Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Guadalupe Martinez 10 months ago

    Oakland has the opportunity to join the millions in this country that call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, solidarity with Palestinians in their homeland - Palestine, and an end to all military aid to Israel. Public demonstrations over the past 40+ days come from decades long struggle for Palestinian freedom. Our demands are research-based (decades of testimony and historical documentation), and informed by the brave journalists in Gaza who are showing us the genocide happening against their people. And most importantly, the demands are deeply human - I don't want to see another martyred Palestinian. I want to see an end to this violence, and our complicity as U.S. tax-paying citizens that fund the military occupation abroad. Passing this call for a ceasefire is the first step toward being on the right side of history.

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    Sarah Rothe 10 months ago

    After witnessing the vitriol espoused at the Richmond City Council meeting where a similar, albeit more strongly worded resolution was considered, as well as the AC Democratic Committee, and experiencing the emotional turmoil of OEA’s (my union’s!) recent very divisive statement regarding the conflict, I strongly urge you not to do this. While it may seem simple to condemn violence against Gazans and call for a ceasefire, doing this is anything but - and your language matters. Antisemitic graffiti and vandalism is plaguing Oakland and it makes me fear for my children, thousands of miles away from the conflict. Instead of fomenting division and more pain, please focus on our local issues - build unity by working on the issues that need attention here: public dumping; busy signals when folks call 9-1-1; lack of affordable housing; teacher shortages; building bridges between Arab/Muslim and Jewish local communities who are both grieving right now… ANYTHING but more of this. I hope for a safe return of all hostages taken by Hamas, I hope for an end to attacks on civilians, I hope for peace, I hope for Palestinian sovereignty and a Palestinian state ALONGSIDE Israel, and most importantly, I hope for it to feel safe to be a Jew in Oakland again - a Jew who is critical at times of Israel, but who firmly believes in the country’s right to exist. But this is hurting our city, not helping. We can’t fix the Middle East from here. Can we please get back to focusing on city business?

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    Megan Noor 10 months ago

    The current 4-day temporary “ceasefire” is not nearly enough. Gazans cannot bury 14,000+ dead, locate thousands trapped under buildings, and receive enough humanitarian aid to sustain themselves in four days. This resolution is a message to the federal government and to Israel that Oakland stands with Palestine and will not continue to be a part of Israel’s genocide against Palestine. I strongly support this resolution and urge the counsel to pass it.

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    JP STUCKY 10 months ago

    I second this comment - I not want to see any more harm in this conflict. However, this type of resolution does little to change or impact a war that is across the world. The Oakland City Council needs to be steadfast and focused on issues of Oakland. They do not have the understanding or expertise to work on international issues. This resolution needs to be tabled. Like Council President Bas' letter, this resolution will only bring out divisiveness in our community. We need to work to bring the people of Oakland together, not tear this community apart. Focus on Oakland!

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    Jennifer Blecha 10 months ago

    The Palestinian people need the world to see and understand their plight, and to call for an immediate Ceasefire! The State of Israel and its military are doing violence to civilians and probably war crimes by bombing residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and targeting journalists. It is not anti-Semitic to oppose these actions. As a person of German heritage, I hope I would have opposed the Nazi government in its time. That would not make me anti-German. I support the lives and human rights of our Jewish friends and neighbors and our Palestinian kin. Oakland should add its voice to the growing chorus around the world for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Abby Hilling 10 months ago

    I stand with the Palestinian people. Please adopt the resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza

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    Carrie Schiff 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland city council district 6, and I support this resolution. It is NOT antisemitic to speak out against Israel’s oppressive policies, and I’m one of many antizionist Jews.
    I am also a healthcare worker in Oakland, and it is unfathomable the conditions in the healthcare system with bombings as well as lack of electricity, food, water, and housing. It is heartbreaking & unjust.
    The weapons of war are paid for by our tax dollars, and in Oakland and cities across the U.S., we have inadequate funding for affordable housing and other vital infrastructure. We should demand our federal government not spend one more dime on weapons to kill Gazans, and instead invest that money for much needed domestic priorities.

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    Tiffany Hua 10 months ago

    Oakland, CA needs to join Richmond, CA in calling for a ceasefire for Palestinians in Gaza. By doing so, Oakland can set an example and precedent that will encourage more cities to follow suit. Demanding a permanent ceasefire is the the first step in showing solidarity with Palestinians and in denouncing ethnic cleansing and genocide. Israel has massacred more than 13,000 Palestinians, most of which are comprised of civilians and CHILDREN. Palestinians civilians have been stripped of their homes, necessities and resources - Israel has committed serious war crimes in the actions they have taken during this conflict.

