Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Eleanor Broh 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland, in District 5, and I support this resolution, an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and an end to the occupation.

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    Sav Singh 10 months ago

    Oakland resident here. Ceasefire and end the occupation now. Free Palestine.

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    Ellen Salazar 10 months ago

    Please add Oakland's voice to call for a ceasefire.

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    Fayrouz Ghanayem 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now! It’s the most humane stand to support ceasefire now

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    Kathleen Yi 10 months ago

    I was an Oakland resident for four years, and fully support immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It’s unfathomable to think millions of lives are being eradicated for political gains, and should not be tolerated.

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    Asma Shaikh 10 months ago

    I wholeheartedly support this resolution. We must do everything we can at every level to stop the genocide of our innocent, oppressed, and occupied Palestinian brothers and sisters by the apartheid State of Israel. Thank you Oakland for standing on the right side of humanity.

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    Tess Hoang 10 months ago

    I am a city of Oakland resident and I strongly support this resolution to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and to end the occupation of the Palestinian people and their land.

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    Susan Card 10 months ago

    I’m an Oakland resident and support this resolution.

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    LINDA Tieu 10 months ago

    I'm a constituent in Alameda County. Pass this resolution!!!

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    Kristin Fialko 10 months ago

    I support the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

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    Faris Jabbar 10 months ago

    From 30+ administrators in Oakland who have now signed on to a letter supporting an immediate ceasefire, we are in full support of this resolution, and an end to U.S. funding to support apartheid in occupied Palestine.

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    Yaffa As 10 months ago

    I wholeheartedly support this resolution as a queer and trans community member

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    Lauren Stoller 10 months ago

    I support the Oakland initiative to permanent ceasefire!! Current resident of Alameda, but lived in Oakland not too long ago. We urge you to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire to the genocide occurring in Gaza. We must be a voice to protect and preserve the lives, homes, land and dignity of the Palestinian people 🇵🇸

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    Avery Tamchin 10 months ago

    I was born in Oakland and still live in the East Bay. I strongly support a permanent and immediate ceasefire. Silence is complicity and I would love to see Oakland speak out against the injustices being committed against the Palestinian people.

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    Denise Villanueva 10 months ago

    I support the call for a permanent ceasefire in the occupied territories of Gaza. We cannot continue to support the apartheid state Israel has created.

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    Paloma Salazar 10 months ago

    I was born, raised, attended OUSD, live and work in Oakland (OUSD). Our city has a history of standing up against South African apartheid, the birth place of the black panther party. It is in our history, it is in our best interest to stand on the right side of history. I support a statement of cease fire from the City of Oakland.

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    Kimberly Nguyen 10 months ago

    I am a resident of the City of Oakland, and Oakland residents stand in firm opposition to the financial backing provided by the United States for what is considered as Israel's engagement in war crimes. It is crucial that our City Council, serving as our elected representatives, aligns with our shared perspective by officially endorsing this resolution. A mere temporary cessation of action falls short of addressing the issue adequately. We firmly support a sustained end to hostilities, the release of all Palestinian political prisoners, unimpeded entry to Gaza for essential humanitarian aid, the restoration of vital services including clean water, electricity, and internet, and an unambiguous termination of the illegal Israeli occupation and acts of terrorism.

    The adoption of a city resolution signifies the initial step that Oakland can take to express its opposition to Israel's occupation and the adverse impact on the Palestinian population. This underscores the minimal effort required to affirm the fundamental rights of Palestinians to justice and self-determination.

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    Lenore Musambacine 10 months ago

    Current resident of Alameda, but lived in Oakland not too long ago. We urge you to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire to the genocide occurring in Gaza. We must be a voice to protect and preserve the lives, homes, land and dignity of the Palestinian people 🇵🇸

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    Sakshi Srivastava 10 months ago

    I am a resident in District 3 and strongly support a this resolution calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed, and more will be killed if there is not a permanent ceasefire. We must stop all U.S. aid to Israel and end the continued occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people. Free Palestine!

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    Maggs Hanson 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area resident who has worked in Oakland in the fields of childcare and disability support. The children, families and people of Palestine deserve freedom, justice, and to live in safety and dignity. The cycles of violence perpetrated by the Israeli military occupation and ongoing settlement, and US military support thereof, must end. I support this resolution to demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire.