Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Aparajita Sood 10 months ago

    67 per cent of the more than 14,000 people killed in Gaza are estimated to be women and children. That is two mothers killed every hour and seven women every two hours. This has to end now. There’s nothing humanitarian about a pause.
    The Oakland city Council should stand with the voices of Palestinian and Israeli groups working for peace, to recognize their leadership and call for a complete and immediate ceasefire.

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    Aparajita Sood 10 months ago

    67 per cent of the more than 14,000 people killed in Gaza are estimated to be women and children. That is two mothers killed every hour and seven women every two hours. This has to end now. There’s nothing humanitarian about a pause.
    The Oakland city Council should stand with the voices of Palestinian and Israeli groups working for peace, to recognize their leadership and call for a complete and immediate ceasefire.

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    Aparajita Sood 10 months ago

    67 per cent of the more than 14,000 people killed in Gaza are estimated to be women and children. That is two mothers killed every hour and seven women every two hours. This has to end now. There’s nothing humanitarian about a pause.
    The Oakland city Council should stand with the voices of Palestinian and Israeli groups working for peace, to recognize their leadership and call for a complete and immediate ceasefire.

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    Leila Mire 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area resident and strongly support a permanent ceasefire, the release of all Palestinian hostages, and an end to the violent occupation of the Palestinian people. There is nothing humanitarian about this pause and renewed bombing does nothing to address the structural catastrophe Israel has created.

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    Taylor Isaacson 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish, anti-Zionist resident and I unwaveringly support a complete and total ceasefire.

    I recognize as a Jewish resident that this has nothing to do with religion and it has nothing to do with anti-semitism. What we are witnessing in realtime is modern day white supremacist settler colonialism and we have the opportunity to throw our weight into pressuring Israel to end this senseless genocide.

    The residents of Oakland are watching with keen eyes and we’re taking notes. We will remember the actions taken now in elections to come.

    I urge you to take your next steps with courage. Vote with the vast majority of your constituents and vote with your humanity. Never again means never again for *anyone*.

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    Sophi Hirsch 10 months ago

    My name is Sophi, I am a Jewish resident of Oakland. I support a permanent ceasefire, along with a release of all Palestinian political prisoners, humanitarian aid into gaza, and a permanent end to Israeli occupation in Palestine. There is no "pause" on genocide and ethnic cleansing, and Israel is not keeping to its word on what this "pause" would look like. The people of Oakland stand against Israel's heinous acts of genocide against the Palestinian people, as our elected representatives, do right by us and pass this resolution. This resolution is the least we can do as a city.

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    Talia Fradin 10 months ago

    My name is Talia, I am a Jewish resident of Oakland from district 3. I support a permanent ceasefire, along with a release of all Palestinian political prisoners, humanitarian aid into gaza, and a permanent end to Israeli occupation in Palestine. There is no "pause" on genocide and ethnic cleansing, and Israel is not keeping to it's word on what this "pause" would look like. The people of Oakland stand against Israel's heinous acts of genocide against the Palestinian people, as our elected representatives, do right by us and pass this resolution. This resolution is the least we can do as a city.

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    Johanna Lamboy 10 months ago

    As a Bay Area born and raised local, I demand for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine

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    Bryan Wong 10 months ago

    I am in strong, unequivocal support for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Israel is indiscriminately targeting civilians in bombings, use of white phosphorous, and enacting collective punishment on the 2.2 million people in Gaza. Israel should be charged with a multitude of war crimes.

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    Mait Garcia 10 months ago

    I support the congressional and worldwide calls for an immediate ceasefire. This has to stop now.

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    Geraldine Slevin 10 months ago

    I echo another Oakland resident's reminder of Barbara Lee's position on the war in Iraq. What is politically "risky" today is often the moral thing to do. International solidarity matters!!

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    Jay Helfand 10 months ago

    As a Jewish resident of Oakland, I oppose racism, colonialism and genocide here and everywhere. Never again means never again for anyone. Ceasefire now!

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    Kit Pa 10 months ago

    A ceasefire is the only way forward. We must push for justice and human rights. No more genocide. Ceasefire now.

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    Abby Bordin 10 months ago

    Oakland must stand with the Palestinian people against genocide, against ethnic cleansing, against carpet bombing that has killed thousands of innocent people. I am in full support for the resolution to support a ceasefire in Gaza and hope that more American cities will follow suit. Our government cannot continue to fund this genocidal, colonial violence that more than 60% of voters are against. Let them hear our voices. Ceasefire now.

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    Mags Christie 10 months ago

    As a resident in the Bay, I demand for support of an immediate ceasefire in Palestine.

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    Camille Santana 10 months ago

    I am writing to represent my family who lives in district 3, zip code 94609. We are 2 parents and 2 young kids. This resolution in solidarity with Palestine and in support of a permanent ceasefire of why we are proud to live in Oakland. Thank you for leading with integrity and purpose as human beings protecting the humanity of the Palestinian people and our humanity as a world that is watching genocide before our eyes. We will remember all of you in your next steps of your political journey based on how you vote on this important resolution in supporting a permanent ceasefire. Vote with your constituents and your humanity. We beg you. And after this resolution, please keep using your power and privilege as elected officials to be a vocal voice for justice in Palestine. It is OUR responsibility to keep pushing for justice in Palestine and a solution to end the systemic and unrelenting violence occurring in Palestine at the hands of Israel, backed by the U.S. Government. What’s happening is not right and each one of you knows it deep down. Stand with integrity and without fear. Your constituents and people across the U.S. and the world stand with you when you vote in support of protecting the humanity of Palestine.
    Thank you for your courage. Vote YES on resolution affirming support of Gaza and supporting a permanent Ceasefire.
    Sincerely, Camille, Nick, Naia (age 9), Nika (age 4)

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    James Burch 10 months ago

    Thank you to CM Fife for calling this special meeting. I am fully in support of a ceasefire.

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    Cassidy Shea 10 months ago

    I am a resident of the Bay Area and I strongly support the resolution to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Thank you to those who brought this forward. I hope this can be passed quickly to save as many lives as possible.

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    Priya Amin 10 months ago

    Hello, my name is Priya and I live in Uptown Oakland. I strongly urge Oakland City Council to support a ceasefire in Gaza immediately. I hope to see Oakland follow in Richmond's footsteps and condemn the genocide of the Palestinian people that Israel is carrying out with American taxpayer dollars. It is horrific, evil, and a waste of our resources.

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    Trang Nguyen 10 months ago

    My name is Trang and I am a resident of Oakland District 3 and I support the resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

    Our complicity in genocide through silence and federal funding necessitates a change. It is time to end our silence and commit to withdrawing our financial support. I call on all council members to exhibit courage and position themselves on the right side of history. Our actions must in line with the precedent set by the City of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee.

    Making a statement is imperative, especially as our federal administration not only endorses but also financially backs genocide. The ongoing tragedy in Palestine, with the United States contributing $3.8 billion annually, including $6,121,149 from Oakland, demands our attention. These resources could be more effectively utilized uplifting the lives of Oakland residents. We must express our opposition to allocating further funds for military occupation and genocide.

    Land you have to kill for is not yours. Land back for indigenous Palestinians and for all indigenous people across the globe. We will create a world where there will no longer be martyrs to Western imperialism and a world where the US will stop creating refugees. Thank you.