    Oakland needs to demand a permanent ceasefire and show solidarity with our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

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    Amanda Machado 10 months ago

    Detroit, Richmond and several other cities have already done this, and there's no reason Oakland -- a city that historically been on the right side of history in social justice movements of the past --- should not also be a leader in this fight. Oakland needs to take a firm stance against genocide, against apartheid, and against unchecked U.S. imperialism. Oakland should not only call for a ceasfire, but also divest all of its resources from supporting the state of Israel, to make clear that we will not tolerate war crimes.

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    Asia Laigo 10 months ago

    Please adopt the resolution to call for ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Mark Cohen 10 months ago

    This resolution is deficient because it fails to contain language acknowledging that it is Hamas's barbarism and brutality that has set in motion Palestinian and Israeli deaths. The failure to contain such language is an ideological choice that only serves to divide Oalkand citizens rather than unite us for the cause of peace. Hamas violated the cease-fire, kidnapped mothers clutching their babies, murdered 260 peaceful young adults at a concert and 1,200 people in total, raped women, mutilated bodies, operated its terrorist activities in a hospital, used Palestinians and human shields, withheld fuel from hospitals, shelled innocent civilians in Israel. None of these facts are mentioned in the resolution. We must free Palestine from Hamas's brutal rule.

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    Christina Gut 10 months ago

    It shouldn’t have taken city council this long to act! It is not antisemitic to demand an end to genocide. Israel is using Oakland tax dollars to murder babies, to bomb hospitals and refugee camps! Ceasefire now!

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    Schandelle Acosta 10 months ago

    As a resident of Oakland and Jewish American with family in Israel, I firmly support calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. It is not antisemitic to acknowledge and try to stop genocide. It is, however, Islamophobic to think that the actions of Hamas are equivalent to or justification for the actions of the IDF. There is no justification for the continual war crimes being committed by the IDF. There is no justification for denying Palestinian people safety, food, water, and access to medical care. Jewish values honor life, and the actions and dehumanizing violence of the Israeli government that we are seeing are not aligned with these values. Supporting this resolution is an important step in bringing this devastating violence to an end and fighting for Palestinian liberation.

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    RS Bennett 10 months ago

    It is not the City Council's responsibility to resolve anything related to international conflicts. It does not have the standing nor the expertise to do this. Table this resolution and use your time to do your ACTUAL jobs: Focus on trying to govern the City of Oakland, which has more problems to solve than you can currently manage.

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    David Blumenthal 10 months ago

    This resolution inflames tensions and invites antisemitism into our community. I don't feel physically safe going to the council meeting to oppose this, a sign that we're encouraging intimidation and violence instead of trying to reduce it. I strongly oppose this measure.

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    Gillian Silver 10 months ago

    Thank you councilmembers for convening this meeting and for agreeing to vote YES to affirm support for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza. I am a long-term resident of Oakland (currently living in District 4), a queer Jew and descendant of Holocaust survivors. I stand in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and the diaspora. Although some would have us believe that the genocide perpetrated by the state of Israel is done in the best interest of Jews, I am here to say NOT IN MY NAME. I believe in a world where Palestinians have the rights and resources to live freely. I appreciate Oakland City Council taking a stand and I urge my Councilmember Ramachandran to vote YES on this resolution. Thank you

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    Katharina Young 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland and I fully support the ceasefire.

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    Shayla Chandler 10 months ago

    This is about harm reduction and preventing more death of innocent civilians. The rise of antisemitism and islamophobia also needs to be addressed. Oakland is home of the Black Panther Party and has historically been on the side of protecting people. I support this resolution.

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    Audrey Darnis 10 months ago

    I am a D1 resident in Oakland, and I STRONGLY support this resolution. Oakland needs to join all of the other cities in this country that are calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza. The violence and murder and genocide of the Palestinian people is abhorrent and unaccpetable. As a Jewish person, I say -- NOT IN MY NAME.

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    Kim Fr 10 months ago

    Hamas’ charter: “murder all Jews”. Hamas’ declaration on live TV: “we will repeat Oct 7 over and over until there are no more Jews- in Israel and worldwide”.

    Ceasefire= extermination of my people.

    Hamas has repeatedly broken ceasefires. There WAS already a ceasefire on Oct 6.

    Israel 100% pulled out of Gaza in 2005. Please do the research. Please watch the Green Prince. Please read up on Mosab - son of Hamas’s cofounder .

    Where is your call to release all of the civilian hostages?? Babies, women, etc. The resolution is grossly divisive, factually incorrect, and is causing harm to your residents and surrounding communities.
