Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    katia ten 10 months ago

    i am honestly deeply disappointed that we have not yet done this. oakland should have been leading the way. we need to expedite this resolution asap. we need to stop funding wars and cops. money for schools and kids now

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    Maggie Ming 10 months ago

    Please call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza- I am a nurse in the Bay Area and am horrified by the amount of land and homes innocent Palestinians have lost. This war has now and will now create a crisis in Gaza and for the Palestinian people- people will not be able to receive medical aid, people are drinking unclean water, children are growing up displaced. Along with the endless violence, this has become a public health crisis. We can not ignore the 12000 lives lost, and we cannot ignore the tens of thousands of more people displaced. It is unfair for civilians to be harmed and scared every day, forced to move their lives in a backpack and forced to worry whether or not they'll make it another day. These people need relief, they need aid, and they deserve to be free. Please end the violence now, demand a ceasefire!

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    Andrew Kramer 10 months ago

    There was a ceasefire on 10/6 and then Hamas brutally massacred 1200+ people and took hostage innocent children and elderly people. They were at a music festival planned during a Jewish hoiliday with a theme of "friends, love and infinite freedom". These weren't soldiers fighting in a war, these are innocent people. There is no ceasefire with a Terrorist organization. Hamas is the oppressor of both Israeli's and Palestinians too. This resolution should be rejected outright and immediately!

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    Janina Turner 10 months ago

    I am a resident in Oakland District 7. It is imperative that the City Council pass the ceasefire resolution as we are witnessing a genocide in Palestine. It is important that our City's call to end colonial violence is not misconstrued and warped into anti-semitism. As a City with Palestinian residents and businesses this is an easy decision to show support and solidarity.

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    Farah Rahhal 10 months ago

    It is our moral and ethical responsibility to demand a ceasefire, especially since our tax dollars are funding this genocide and occupation. What this resolution asks for (“an immediate ceasefire; release of all hostages, the unrestricted entry of humanitarian assistance into Gaza; the restoration of food, water, electricity, and medical supplies to Gaza; and the respect for international law; and calls for a resolution that protects the security of all innocent civilians”) is the provision basic human rights, which the people of Gaza have been denied for over a decade. We must call for a ceasefire, an end to the seige on Gaza, and end to the occupation of Palestine.

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    Bob Sanders 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now!

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    Lindsay Levin 10 months ago

    Posters of missing children are being ripped down across the nation because people want to forget what precipitated the current iteration of violence. Nine-year-old kidnapped children have been called "colonizers" and their kidnappings justified for living in a land that is indigenous to both Jews and Arabs. An entire kibbutz that was wiped out, with people's hands and feet cut off, despite the fact that this kibbutz was a place where peace activists hoping for a better tomorrow for both Israelis and Palestinians lived. Yet this resolution refuses to call out Hamas's atrocities and allows the blood-libel-ridden accusations of genocide against Israel -and not Hamas!- to continue. See the comments below. This resolution is tone deaf and will only create more hostility and tension in Oakland. Please vote no.

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    Margie Anderson 10 months ago

    I am a resident of district 7 calling on you to REJECT this resolution. There can be no ceasefire while Hamas holds over 200 innocent civilians, including babies, hostage. Hamas is a terrorist organization which is terrorizing both Israelis and Palestinians. To call for a ceasefire is to stand in complacency with terrorism.

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    Taylor Oh 10 months ago

    I live in District 2 and I UNWAVERINGLY support Oakland calling for NOT JUST an immediate, permanent ceasefire, but the END to the Israeli settler-colonial occupation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. I refuse to allow my tax dollars to go toward the ruthless slaughter of civilians. Israel has murdered more than 20,000 Palestinians, most of whom are women and children. I demand the end to US defense spending for Imperialist wars. People have the right to self-determination and our government has NO BUSINESS destabilizing entire regions for the greedy exploitation of resources. It is Oakland's duty to put a stop to this genocide, and it is the council's responsibility to act in the interests of the PEOPLE. This city has done immeasurable damage to Black and Indigenous communities and it must end. FREE PALESTINE!!! CEASEFIRE NOW, LAND BACK NOW, END THE OCCUPATION NOW.

