Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

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    Katherine Avery 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident in District 1. Thank you to Councilmember Fife for proposing this resolution, which I strongly support. I hope all other Councilmembers will also join in support of a lasting ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Zoe Keeler 10 months ago

    As a Native American person living in Oakland, watching the horrors in Gaza unfold has been heartbreaking. I can't imagine what Palestinians are experiencing right now, and I can only draw comparisons to the violence my ancestors experienced centuries ago when they were marched at gunpoint on the trail of tears. Now, we recognize that event as ethnic cleansing. I know, as many human rights scholars know, that in years to come, what is currently called a "conflict" will be recognized as one of the worst humanitarian failures in history.

    There are so many institutions, media outlets, and careless online commenters silencing and even mocking the genocide we are witnessing. By passing this resolution, the City of Oakland can affirm that Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab people's lives are valued here. I know it doesn't change much on its own, but support and solidarity are as much as we can offer right now. I urge the city council to pass this resolution, and to take more concrete actions to divest and sanction goods and products contributing to the massacre in Gaza.

    Additionally, I encourage the city to provide educational resources so that all Oakland citizens can learn about the occupation and ongoing colonization of Palestine. Books can be purchased for public libraries, scholars can be paid to speak at panels, the city can tangibly and materially invest in Palestinian liberation. I want to see city funded mental health services for people with loved ones trapped in Gaza.

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    Robert LiuTrujillo 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and artist. My kids went to school here. I was born here and i support an immediate ceasefire and his resolution!

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    Kat Sen 10 months ago

    Born and raised in Oakland, I was taught by my community to stand for others and the values I believe in. Right now Palestine needs our support to call for a ceasefire as soon as possible. We can bolster strength with our numbers to end this genocide. Don't we want to play a part in history to extend our compassion and love to the folks who need it the most?

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    Arshad Mohammad 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area resident and I support an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to the Israeli occupation and genocide of Palestinians. We must call for the release of all Palestinian political prisoners, unrestricted entry into Gaza for humanitarian aid, restoration of basic needs such as clean water, power, and internet. As our elected representatives, City Council must reflect our will by passing this resolution.

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    Angela Aguilar 10 months ago

    My name is Angela A and I’m an Oakland community member and OUSD parent. I am in full support of this resolution to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and for a free Palestine. Nothing we do can reverse the atrocities and unnecessary killings that have take place over the past 50 days, however we can continue to take every measure available to us to call for, yell for, demand a permanent ceasefire. Let’s show our children what it means to be on the right side of history, to be truly life-affirming and to stand in real solidarity with Indigenous people across the globe.

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    TS Ch 10 months ago

    I live and work in Oakland. I was also raised here. Like the majority of Americans, as well as our Rep Barbara Lee, I support an immediate permanent ceasefire in Gaza. This is a necessary first step to ending the Israeli military occupation of Palestine, restoring the freedom of Palestinians in their homeland and in diaspora, and ensuring the safety and liberation of Jewish people everywhere. You cannot pause a genocide. Please follow the precedent set by the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee and support the ceasefire resolution.

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    inez inokt salazarhunter 10 months ago

    I support the resolution for the congressional and worldwide calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza, I am from Oakland and my entire family of 7 are Oakland residents.
    Oakland has always lead the way in social justice and social change, from the Black Panther Party to shutting down the port of Oakland in solidarity with Nelson Mandela and standing up to South African apartheid to 2020, the Black Lives Matter solidarity. I trust Oakland will show up as they always have, trail blazers in social justice, which is what makes Oakland, Oakland. Oakland is historically diverse which is one of its biggest strengths, diversity compels progressive change and innovation.
    Cease fire now, free Palestine. 

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    Naima Shalhoub 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident, artist, restorative justice practitioner and educator in full support of an immediate ceasefire and an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

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    Rita McKeon 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident, a Jewish person who is the granddaughter of a holocaust survivor, and I am 100% for a cease fire in Palestine. We cannot let our grief be weaponized, and we must do whatever we can to make sure that no more Palestinians are killed.

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    SE EL 10 months ago

    As a resident and a tax payer, I strongly support a permanent ceasefire. 20,000 Palestinian people dead, 8,000 of which are children.. and the numbers continue to grow. Please make it stop.

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    Dena Holper 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident in District 1 and I strongly support a ceasefire resolution now. This has gone on for far too long. We need the city of Oakland with such a strong organizing history and political influence on the rest of the country to stand up for what is right. Support liberation for Palestine and for all oppressed peoples. Ceasefire now.

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    Abigail SchottRosenfield 10 months ago

    My name is Abigail Schott-Rosenfield, and I'm a lifelong Jewish San Francisco resident who often spends time in Oakland. Ceasefire is the only way to stop the heartbreaking, genocidal violence taking place in Palestine. I fully support this resolution and ask city council to do the same.

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    Sarah Maloney 10 months ago

    I support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The genocide in Palestine must stop.

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    Evvy A S 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish Oakland resident. I’m asking city council to please affirm Oakland's support for a permanent ceasefire.

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    Emiliano Lemus 10 months ago

    I am a physician who lives and works in Oakland, and I strongly stand behind the call for Oakland to clearly in the ranks of those calling for a permanent ceasefire. The genocide occurring against the Palestinian people is unconscionable, and we must be clear in calling for it to come to an immediate end.

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    Gala King 10 months ago

    I'm an Oakland resident of 20 years, a mother of two children in OUSD, and active in our faith community. I'm deeply enraged by the war in Gaza and implore the Oakland City Council to demonstrate the courage our nation needs to pass this resolution. Let's show Palestine that Oakland stands in solidarity with them!

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    Laura Cornen 10 months ago

    i support oakland calling for immediate ceasefire in gaza and all Palestinian territories now!

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    Karina Montenegro 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident of District 3. I strongly support this resolution to call for an immediate ceasefire. Oakland needs to stand on the right side of history and stand strongly on the side of the occupied defenseless Palestinians. Over 20,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed as of this writing, including over 8,000 children. We cannot in good conscience allow this to happen without speaking up as a city and taking a strong position. I join my fellow Oakland residents and the global community in calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to save lives and save humanity. We are in a critical time in history. Oakland must be the example for other cities to follow and this is the first step. I urgently urge Oakland to call for a ceasefire immediately.

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    Omar Garcia 10 months ago

    am a District 2 (94606) resident and I fully support members to vote in favor of an immediate and permanent cease fire in Gaza/Palestine. This is absolutely long over due and necessary.