Our collective safety and liberation lies not in bombs, walls, fences, or safe rooms but in forging connections and insisting on our obligations to one another as humans.

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    Sarah Dayley 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland in 94602 and will be watching this vote closely. I strongly support a ceasefire resolution. What is being done to the people of Gaza is horrifying. So many children have been killed in this conflict. Even one child would have been too many; thousands is an unfathomable atrocity. As tax-payers in a country that has done so much to fund and support Israel’s military violence, this blood is on all of our hands. Supporting a ceasefire is a humane, achievable, and necessary step in affirming human life. I will vote and campaign against anyone who opposes it.

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    Sara Gutierrez 10 months ago

    Dear Council members,

    I deeply support this resolution in support of a ceasefire. We are witnesses to a genocide, and we must do anything and everything to stop more loss of innocent life. I urge you to vote in support as well.

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    Paz Lozano 10 months ago

    As a resident of District 1 in Oakland, I urge Oakland City Council members to vote in favor of this resolution. We need a permanent ceasefire, justice for the victims of these relentless war crimes, and a political solution to end the bloodshed. We cannot be passive in the face of an ongoing genocide against Palestinians. It is outrageous that our tax dollars are being used (yet again) in the wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians. I urge all of you to not be on the wrong side of history and send a clear message to the global community that we DEMAND a PERMANENT ceasefire NOW. A temporary pause is not and never will be enough to prevent this humanitarian catastrophe.

    I also want to say that for those council members who may decide to stand on the wrong side of this resolution, including my representative Dan Kalb who continues to post pro-Israel propaganda on his social media account, we are watching your actions and will not support you if you choose to run for re-election. I do not want any representative of mine to support genocide.

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    Saida Adem 10 months ago

    I support this resolution for an immediate permanent Cease Fire in Gaza. The world witness past 45 days the collective punishment of Palestnion civilians through unlawful force by Israel which is ware crime. More than 1.5 million people displaced, more than 7,000 still counting children killed. more than 14,000 still counting palestinion killed. More than 40.000 injured. Homes, hospitals, ambulance, roads, churches, mosques destroyed. Food, water, fuel is not allowed to enter to Gaza. For last 50 years 3 billion tax payer money given to Israel, now
    additional 14.3 billion. I don’t want my tax dollars to destroy Palestinians life. I urge you to pass this resolution. ceasefire NOW and permanently to save precious human lives. Thank you.

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    Madeleine McGee 10 months ago

    I support Oakland’s call for a permanent and immediate ceasefire. It is the most obvious and human choice we have. This is far too delayed and every second we do not call for one is more lives lost. You must ask yourself- what if this was your family? What would you do then?

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    Sarah Coduto 10 months ago

    I strongly support Oakland's call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza. I cried this morning watching a video of a father wrapping the bodies of his two daughters, both of whom looked to be under the age of 8. I'm ashamed to be celebrating a genocidal holiday today. I'm ashamed that American tax dollars are going to support a genocide.

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    Silvio Lesnick 10 months ago

    As a Jewish resident of Oakland (and parent of a mixed Ashkenazi/Egyptian/Filipino child), I support this resolution and ask that you do the same. 14,500 dead and rising. Find the courage to speak, and let us not be complicit in genocide!

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    Adil Jakvani 10 months ago

    Something that should have happened weeks ago. We need to support and pass this resolution immediately. We’re crossing astronomical numbers of innocent people killed. This should not be okay. Oakland needs to be on the right side of history and show its solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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    Murtaza Rizvi 10 months ago

    District 4 resident. Strongly condemn the genocide our government is complicit in.

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    Sarah Lee 10 months ago

    I am a resident of District 1 and strongly support this resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It's past time for Oakland to pass this resolution. Every day without the ceasefire, the death toll in Gaza rises, even from when the resolution was introduced. I'm hopeful that Oakland will join the growing number of cities calling for ceasefire.

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    Xy Indigo Golden 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution. Over 14,000 Palestinians have been killed including over 6,000 children. End US funded genocide. Ceasefire now