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    Mena Kuchi 10 months ago

    I am in District 12 and I Support a call for a ceasefire. 20,000 lives lost, half of which are children. This is a genocide we are funding and I demand we see this for what it is.

    I do not want my taxes funding the death of anyone especially not thousands of innocent children who are being punished simply for they were simply born.

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    Mandy Mogannam 10 months ago

    A ceasefire is needed to stop more preventable death. So many innocent lives have been lost. It is senseless and we can’t sit idly by and allow this to continue.

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    Alex T 10 months ago

    Oppose! Solidly OPPOSE. Enough of local government involvement in foreign affairs. Oakland has out of control crime and other challenges. City Council should focus on resolving city problems. Stop antisemitism in the city, support Jewish residents who are hurting and scared. Enough of hateful and inflammatory rhetoric and inciting purposeful antisemitism. OPPOSE!!!

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    Titania Kumeh 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland District 2 resident in full support of the city of Oakland supporting congressional resolution H.R. 786 which calls on our congress members to demand an immediate ceasefire. Any and all power that local political representatives have to end the attempted genocide of Palestinian people that is currently taking place in Gaza needs to be utilized immediately. Today “the truce” between Israel and Hamas is set to end and the Israeli prime minister has been quoted by Reuters as saying that they will use full force in Gaza after the truce ends. Please do what is in your power to stop the mass killings of Palestinian people happening in real time. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the United Nations are among the institutions that have deemed Israel an apartheid state that is carrying on an ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people. I do not want and never want my tax dollars to be used to support a military regime that is carrying out ethnic cleansing. A permanent ceasefire is needed now. A permanent ceasefire was needed 75 years ago.

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    Sameena Usman 10 months ago

    Please support this resolution. Our country is complacent in genocide. History will not judge us well. We must do all we can to support peace in the region.

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    Anna Hickman 10 months ago

    It is our responsibility as humans in the world to name genocide for what it is and believe in our own power to work toward its end. It is your responsibility as a council to use your legislative power to condemn the decades-long human rights violations that have oppressed the Palestinian people by way of American tax dollars, American-made weapons, and American comfort.
    I support calling for a ceasefire as the first step in liberation of فلسطين Palestine.

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    Jubilee Martinez Brumbaugh 10 months ago

    Oakland has a duty to stand up against genocide. Not in my name, not in Oakland’s name will we continue to support an attempt to wipe out an entire people. Please support this resolution to condemn genocide and call for a ceasefire.

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    Simona Tsives 10 months ago

    If Oakland stands against terrorism then there should be NO CEASEFIRE. If Oakland stands for peace there should be NO CEASEFIRE. Because ceasefire means Hamas will do the atrocities it did on Oct 7th again and again and again (as they repeatedly said so). And once they are done with Israel, we are next! Is that what Oakland wants?!

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    Manu Ampim 10 months ago

    I am a Oakland District 7 resident, and I FULLY support this resolution issued by Council Member Fife. Most of the U.S. citizens, most of the world, and the neutral third-party international organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, Amnesty International, and Doctors Without Borders all condemn Israel's repeated and shocking violation of international humanitarian law and indiscriminate murder of more than 13,000 (and counting) innocent Palestinian civilians in the past month. Palestine needs to be free from Israeli violent extremists such as PM Netanyahu, who are dedicated to displace or kill all Palestinians in Gaza by using the phoney excuse that "Hamas is to blame for our murder of Palestinian civilians."

    Any reasonable human being should support an immediate and permanent CEASEFIRE, and ALL hostages should be freed including the nearly 11,000 Palestinian hostages, who are misrepresented as simply "prisoners" languishing and mistreated in Israeli jails.

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    Jae Cripe 10 months ago

    I’m a district 5 resident of Oakland and I’m calling on the city council to demand an immediate ceasefire. Free Palestine!

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    Manar Awad 10 months ago

    "I am in full support of this resolution; I am calling for Oakland city council to echo the shouts of the majority and demand an immediate ceasefire. Enough innocent lives have been taken - mostly children- and it needs to end!
    Thank you for your time.