Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Kate Gilbert 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I urge the Council to pass the resolution and support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    A G 10 months ago

    I support the congressional and worldwide calls for an immediate ceasefire. Palestinians matter, every life is precious. Ceasefire now!

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    Kaya Wurtzel 10 months ago

    My name is Kaya Wurtzel, and I am a Jewish Oakland resident. My jewish values teach me that all life is precious. I wholeheartedly support this call for a ceasefire!

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    Katrina Mautner 10 months ago

    Please vote to approve this statement of solidarity and call for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. As a Jewish member of the community - it is important to me that Oakland stands behind all efforts to stop civilian loss of life and tragedies, even abroad, and make it known that the US as a country is not united behind these war crimes and the indiscriminate spending that fuels Israel's war.

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    Cee Hernandez 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident I am demanding that the Oakland council call for a cease fire. Use your platform to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian community here in Oakland and Palestine. Cease fire now!

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    SILAS SCHEER 10 months ago

    My name is Silas Scheer- I am a resident of Oakland - I strongly urge the council members to pass the resolution and support the call for a permanent and lasting ceasefire in Gaza and in all Palestinian territories. The Israeli military has been committing war crime after war crime against the Palestinian people and it must come to an end immediately. We need to divest all US aid from the Israeli apartheid regime. Free Palestine!

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    Natalya Bomani 10 months ago

    My name is Natalya and I urge council members to vote in favor of a ceasefire resolution effective immediately. As our tax dollars are implicated, we have a moral responsibility to denounce Israel's brutal occupation and genocide of Palestine. We need a permanent ceasefire and an end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

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    Sarina Nystrom 10 months ago

    I whole heartedly support and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

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    Chelsea Friedman 10 months ago

    Oakland city council needs to call for ceasefire immediately and stop the ethnic cleansing Israel is attempting on innocents civilians and children of gaza

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    Dolores Meza 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident of district 4 and I strongly support an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

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    Jamileh Ebrahimi 10 months ago

    I am a lifelong Oakland resident who strongly supports Oakland’s call for a permanent and immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It’s been 50 days of incessant bombing of innocent people, their homes, schools, hospitals, bakeries, water, sanitation systems and roads along the so-called “safe zones” - this is on top of 75 years of occupation and apartheid. It’s crucial that Oakland stands for life and humanity and joins the worldwide call for a ceasefire.

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    Eunhye Kim 10 months ago

    I stand with millions all over the world calling for an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza. I live in Oakland and operate a business in downtown Oakland.
    My community agrees that we must foster peace and demand a sustained ceasefire now! This is for the health and well being of all!
    Thank you!

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    Kate DeCiccio 10 months ago

    Im an Oakland resident, artist & cultural organizer. It is devastating to see our tax dollars used on behalf of genocide. It is our responsibility to assert that Oakland calls for immediate ceasefire & freedom for the Palestinian people.

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    Hannah Bogen 10 months ago

    I am a jewish resident of Oakland district 3 and I unequivocally support this resolution.

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    Ilian Meza Pea 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident of District 4 and I urge our council members to vote in favor of a ceasefire resolution. We have a responsibility to denounce genocide wherever it may be unfolding, and especially so when our tax dollars are being used to fund it. We need a permanent ceasefire and an end to Israel’s belligerent occupation of Palestine.

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    Abby B 10 months ago

    As a resident of Oakland and an anti zionist Jew, I support the passage of this resolution calling for a real ceasefire and an end to the funneling of US dollars to the Israeli military. Palestinians deserve peace and freedom and this is genocide.

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    Niya Paul 10 months ago

    I am echoing the voices of many who are calling on Oakland to stand against the ethnic cleansing and genocide being committed on Palestinians by the Israeli state, and to support a Ceasefire. Be bold in your support for Palestinian liberation and recognize the atrocities that Palestinians have been subjected to for 75+ years with the brutal theft and occupation of their land, and the violent apartheid regime they live under. None of us are free until all of us are free. Free Palestine!

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    Katy Kondo 10 months ago

    Yet another Oakland resident calling for a ceasefire now!

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    Emily Doman 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and work locally at an Oakland school. I support an immediate and permanent ceasefire.

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    Rina Breakstone 10 months ago

    As an American Jew and resident of Oakland of nearly 13 years, I request that Oakland supports the calls for an immediate and long term ceasefire in Gaza.