Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    dc dc 10 months ago

    Pass as is!

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    Andrea Reyes 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland (District 3) and call on the City of Oakland to unequivocally call for a ceasefire.
    The language of the proposed resolution is simply an affirmation of what a majority of Americans, human rights organizations and the international community has already declared loud and clear: a permanent ceasefire is needed to stop the bloodshed of more innocent civilians, a majority of whom are children. With a death toll estimated to be at 20,000, we cannot stand in silence nor pretend that these levels of bloodshed are in any way a proportional response or "self-defense." To call for a ceasefire and stand in solidarity of the people of Gaza and Palestine must not be confused with or antisemitism. Thousands of Jewish leaders have led the call for a ceasefire along with all persons of conscience. Oakland to must stand on the right side of history. Ceasefire now!

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    Naor Deleanu 10 months ago

    I support freedom for Palestinians, an end to the violence, and safety for all Muslims and Jews throughout the world. However, I don't believe that Oakland City Council is likely to bring that vision closer. City Council should not generally be spending time on foreign policy. The only way out of this is through hard diplomacy, not feel-good resolutions. As for the language of the resolution itself, I appreciate that it humanizes the victims both in Israel and Gaza. The language is obtuse on describing the "root causes" of the conflict, either the abject anti-Semitism of Hamas and its supporters of the decades-long Israeli occupation, still-ongoing settler theft and violence, and general anti-Arab hatred. I am disturbed by some supporters of this legislation who think that it is inappropriate to condemn Hamas for initiating the violence on October 7th, and given that many people online are insisting that all Israeli civilian deaths were due to friendly fire, it is important to call this out.

    It would be helpful if Oakland and other Bay Area cities helped put together public events to bring people together given all the recent hate from all sides in recent weeks. Though there have been plenty of peaceful and well-intentioned protestors, I have seen numerous expressions of hate-of all Israelis, of Muslims, and of people of the wrong political persuasion. We need to find a way to bring people together.

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    Frances Ramos 10 months ago

    This is absolutely the right and moral thing to do. Most people support the ceasefire and it's time for our elected representatives to put fear aside and take a stand along with the people. Oakland must not sleep on this right now. People are dying and the genocide is funded by our tax dollars.

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    Frances Ramos 10 months ago

    This is absolutely the right and moral thing to do. Most people support the ceasefire and it's time for our elected representatives to put fear aside and take a stand along with the people. Oakland must not sleep on this right now. People are dying and the genocide is funded by our tax dollars.

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    Carolyn Norr 10 months ago

    As a parent, youth worker, time Oakland resident, and Jewish person, I strongly urge city council to pass this resolution. Standing against genocide anywhere is the only path towards safety and justice for all people.

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    Bettina Sferrino 10 months ago

    I am a resident of District 1 urging Dan Kalb and all council members to support this resolution and call for permanent ceasefire and real political solution for peace in Gaza. A pause is not enough, and Oakland residents and the majority of Americans do not want our taxes funding genocide. We know intimately in Oakland that indiscriminate state violence against the people is never justified. While we know the council faces risk backing this resolution, Oakland will unite in support of it because we know the risk of even more indiscriminate murder and loss of life in Palestine and beyond that comes from not calling for a permanent ceasefire is so much greater.

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    Vera SS 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I desperately want a ceasefire. But how can there be one if Hamas remains in control of Gaza? Please add a note to your resolution stating that Hamas must abdicate control of Gaza and immediately release all hostages as a precondition for a ceasefire that they broke in the most brutal way imaginable. Without it, the resolution is meaningless and hypocritical.

    And while you’re at it, if you really “love life,” it makes sense to create resolutions against China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Eritrea, Venezuela, Belarus, Nicaragua, Sudan, and others. Why single out Israel, a country of refugees and the only democracy in the Middle East, where equal rights for all citizens are enshrined in law, regardless of race, sex, or religion?

    Or better yet, focus on improving the city of Oakland instead of passing meaningless resolutions that benefit no one and hurt both Israelis and Palestinians.

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    Cecille de Laurentis 10 months ago

    Pass as is - please support a PERMANENT ceasefire in Gaza!

