Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Jenette Sellin 10 months ago

    An immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza is overdue, and innocent lives being lost every day. I firmly believe that Oakland should stand up for human rights and human dignity by affirming support for congressional and worldwide calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    River Ornellas 10 months ago

    Immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza is urgently necessary to prevent further mass murder and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. What has occurred is terrifying, horrific and beyond the comprehension of many privileged Americans. These are war crimes condemned by the UN. Oakland and the Bay Area have for a long time modeled fighting for social justice and equity. Let us officially demonstrate to the world what it looks like to speak up and use our voices to support basic human rights and freedom from genocide, occupation and war. With our privilege and complicity in this war we owe it to the oppressed and survivors in Gaza to do whatever we can to put an end to bombing and mass murder in Gaza.

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    Jack DeJesus 10 months ago

    I am a resident in district 3 (94610) in full support of a ceasefire.

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    Sharif Zakout 10 months ago

    I am someone who works in Oakland, I have lost over 8 family members in Gaza in the last month. 5 of those 8 were young children. It's clearly a genocide when EVERY single community member from Gaza has lost multiple family members. Our government is complicit in this genocide. Ceasefire is the barest minimum of demands, literally asking for an end to the violence and destruction. Oakland should stand on the right side of history and stand firmly against genocide. Pass this resolution!

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    Wassim Hage 10 months ago

    This is a no-brainer for Oakland City Council to pass. There is an ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and Oakland constituents are watching their families die under Israeli bombs. Our government is funding and supporting this genocide every single day. A common-sense resolution, which would allow the city of Oakland to push congress to support a ceasefire, which could save countless lives. It's prompt, impactful, and has clear next-steps that would help keep Oakland residents safer. Let's pass this!

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    La Grausz 10 months ago

    I oppose the resolution as it is written. It is supporting Gaza civilians without supporting Israeli civilians who are also being attacked by bombs from Hamas and Hezbollah in the north. Furthermore, it is not recognizing the responsibility of Hamas and not asking Hamas to protect and support Gaza civilians while it the elected government. While in the text, the resolution is recognizing deaths in Israel on Oct 7, the title itself should request support for ALL civilians lives both Israel and Gaza. Lastly, as it is written and because it is so one sided, the resolution will further divide the Oakland people by supporting only group of affected people.

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    Daniel Robelo 10 months ago

    I am writing in strong support of the ceasefire resolution as introduced. It’s a shame that Oakland hasn’t led on this issue. We are counting on you to finally do the right thing today.

    We are witnessing a genocide in real time funded by our tax dollars, and our reps in Washington are ignoring the will of the people who have marched in the tens of thousands to demand an immediate ceasefire. We need our local officials to join the call for a permanent ceasefire now!

    We are calling upon Oakland to carry out its long social justice legacy. We can set a powerful precedent to hopefully lead a wave of solidarity across the nation. Thank you for your attention and commitment to making a difference.

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    Sabrine Rekik 10 months ago

    I support the ceasefire

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    JenMei Wu 10 months ago

    Please vote to call for a ceasefire. The atrocities committed against innocent Palestinians must end. The Gaza Health ministry can’t even count the number of dead because so many have died, and because it’s hard to count when you’re being shot or bombed at. More than half of Gazans are children. In no way can murdering thousands of children be considered self-defense, and yet that is the frequent justification for the horrors being visited on Gaza constantly. The news itself is traumatizing, but it’s made worse when our elected officials stand with the perpetrators, whether by handing them weapons like the Biden administration, or by their silence on the matter. Please support the resolution for a ceasefire and show that Oakland will not be complicit in genocide.

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    Ezekiel Hataway 10 months ago

    It is crucial that an immediate and permanent ceasefire is called for in Gaza in order to stop the slaughter of the Palestinian people, and carry on with further justice for their struggles. Countless US citizens are opposed to the allowance and support of Israel's warcrimes against Gaza, and are strongly in support of the call for an immediate ceasfire, but our government and congressional figures fail to reflect this stance among the general populace. Oakland, with its large and growing cultural significance among the American people, and its role as an entity of the US government, would contribute a huge first step in reflecting the sentiment for the end to the bombardment within the governing body of the US. More importantly, it would mark a large step in the stop of this genocidal seige on Gaza, and bringing freedom to Palestinians.

