Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

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    PK Righthand 10 months ago

    Carroll and Dan
    I appreciate your efforts to write a fair and balanced resolution supporting calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. I have a couple of thoughts/suggestions about the resolution.
    I would say "doxxing and threatening ".... vs just doxxing.

    I would be more even about children dying on both sides. Suggested wording: Whereas over 1,000 people in Israel, including women and children, were slaughtered in their homes or taken hostage, and more than 11,000 ...etc etc

    I would edit Resolved that "....release of all hostages, the 'carefully monitored' entry of humanitarian assistance into Gaza...etc etc

    (This last replacement of 'unrestricted ' with 'carefully monitored' is based on Hamas' skill at taking these supplies to replenish its own terrorist needs rather than taking care of Gaza's suffering innocent citizens. )

    And since none of us really knows what is or has or will go on over there, I honestly find these 'resolutions' only serve to inflame the local community and add to the unsafe feelings so many of us have these days. In my opinion ... better left entirely unsaid by local governments.

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    Jude Guide 10 months ago

    Resident of D6 and I am in full and complete support of this resolution!! CEASEFIRE NOW!! Standing in solidarity with Palestine and being unwavering in our support for a permanent ceasefire will SAVE LIVES! Pass this resolution! Thank you

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    Kate Kerr 10 months ago

    Please pass this resolution and show your support for the Palestinian people to stop this genocide

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    Allie Pollak 10 months ago

    As a resident of Oakland I am horrified that our tax dollars are funding the indiscriminate bombardment of Palestinian civilians, and as a Jew I am disgraced by the genocide being done in our name. The people of Oakland overwhelmingly demand a ceasefire, our city government must do the same!

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    Ann Schwartz 10 months ago

    I am a Jew and a member of the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, but in this moment I particularly want to comment as a proud resident of Oakland, District 4. I'm proud of our City Council and or our tradition of standing up for human rights. I know the City Council doesn't decide foreign policy, but the Council does have a voice that speaks louder than any individual. In this time of deep crisis, that voice needs to be heard in support of an immediate ceasefire. Oakland needs the Council to speak out for us - to stand witness against the destruction of Gaza and the deaths of even more civilians.

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    Kalilla Garcia 10 months ago

    Oakland needs to call for the cease fire

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    Amani Albahri 10 months ago

    Thank you for creating this resolution and listening to your constituents. It is imperative that we act quickly and demand a cease fire. As of right now over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed in the last 45 days. That is unacceptable and disgusting. We living in Oakland (Ohlone Lands) understand the genocide of native people and when we do our land acknowlegements we also must protect Indigenous people globally and preserve all life and cultures. It is our duty to hold our government accountable and demand the US cease all aid to Israel. We should not be in support of genocide, occupation, Imperialism, colonialism or aparthied. All labels have been used to describe Israel by the UN and Human Rights Watch. When we stand against Israels war crimes we are also standing against police brutality and racism here in Oakland. The IDF trains US police forces with US tax payer money and private orgs like the ADL. The IDF teach our police how to subdue and torture civilian population. Since Oct 7 over 250 Palestinians living in the West Bank have been killed by Israeli settlers (armed by the IDF) and the IDF. Israel and American militarization of cops is what killed a George Floyd and so many brown and black folks in our country. We need to demand a CEASEFIRE as well as demand our police in Oakland are not trained by the IDF. Thank you

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    Jay Klyman 10 months ago

    As an Oakland Jew, I couldn't more strongly support a ceasefire. I am proud to call Oakland home, a city that purports to support social justice- I am proud to be represented by Council Member Fife and I hope that the council votes in favor of supporting a ceasefire.

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    Zachariah Barghouti 10 months ago

    Dear Esteemed Members of the Oakland City Council,

    In the spirit of universal love and understanding, I reach out to you with a matter that tugs on the fragile threads of our hearts. Today, I am writing to implore your compassionate action and leadership regarding a matter of profound concern: the people in besieged Gaza, which bears painful similarities to the historical tragedy of the Warsaw Ghetto. Gaza is an issue far beyond geographical boundaries, resonating at the core of human compassion and consciousness. It is more than a political struggle; it is a deep reflection of the inner struggles that reside within each of us. As leaders and representatives of a city known for its diverse and progressive community, your voices in support of a ceasefire would serve as a powerful symbol of peace and understanding. It would show that across oceans, people stand in solidarity with those who suffer and yearn for peace. This gesture could inspire others to look within themselves, to find compassion and empathy for all beings, regardless of identity.