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    Saad Qureshi 10 months ago

    Pass as is. Ceasefire now!

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    Oleg Ivanov 10 months ago

    The American Jewish committee understands that many parties are calling for a ceasefire from both Israel and Hamas, in order to prevent further bloodshed. The problem with this call is that it ignores two critically important points: Israel has just experienced the most catastrophic attack on its soil in its history. It has every right to respond to defend itself, as any nation would. Recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself means respecting Israel’s right to set its war goals and pursue them as it deems best. Israel has fought multiple wars against Hamas in Gaza, including in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021. In each case, Israel agreed to a ceasefire, due to pressure from the international community. In repeated conflicts, Hamas has broken those ceasefires. The attacks of October 7 destroyed any assumptions that Hamas has a pragmatic interest in governing Gaza – its sole goal is the elimination of Israel and the Jewish people. As such, calling for a ceasefire gives Hamas credit and authority it no longer deserves. Calls for a ceasefire are not reasonable or realistic, nor is it the only way to guarantee that Palestinian civilians will be protected.

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    Nell Scott 10 months ago

    My name is Nell Scott and I am calling on you to:
    Support this critical resolution.

    I ask you to support the resolution as it’s written, sending an unequivocal message that Oakland stands against genocide.
    This issue is critical for Oakland residents because the violence happening in Gaza is made possible by our tax dollars.
    This issue is critical for Oakland residents because it directly impacts the diverse communities in Oakland.
    Oakland’s Arab and Muslim communities have never been so vulnerable.
    A permanent ceasefire is the only solution that will lead to peace.
    We know as a city council and members yourselves of Oakland you are taking a risk by forwarding this resolution. We, as a community, will not forget this stand and we’ll have your back.
    This resolution as it is originally introduced reflects the most moderate and broad based consensus of public opinion across the political spectrum.

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    JD DF 10 months ago

    This resolution does absolutely nothing to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict and only serves to divide our community and drive more abhorrent acts of antisemitism.

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    BM James 10 months ago

    I stand for an immediate cease-fire and the condemnation of the genocide in Palestine.

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    Krsna Avila 10 months ago

    I've lived in Oakland for over 30 years, and I'm a proud supporter of this city's progressive politics. I support a Ceasefire in Gaza and hope my constituents do too.

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    Nicole Sawyer 10 months ago

    I am a California resident (District 10) and I often come to Oakland for work and travel. I love what the people of the city stand for and support this resolution demanding a ceasefire. This is the first step in the right direction of ending the Israeli apartheid regime and guaranteeing self-determination for the state of Palestine. Oakland has been at the forefront of the People's struggle for equality and liberation from state sanctioned violence for decades, it's time to continue that legacy by supporting a ceasefire now. Today Israel's siege on Gaza has surpassed the Nakba of 1948. The death toll is now over 20,000 and 1.7 million people have been displaced without any right to return to their homeland. This is genocide and apartheid. I call for a ceasefire now!

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    Maya Best 10 months ago

    We must demand an immediate permanent cease fire in gaza. We are all responsible for ensuring the safety of children and families throughout the world. We have to make the violence stop.

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    Camila MoralesJimenez 10 months ago

    I am a resident of district 4. Oakland must join the movement of the people and stand in solidarity with Palestinians by demanding a permanent ceasefire. CAIR reports a 216% increase in requests for support in anti-Muslim and/or anti-Arab incidents from October 7th to November 4th. Israel’s aggression for the last several weeks has most notably endangered Palestinians within and outside of Gaza, but also led to the decreased safety of other demographics, globally. We must stand in solidarity with Palestinian life and demand an end to the 75 year legacy of Israel’s ethnic cleansing, starting with a permanent ceasefire.

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    Jenae McDonald 10 months ago

    Oakland city council must support the demands of their constituents to join calls for a ceasefire, beyond the current “pause” in Palestine. Take a stand in solidarity with colonized people globally and stand against the genocide that has already claimed 15,000 Palestinian lives!!

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    David Cooper 10 months ago

    Support ceasefire resolution