Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Tehmina Khan 10 months ago

    As a former Oakland resident with deep ties to the community, I support this call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. I stand with our intersectional communities in calling for compassion, justice, and liberation. We are all Palestinian!

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    Marina Claveria 10 months ago

    I support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as a first step to standing in solidarity with Palestinians and against Israeli apartheid. Free Palestine––District 3

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    Andrew Campbell 10 months ago

    Please vote no on the resolution introduced by Councilmember Fife regarding the Israel and Gaza conflict.

    While I support the resolution’s urging to end violence, taken as a whole, I find the proposed resolution to be alienating and upsetting. It applies a simplistic and arbitrary lens to the tragedies in Israel and Gaza.

    My wife’s family’s history involves fleeing to the US from the anti-Jewish violence of the Holocaust. Many parts of her family tree were entirely eliminated. I came to be Jewish later in life, and wish I had appreciated the enduring impact of these horrors on families earlier than I did. The creation of a Jewish homeland in Israel is a complex topic, but was clearly in response to the many murderous events that people have experienced due to being Jewish. The terrorist murders of Hamas are in the vein of these horrendous events.

    As a devoted member of the Oakland community who has committed many hours to community building and problem solving through a city commission and as an activist volunteer, I’m confused why the city council would pursue such a divisive resolution that splits apart our community. This is not what Oakland needs.

    I worry deeply that resolutions like this will fuel anti-Jewish actions and behavior here in Oakland. The resolution can’t just wish this away with its words condemning discrimination and other hateful attacks.

    Please vote no.
    Andrew Campbell

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    Iyas Sartawi 10 months ago

    I’m unequivocally supporting this. As we the US are the party that’s enabling the genocide in Palestine and we’re the only ones that can put an end to the suffering of the Palestinians. I’m a Palestinian American and I’m being impacted both at home and here in the US. Thousands of lives of whom mostly children and women have been lost and more will be if we don’t stop this genocide. Half of Gaza Strip has been destroyed and a million and half were displaced and all the strip has been cut off from food, water, electricity, fuel and internet as the United Nations call it a large graveyard for children. We have the responsibility for calling this as is which is an act of ethnic cleansing and genocide, and we’re calling to end the assault on the West Bank as well. Stop the war now.

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    Iyas Sartawi 10 months ago

    I’m unequivocally supporting this. As we the US are the party that’s enabling the genocide in Palestine and we’re the only ones that can put an end to the suffering of the Palestinians. I’m a Palestinian American and I’m being impacted both at home and here in the US. Thousands of lives of whom mostly children and women have been lost and more will be if we don’t stop this genocide. Half of Gaza Strip has been destroyed and a million and half were displaced and all the strip has been cut off from food, water, electricity, fuel and internet as the United Nations call it a large graveyard for children. We have the responsibility for calling this as is which is an act of ethnic cleansing and genocide, and we’re calling to end the assault on the West Bank as well. Stop the war now.

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    Arianna Chen 10 months ago

    I am expressing my support for a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. There must be an end to the violence and destruction in Gaza, especially that has been committed against civilians. Israel's actions have been inhumane and a genocide against Palestinian people's both recently and since its colonization of the land.

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    Vale Ca 10 months ago

    I support an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and an end to Israeli’s terror and illegal occupation. Free Palestine

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    Eleanor Gottesman 10 months ago

    As a Jewish resident of District 7, a member of Jewish Voice for Peace, and a retired physician I strongly support this resolution calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Thank you Council Members for bringing this resolution to the fore. It is never anti-Semitic to support an end to killing. Rather we reaffirm our humanity.

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    Hannah Levy 10 months ago

    The flagrant slaughter of civilians- journalists, worshippers, the sick, the young, the elderly- is not self defense. Judaism emphasizes greatly the sanctity of all life. It is BECAUSE of my faith and not in spite of it that I add my name to the long list of others demanding a ceasefire NOW.

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    Viola LeBeau 10 months ago

    My name is Viola LeBeau, and I'm a guest on the Village of Huchiun, aka Oakland CA. I'm voicing support about the Oakland Ceasefire Resolution for the people and lands of Palestine. The City must take immediate steps to deescalate, by calling for a ceasefire, pressuring Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, refusing to send any additional weapons or funding to the Israeli military, and the immediate de-occupation of Palestinian lands.

    I support an immediate ceasefire, along with two thirds of American voters, as found in a recent poll by Data for Progress. Any more military funding to Israel will fuel violence by arming the Israeli government. This is a genocide of Palestinian people in Gaza. The City must take action now to stop genocide and end all U.S. complicity in Israel's violence.

    Oakland has long stood at the forefront of global movements for justice and peace, and history can attest to that. However, Oakland also continues to benefit from the colonization of the Ohlone people of this territory today. The colonization of these lands years before are what taught the practices of genocide today, and if the City is truly willing to make amends for the harms of it’s history, it will stand against the genocide of Palestians today.

    We are now calling upon Oakland to carry out the anti-apartheid legacy and take a firm stance against a genocidal apartheid regime. We can set a powerful precedent to hopefully lead a wave of solidarity across the nation.

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    J E Raines 10 months ago

    My name is J Raines and I am commenting to support this critical resolution. Weeks of community members showing up to demand a ceasefire, thanks to our Oakland city council for supporting constituents in taking action to
    stand firmly on the side of peace and justice. Please support the resolution as its written, sending an unequivocal message that Oakland stands against genocide and against any movements to silence,
    dehumanize and ‘other’ citizens because of their ethnic, gender or other identities. We hold these aims to minimize harm and hold as central that our liberation is entertwined. Thank you.

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    Savannah Oh 10 months ago

    I unequivocally support the people’s calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, a lift of the unjust siege and an end to the violent occupation inflicted by the IOF and Israeli government, aided by the US. It is day 51 of the war, and we have watched Israel commit war crimes every single day. The people of Palestine need access to water, aid, medical supplies, food and emergency care. End the war on Gaza, Free Palestine.

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    Samina Jain 10 months ago

    I am a grateful Oakland District 1 resident on occupied Ohlone land. I strongly urge our City Council to pass this resolution. While some say our city's stance does not have any impact on international conflict, I believe this resolution and others like this make clear that Americans do not want their taxpayer dollars funding genocide and war crimes under international law, and that we demand our elected leaders stand up for us. A groundswell of local action can lead to bigger change. The US govt directly "aids" the Israeli military, which is the difference with other conflicts. Let's follow up with boycott, divest, and sanctions for the current apartheid state of Israel and demonstrate that Oakland is a community which values human rights, peace, and justice - for everyone. This is not anti-Semitism - it is love of life and peace.

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    Ericka Cordova 10 months ago

    As a resident of Oakland, CA, I support this resolution. I believe it is crucial for us to stand in solidarity with the people affected by the conflict and to advocate for a peaceful resolution.
    The human cost of the ongoing hostilities in Gaza is devastating, with innocent civilians, including children, bearing the brunt of the violence.
    I kindly request that you use your influence and voice to encourage diplomatic efforts that prioritize peace and stability in the region. Oakland has a rich history of advocating for justice and human rights, and I believe that our community can play a meaningful role in promoting a just and lasting resolution to the conflict.

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    Isa Whitten 10 months ago

    I fully support the action of Oakland adding its strong and powerful voice to the chorus of people around the world calling for a ceasefire in Gaza - a permanent one. The 5-day ceasefire seems like a perfectly timed joke, and it is perfectly timed to align with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which are big sales events that large corporations could not possibly afford to lose out on because people are “distracted” by Israel and Palestine. Well, no one is laughing. There is a genocide happening, and it needs to stop. Not for Black Friday, not for Cyber Monday, but for the humanity of Palestinians. Oakland expressing support for calls for a ceasefire in Gaza can only help. I am already as proud as I can be to be from Oakland, but this would make me even more proud.

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    Leslie Salzinger 10 months ago

    Please support a ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. 1000s of civilians are being murdered with US funding and weapons. Hopefully Oakland can lean on our federal legislative representatives to push for conditions on US aid. US support should not go to killing or starving civilians! Please support the resolution.

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    Gabrielle Sloane Law 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of D7 and I support this resolution as written.

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    Rae Thomas 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, I stand with the multiracial coalition calling upon Oakland City Council to pass a resolution joining our congressional leadership in calling for an immediate #CEASEFIRENOW.

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    Andrew Ntim 10 months ago

    My name is Andrew and I am a resident of Oakland, District 3. I join my community members in supporting a resolution condemning the genocide of the Palestinian people and calling for an immediate ceasefire, following the lead of Richmond and the Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. This resolution must be passed immediately to help end the genocidal violence occurring in Gaza that has killed the lives of thousands of children, and to help to divert the billions of dollars put towards Israeli military aid to support community flourishing in Oakland and beyond. Thank you for your courage in calling this meeting -- it's now time for you all to stand on the right side of history and vote yes to this resolution.

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    Sara Shor 10 months ago

    I'm a Jewish Oakland resident living in District 1 and strongly support the resolution put forward by the City Council for an Immediate Ceasefire. I organize and am in community with hundreds of Jews in Oakland who are wholly against genocide and the killing of innocent people and are calling unequivocally for a Ceasefire now. Thank you to the council members who plan to vote for this resolution!