    I urge you to consider the role you can play in fostering an end to bombing of Gaza’s worlds: its families and the their children, neighborhoods, hospitals, holy places, animals, trees, lands, waters and streams. Your support for a permanent ceasefire would be a beacon of hope, demonstrating the power of collective action in pursuit of a world where love and compassion overcome racism and despair.

    In the spirit of love,


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    Ibby Shaikh 10 months ago

    A ceasefire in Palestine is necessary. Oakland must stand on the side of humanity. Please do everything in your power to end this genocide.

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    Elaine Tannous 10 months ago

    Thank you for listening to the calls of your constituents and holding this special meeting to affirm Oakland’s support of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the end to US military support to Israel.

    To support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the end to US military aid to Israel is to show that Oakland stands for human rights, dignity and liberation worldwide.

    I urge you to support this resolution. Thank you!

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    Gabriel Lee 10 months ago

    Never again means never again. There is nothing that can justify the massive amounts of human suffering being inflicted upon Palestinians.

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    Jessica Knapp 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident and Jewish constituent in D5, I am asking that city council vote to support this important resolution. The only way that the root causes of this violence in Palestine can be addressed is if there IS a tomorrow for the Palestinian people. For Jewish, Muslim, and all Palestinian people to survive, we need Oakland city council to call for a ceasefire to save lives today.

    The reality is that the situation in Gaza has become an active genocide. My faith, Jewish ancestry, and humanity all demand that I do not sit silently while a genocide against ANY people takes place.

    Thank you for voting with your conscience to end human suffering, rather than voting to play political games.

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    David Imhoff 10 months ago

    I have called Oakland home for the last 8 years. Today I write to urge your strong support of Councilmember Fife's resolution to affirm Oakland's support for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. We all have a responsibility to intervene to stop this rapidly unfolding genocide. As US citizens whose tax dollars are funding this atrocity, we have a moral obligation to stop the violence. Our collective action as a community is imperative; failure to act is inexcusable.

    I am horrified by what I see happening in Gaza, and I am deeply concerned for the safety of my Palestinian/Arab/Muslim and Jewish friends and neighbors, all of whom are exposed to increased xenophobic bigotry the longer the violence persists. Calling for a ceasefire is calling for an end to Islamophobia and anti-Semitism at home.

    The Bay is a national leader on progressive city-level politics. Oakland has an opportunity to open space for more courageous government action by amplifying the will of its residents, the vast majority of whom support an immediate ceasefire and to end to Israel's 75+ year colonization and occupation of Palestine.

    Stand on the right side of history. Affirm that Israel's actions do not represent Jewish people and that opposing and criticizing the actions of the state of Israel is not anti-Semitism. Condemn Israel's genocidal assault on Gaza. Condemn the US's active participation in conducting and bolstering this assault. CEASEFIRE NOW!

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    Do Ai 10 months ago

    Cease fire!

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    Shawn Lee 10 months ago

    I'm a lifelong D1 resident and voter, and I urge Councilmemmber Kalb to support this resolution. Oakland and the United States can and should stand as an example of peaceful coexistence, firmly against all forms of hate. This resolution does that, and it can help push Federal actions to actually be consistent with our obligations under the Arms Trade Treaty, the Geneva Conventions, and the Nelson-Bingham Amendment. Our structural protections to ensure US taxpayer money and material does not support war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other international crimes must stand firm in this dark hour. Otherwise we undermine the security of American citizens and companies overseas, and our moral influence at large.

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    Ann Ross 10 months ago

    Unless amended

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    Sidney Jones 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland's District 4 and I am strongly in favor of a resolution affirming Oakland’s support for a ceasefire and an end to Israel's current siege and escalated ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza. As we witness a blatant and internationally recognized genocide against the Palestinian people--funded by our tax dollars--every voice of dissent matters. I believe it is the responsibility of every individual, organization, and governing body of conscience in this country to raise and act on our objections, and I urge you take this first step.

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    Noah Sochet 10 months ago

    As a Bay Area jew, I strongly support this resolution. We must achieve a ceasefire immediately to stop the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians and destruction of Gazan communities. Please, in the name of human goodness, support this resolution.

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    Aidan Obley 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, I am begging the council to listen to it's citizens who have supported this resolution. Demand a ceasefire. Denounce Israel’s actions of genocide and ethnic cleansing targeting the Palestinian people. Do the right thing.