Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Jessica Solorzano 10 months ago

    Every day we wait to demand a ceasefire more death and more destruction await the people of Palestine. Oakland formed who I am as a person in politic and community, it’s a shame this call for a ceasefire has taken this long but it’s not too late. Ceasefire now! End the occupation!

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    Ola Konik 10 months ago

    #Ceasefirenow, we want permanent stop to killing of children and of women in Gaza! Both Palestinians and Israelis deserve their own separate independent states. Ceasefire and 2 state solution needed, not a pause!

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    Lisa Kelly 10 months ago

    If Oakland is really a revolutionary town about social justice, then we must stand against genocide and with the Palestinian people. Stand on town business, which is human rights for all!!

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    Chani Bockwinkel 10 months ago

    As a Jewish person and the direct descendant of German Jewish holocaust survivors, I say never again for anyone. Mass bombing and death is is no way a solution, it is horrific to see it being justified in the name of Jewish safety. Believing in the well being and freedom of the Palestinian people is in no way anti semetic.

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    Sus Tofu 10 months ago

    End the politicide of Palestine! This is not a “conflict” but almost 100 years of US funded cruelty, innocent lives lost, and so many war crimes. Oakland is known for its close ties to liberation movements; this is yet another time for Oakland to show her true colors. CEASEFIRE NOW. Be on the right side of history Oakland.

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    Brandon Braegelmann 10 months ago

    Starving and carpet bombing civilians are not an acceptable strategy to fight terrorism.

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    Zoe Brown 10 months ago


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    taran wise 10 months ago

    This cannot be a question as there exists only one ethical choice. That is to end this genocide of Palestinian people. Passing a political resolution is such a small action. End the theatre of politics. Support justice and humanity.

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    Sheena Stevens 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, I support the resolution for a permanent ceasefire. End the horrific violence against Palestinians now!

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    Hannah Peters 10 months ago

    Ceasefire Now!!

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    Natalya Pemberton 10 months ago

    Please vote yes on this resolution.

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    Kedar Korde 10 months ago

    I will not ask for the city council to be on the right side of history. Like the Israeli government, Oakland City Council.has always sided with developers in the degradation of purposely underesourced neighborhoods for the benefit of gentrifiers not local to Oakland. Oaklamd City Coumcil will.always call on militarized police to squash peaceful protests and imprison Oaklanders based on race, socioeconomic background, being homeless in order make gentrifiers feel safer and more comfortable. Oakland City Council shares so many similarities to the Zionist Israeli government all the way down to labelling itself as "progressive" because of identity politics-based platitudes while doing harm systemically to those that it porports to support. So asking for an agreement to a resolution of a ceasefire will fall on deaf ears because this body has almost never done anything beneficial for those who are most tied historically, geographically, and culturally to the city of Oakland. Like everything in this city, a ceasefire resolution can not be asked for or it will be ignored. It must be demanded and fought for.

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    Millicent Bailey 10 months ago

    Support! End the bloodshed!

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    Yasser Shohoud 10 months ago

    Please vote Yes on this resolution it is the least you can do

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    Dr Rupa Marya 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, employer, and physician who gives care to the people of Oakland for many years now. I urge you to pass Councilmember Fife's Resolution for a Ceasefire, which should be immediate and permanent, as a step to stopping the genocide in Gaza which has been targeting healthcare facilities and workers, war crimes per International Humanitarian Law. I have been on the phone with physicians there and what I'm hearing shocks me every day. We cannot stand with a rogue state that enacts this kind of violence on civilians, with the disproportionate toll on women, children and elders. We must support the Palestinian people's plight to end apartheid and dismantle the structures of colonial violence the world has been witnessing in sharp detail these past 6 weeks. Oakland is a beacon to creating a world of justice. Through the liberation of Palestine, we will be liberated too in our own imaginings of how we can build our communities by investing in systems that bring real security and safety--Food, Medicine, Shelter for all. These things are made scarce by colonial structures. Israel has targeted all of these to make Palestinians suffer. We can forge better ways forward to heal the earth and take care of one another on unceded, occupied Ohlone lands. As Palestine is free, we all become free. This Ceasefire is a critical first step.

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    James Mordecai 10 months ago


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    Tess Eisenberger 10 months ago

    I’m a Jewish resident of Oakland District 3. Please vote to support an immediate ceasefire and Palestinian liberation. Israel has killed over 14000 people with its bombing and blockade of resources. Israel’s decades of violence and dispossession against the people of Palestine does not keep me safe as a Jew.

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    Hassaan Mirza 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, I strongly support the call for ceasefire— it is the moral imperative of our community to not remain neutral and to speak up for peace.

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    Nina Alexander 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident I strongly support the resolution to call for a ceasefire. We have to make it known that we will not be complicit in the genocide happening in Gaza.

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    Shannon McGill 10 months ago

    This violence is heartbreaking. Diplomacy and political agreement are the only path toward peace and the future. Palestinians deserve to be free. I strongly support a call for a ceasefire.