Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    En Strader 10 months ago

    I'm an Oakland resident calling for an end to the occupation of Gaza and a ceasefire. Please support this resolution!

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    Chahid Bagdouri 10 months ago

    Dear respected Oakland City Council,
    I strongly support this resolution. I commence you for organizing this special meeting. Please pass a resolution for an immediate ceasefire. We cannot continue watching innocent lives being murdered.

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    Zeek Hanks 10 months ago

    Condemnation of a foreign state is outside of the City Council's purview. It is far outside the jurisdiction of the 'Oakland Redevelopment Successor Agency'. It will have exactly no affect on activities transpiring in Israel or Gaza while having deleterious effect on the perceived safety of religious Jews that reside in Oakland.

    There has been no such condemnation towards:
    - Bashar Al Assad [Syria] (300k-600k dead)
    - Abdul-Malik al-Houthi [Yemen] / (200k dead)
    - Debretsion Gebremichael [Tigray] (300k dead)
    - Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj [Lybia] / Khalifa Haftar [Lybia] (10's of thousands, nearly 1 million displaced)
    - Riek Machar [South Sudan] (350k dead)

    If this resolution passes. Oakland's "Redevelopment Successor Agency" will have condemned only one state, the Jewish state. This will not inspire confidence that Oakland has an unbiased interest in protecting all of its citizens fairly.

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    Hosy Nasimi 10 months ago

    I support immediate permanent Ceasefire in Gaza. Israel's higher officer have made it very clear that are planning a complete genocide.

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    Raphael Avila 10 months ago

    Dear City Council,
    I oppose this resolution for 2 reasons. First, it is not your job to have a foreign policy. You do not have access to daily intelligence briefings and you are not experts on Middle East issues. Instead of holding this referendum on a war halfway across the globe, you could be discussing ways to fix the litany of problems we face here on a daily basis: The homeless crisis, local actions to curb the climate crisis, the rise in crime. That is your job. The debate of a symbolic resolution accomplishes 2 goals: It wastes all participant's time (including you the reader of this and myself), and it is divides Oaklanders into camps when we should be uniting to fix local problems.
    More crucially, the referendum fails to condemn Hamas, the criminal organization who tortures Gazan dissidents and does not allow Gazans to elect a government that could find a way to peace. Hamas has an agenda: The destruction of Israel. They are willing to sacrifice thousands of Gazan women and children to achieve their goal, firing thousands of rockets from residential infrastructure into Israel. They hide their military infrastructure, including a world-class network of tunnels designed for war, in and amongst the civilian population. This is why the death toll is so high. Hamas is committed to war, not peace. If you have to waste our time chasing rainbows on a ceasefire, at least call for the immediate removal of Hamas from power as a precursor.
    District 6

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    Vee RappleyeaOtto 10 months ago

    As a resident of Oakland I wholeheartedly support and call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. I call on all Oakland reps to use their power and position to back this immediate ceasefire!

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    Jessica Nguyen 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident, and I fully support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Eric Rubin 10 months ago

    I live in District 4 and I support a call for a ceasefire and the release of hostages. The international community cannot condone or support the mass killing of civilians. The United States should be working toward justice and peace in the Israel-Palestine region.

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    Shiraz Shahin 10 months ago

    Collective punishment is against international law. Israel is committing genocide. Ceasefire Now, and demand release of all 7000+ Palestinians hostages that are in Israel prisons.

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    Alexis Ceja 10 months ago

    I strongly support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine. The genocide that is being committed by the Israel apartheid state must end. Free Palestine!

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    Ki Lao 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident who is appreciative of the history of Oakland being in solidarity with all struggles for liberation! Thank you for this and ceasefire / end apartheid / Free Palestine now and forever!

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    Alice Robinson 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish American woman who works in Oakland, expressing my support for a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Thank you for calling for an end to the violence occurring in Gaza and the destruction of civilians infrastructure.

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    Manaal Hussain 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution and believe that there should be a ceasefire instantly.

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    Mira Wasserman 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution as it is written, and I do not believe it requires any amendments. There should be a ceasefire immediately and permanently and an end to Israeli-Palestinian apartheid. The Palestinian people deserve liberation and to be given the same rights, resources, and opportunities as their Israeli counterparts. Settler colonialism must end, and a ceasefire is the necessary first step. It is disturbing and disappointing to know that my tax dollars contribute to an ethnic cleansing "in my name." As one of many Bay Area Jews in support of Palestinian liberation, I urge the City of Oakland to adopt this resolution tomorrow, November 27th.

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    Lynn He 10 months ago

    CEASEFIRE NOW!!!!!!! Deplorable to support mass murder. Oakland must stand on the right side of history. CEASEFIRE NOW!!!!!

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    Lydia Yamaguchi 10 months ago

    As a resident in district 6 who works in district 3 and across the city, I express my gratitude to the city council members who vote in support of this call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. We will remember your courage to speak out in support of the right of the people of Gaza and Palestine to survive and live.

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    Emily Johnson 10 months ago

    Unless amended

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    Gregoria Olson 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland-raised resident and educator and I strongly support a permanent ceasefire and an end to the genocide of Palestinians and the occupation of Palestine.

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    Sara Nachowitz 10 months ago

    I have lived in and around Oakland for over 20 years. Oakland has a long rich history of standing up to oppression. Oakland should call for an immediate ceasefire and end to occupation. There is nothing controversial about saying NO to genocide. As a Jewish American I am horrified by what Israel and the United States are doing. Never again is now - for everyone!

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    Siema Zia 10 months ago

    I would like to thank the Oakland city council for having this resolution on their agenda . I wholeheartedly support the permanent ceasefire and immediate ceasefire. With over 15000 innocent civilians killed wen will enough be ever enough - how many Palestinians lives will have to be lost to stop the carpet bombing of babies n young children. Many killed historically and unlawfully detained minors . Injustices at every level occurred in a live genocide taking place on a global stage as the world
    witnesses …
    I urge the council similar to Richmond to pass this resolution and end the dehumanization that is taking place painfully in front of our eyes … please our hearts can’t take this anymore ….