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    Nader Kury 10 months ago

    The genocide-in-progress being committed by the Zionists in the Israeli government is a war crime against humanity. Our position as Americans should always be for humanity and for complying with international laws. We must take a position to stop the violence by assessing the root causes and by defunding any entity that violates these basic rules. So thank you in advance for supporting a legitimate peace process where all are included in any future vision especially the Palestinian people who are currently under occupation by a brutal Israeli apartheid regime that is committing huge crimes against humanity with the consent of our president and government. I say NO to sending unconditional money and weapons to Israel. I say YES to Palestinian freedom and dignity

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    Della Moran 10 months ago

    I support the call for CEASEFIRE in GAZA. The world has changed. No longer are the abuse, harms, and genocide against the Palestinian people going unseen. Every day we are bombarded with images of broken children's bodies and family lines. As a Bay Area resident, we cannot ignore the connection to the City of Oakland. Our port is sending ships with weapons that are causing death and genocide. Oakland is not separate from what is happening. Our money is being used to destroy. This must stop now. The City Council has an obligation to the people of Oakland. We will not allow this to happen in our name. Stop the war, stop the genocide, stop the violence! The people have been calling for a ceasefire for weeks! Finally you pay attention to your constituents. This is 45 days overdue! Shame on you City Council!

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    joe millman 10 months ago

    Council prefers to divide the community on an issue that cannot resolved, instead of handling Crime, Arson, Homelessness, loss of major retail and neglected infrastructure.
    Do something good, anything good!

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    Yael Co 10 months ago

    There is already a negotiated ceasefire. Why is this excellent city, of which I was proud of be a resident for years, spending time virtue signaling about an issue that no longer exists? Focus on safety, housing, homelessness, and property - actual virtuous action.

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    Aima Paule 10 months ago

    Calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and to vote to pass a ceasefire resolution that condemns the colony of Israel's crimes against humanity and holds them accountable for genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid. United Nations, organizations including Human Rights Watch, Médecins Sans Frontières, Amnesty International, and human rights experts have accused Israel of war crimes.
    Many of Israel's claims about October 7th have been debunked as lies. Including their death toll going down, not up, since 10/7/23 at first 1400 than 1200 which is unheard of, while the Palestinian death toll is no well over 20,000 almost half being children (over 8,000).
    It was proven that Israel shot up their own music festival. Israel did not honor the 4 day pause and has been recorded bombing and shooting unarmed civilians in Palestine. Israel has over 8,000 Palestinians detained without charge a large majority of those are children under 18 years old. This has to stop.

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    Lucy Zhou 10 months ago

    Our tax dollars are currently funding a genocide. Please support a permanent ceasefire and an end to Israeli occupation.

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    Cameron McCann 10 months ago

    If the City of Oakland would like to do anything to support the rights of Native People, which it so often likes to claims it already does, this is the very first step. You are watching the Native and Indigenous population of Palestine be forced from their land to make way for the neo-colonial settlers, but the city cant seem to reprimand these actions. We are approaching 15,000 native killed, I would hope this is unanimously supported by the City.

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    Jennifer Charles 10 months ago

    As a Jewish social worker living in Oakland I firmly support and stand with the worldwide calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. There is a genocide taking place in Gaza and it is being supported by US funding. It is critical that this resolution passes, and that we in Oakland show our support for basic human rights. Justice and liberation for the people of Palestine. Ceasefire now.

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    Julie Tinker 10 months ago

    As a member of District 2, I support Oakland's call for a cease fire in Gaza. Answering violence and killing with more violence and killing will never lead to positive change or momentum towards sustainable solutions. This resolution calls for “an immediate ceasefire; release of all hostages, the unrestricted entry of humanitarian assistance into Gaza; the restoration of food, water, electricity, and medical supplies to Gaza; and the respect for international law; and calls for a resolution that protects the security of all innocent civilians.”

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    Gizeh Vengel 10 months ago