Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Moya Shpuntoff 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, I support an immediate, permanent ceasefire and an end to all US support for the oppression of Palestinians via the settler colony of Israel. Supporting genocide does nothing to honor my Jewish ancestors, and it does not protect me. Palestinians are asking for political pressure against Israel, and passing this resolution is the very least we can do to honor their wishes and beyond that, their fundamental human rights. No more US money, weapons, or political support for Israel - none of us are free until Palestine is free.

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    Maria Khatri 10 months ago

    Resident of the neighboring town of Alameda, previously worked in Oakland for 5 years. Wholeheartedly support a permanent ceasefire to protect and preserve the lives, homes, land and dignity of the Palestinian people. We cannot and will not keep funding the massacres happening there with our taxes.💪🏽🇵🇸

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    randi wenig 10 months ago

    I’m a resident of oakland district three and strongly support a resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire in gaza but this resolution barely covers it. i’m disappointed we are so far behind richmond on this. we need to stay true to oakland’s history and speak out against the genocide. call it what is is. a genocide and ethnic cleansing. condemn this and the constant war crimes in BOTH gaza and the west bank as well as the illegal occupation and detaining of civilians including CHILDREN. this is so urgent and i’m so dissappointed we lagged on this for so long.

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    Morgan Powell 10 months ago

    My name is Morgan and I am a District 3 resident. I support this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. I urge the Oakland City Council to stand in solidarity with Palestinians to end the U.S.-funded Israeli occupation and genocide.

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    Ethan Van Cleve 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland and I strongly support a immediate and permanent ceasefire.

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    Tiffany Wong 10 months ago

    I was born in Oakland and grew up in the Bay Area. I fully support the ceasefire and aid to the genocide of Palestinians. Our liberation are interconnected - we must stand against oppression and sick injustice.

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    Kiah Summers 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and in FULL support of a permanent ceasefire and end to Israel's genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people!

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    Sarah Ferrell 10 months ago

    I am a District 3 resident and I support this resolution to support an immediate ceasefire now, stopping all US aid for genocide, and sending this resolution to Bay Area governments as well as the California representatives, senators, and governor.

    Thank you Councilmember Fife for introducing this resolution and representing the vast majority of Oakland constituents.

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    Shanthi Sivasankaran 10 months ago

    I am strongly in support of a permanent ceasefire. As a Bay Area native and someone who lived in Oakland up until recently, I know Oakland is a beautiful and diverse city. The Palestinian cause echos with so many residents of Oakland. The situation in Gaza is dire, and violence throughout the region against Palestinians is ongoing. We all have to use our voices and the power we have to advocate for those in Gaza and speak out against what is clearly a genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. I urge every member of city council to find the courage to call for a permanent ceasefire and to advocate for the Palestinians right to be free. Please stand on the right side of history and use your position to amplify your community’s voices.

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    Paulina Polanco 10 months ago

    Palestinians deserve peace and safety just as much as everyone else. Ceasefire now.

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    Julia Oller 10 months ago

    My partner lives by Lake Merritt and I’m moving to the neighborhood next year. I want to live in a city that stands against inhumane treatment of Palestinians and that calls for an immediate ceasefire.

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    Hannah Halpern 10 months ago

    As a Jewish member of the Oakland community, I stand in full support of an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

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    Whitney Sparks 10 months ago

    I support a Permanent ceasefire in Gaza now! The city council must too.

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    Carson BlumenGreen 10 months ago

    This is a humanitarian issue, this is an active genocide. I was raised in the Bay Area and taught to value diversity and inclusivity. To oppose ceasefire is to deem the lives of Palestinian civilans and children as disposable. It is civilians and children who are sufferring the most, and the bombings are indiscriminately killing them. Support a ceasefire now!

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    Cherry Bogue 10 months ago

    I am an indigenous Oakland resident living in District 7.

    I encourage the city council to vote yes on the resolution to support a ceasefire in Palestine.

    As a community built on unseeded Ohlone territory, is it the bare minimum we as a city can do to show to the world and our federal government who is funding this genocide that we stand with the Palestine people.

    The absolute bare minimum in this situation is 1) a complete ceasefire and immediate humanitarian aid in Gaza, 2) complete halt of all military foreign aid to the Israeli government.

    The least we can do as a community is to bare witness to the massacre playing out in front of our eyes and say no more. Please vote in favor of this resolution so that further pressure is placed on Israel to end the apartheid and genocide of the Palestinian people. End the siege on Gaza. Demand a ceasefire now!

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    Kelly Wells 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident, and I strongly support this resolution. I have been profoundly disturbed and aggrieved by our government’s support for the ongoing genocide of Palestinians and their apartheid-level oppression and displacement. It is cruel, immoral, illegal, and does not serve the states purpose of creating lasting safety for Jews—it only fuels and endless cycle of death and destruction. We must demand a halt to this bloodshed, and call on the federal government to reinvest the billions of dollars that are currently bankrolling it back into our communities here. This is particularly true at a time when the federal government is cutting aid for life-sustaining programs like SNAP and student loan forgiveness. Instead of using our tax dollars to destroy housing in Gaza, use them to build housing in our city. Instead of bombing hospitals abroad, expand healthcare for all here. This is a no-brainer. PERMANENT CEASEFIRE NOW.

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    Christina Cotham 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    talia lowery 10 months ago

    ceasefire now. as a constituent i strongly oppose our community remaining a complacent enabler of genocide and imperialism. not in our name.

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    Vasudha Desikan 10 months ago

    I’m a resident of District 1. For over a month, genocide in Gaza has been livestreamed to our phones. We’ve watched the massacre of 20,000 people and displacement of 1.7 million Gazans. I have witnessed my Palestinian friends and colleagues struggle to function as every hour of every day brings more devastation and horrific news. Israel is able to enact this genocide because of US taxpayer funded “aid.” We cannot allow any more loss of life - as Oakland, we love life. Let’s stand in solidarity with Palestine like Richmond, Seattle and Atlanta have. Please pass this resolution immediately.

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    jenn bowman 10 months ago

    My name is Jenn, and I am a resident of Oakland from District 2. I support this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. As a black, queer woman, I understand that my identity and lineages are inextricably connected to the liberation of ALL people. Oakland has always represented resistance, from the Black Panthers to Indigenous communities calling for landback. Please do not let Oakland be complicit in the continued genocide of the Palestinian people. I encourage all councilmembers to be courageous and stand on the right side of history.