Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Rebecca AB 10 months ago

    This resolution will further perpetuate hatred, violence, and unsafe conditions. It is time that Oakland condemns Hamas for the barbaric terrorist attack and the continued psychological and physical terrorism with holding hostages.

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    Subodh Nijsure 10 months ago

    Simply don't understand why Oakland City council feels that it is appropriate for them to take up this issue.

    First by not condoning Hamas's barbaric act October 7th, Oakland city council is endorsing the terrorist, inhumane activity of Hamas. Does the City of Oakland want to be known as the official supporter of Hamas?

    I find it atrocious that all the signers to this resolution, simply chose to ignore their own house that is burning with car break-ins, rampant retail theft, late night car sideshows. City of Oakland is in the list of top 10 violent cities in United States, what would be your stance be if some city 10,000 miles away called on you council members to get your act together, to address violence in Oakland?

    This resolution is nothing but antisemitic trope.

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    Clare Vee 10 months ago

    This resolution is clearly one-sided and without an unequivocal renunciation of Hamas (a designated terrorist organization) and their war crimes, genocidal intentions and holding them accountable, this resolution as it stands is not written in good faith of the principle of "Love Life".

    There was a ceasefire on October 6th which Hamas broke with its indiscriminate brutality against citizens - women, elderly and children. Condemn Hamas' consistent barrage of missiles into Israel and its civilian infrastructure (hospitals, schools as well as many missiles which misfire and hit their own communities). Condemn Hamas' leadership enriching themselves as billionaires, stealing aid and diverting resources to build terror tunnels underneath schools and hospitals while their citizens remain destitute. Speak truth to power!

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    Evelyn Carmack 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish Oakland district 2 constituent in support of the resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. This should be the easiest thing to do. Calling for a ceasefire does not imply support of Hamas or antisemitism. A ceasefire simply means that we refuse to bomb civilian populations. Period! It's so simple.

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    Emmy Spencer 10 months ago

    Permanent ceasefire now

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    Carrie Hott 10 months ago


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    Sidney Spiegel 10 months ago

    I understand the calls for ceasefire. I am not against it. However it is incredibly important that any resolution also include the condemnation of Hamas and the demand for the return of Israeli hostages. Failure to include this portrays that Oakland is calling for an Israeli surrender to a terrorist organization, rather than a peaceful resolute agreement on both sides. I understand the volume and pressure from the people of Oakland. I urge you to attempt to maintain your critical thinking, and to keep in mind the diversity of the people of Oakland, some of whom are Israeli, who are too frightened to outwardly speak their case.

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    Mohit Mookim 10 months ago

    PERMANENT CEASEFIRE NOW! Oakland must stand up firmly against war and in support of all people's humanity and right to live on their lands. I am a lawyer who lives and works in Oakland (District 1). Just as Oakland must work against gentrification and land grabs in its own city that displaces its residents, it must vocalize support for Palestinians who have been relentlessly demeaned and pushed out of their homelands for decades. Over 1 million Palestinians have lost their homes in the past two months. It is hard to fathom the immensity of this loss. Decolonize everywhere, from Huichin to Gaza!

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    Joy Liu 10 months ago

    District 5 resident and small business owner in Oakland in full support of an immediate ceasefire.

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    Mark Zitter 10 months ago

    The resolution as written is biased. It should explicitly condemned Hamas' brutal attack and called for the group's removal. Hamas explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and promises to continue attacking until Israel no longer exists. Why call for a cease-fire that Hamas promises to break as soon as it's ready? How about a resolution that requires Hamas to release all hostages, renounce violence, and recognize Israel's right to exist and then demands that both parties work toward a peaceful two-state solution? That would cause Israel to stop military action, but Hamas would never do it.

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    wendy chew 10 months ago

    Resident in 94607. I support a permanent ceasefire. Stop the genocide and violence on Gaza and Palestinians everywhere. I can't imagine what the repurcussions of what has already happened may be and I do not want to imagine what Israel will continue to do. Ceasefire now!

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    Sabiha Basrai 10 months ago

    History will remember what the people living in the United States said and did to oppose the genocide in Gaza. Let Oakland be on the right side of history. Follow the leadership of Jewish, Muslim, and other faith based organizations along with brave anti-war activists who reject the lies and stand in solidarity with all oppressed people.

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    Cyrina King 10 months ago

    Please pass this resolution as is! Immediate and enduring ceasefire now !

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    Marco Cuevo 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident, and I strongly support a permanent ceasefire. Free Palestine!

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    Joan Duffielld 10 months ago

    United Nations, organizations including Human Rights Watch, Médecins Sans Frontières, Amnesty International have accused Israel of 50+ war crimes. 
Oakland must stand against the disproportionate response of killing 20,000 innocent civilians by Israel. Many of Israel's claims about October 7th have been debunked as lies, their death toll going down, not up, since 10/7/23 at first 1400 than 1200 which is unheard of. While the Palestinian death toll is no well over 20,000 almost half being children (over 8,000). Israel military admitted to killing their own Israeli civilians at the music festival.

    Call for an immediate & permanent ceasefire in Gaza!

    The people of Oakland want a vote to pass a ceasefire resolution that condemns the colony of Israel's crimes against humanity and holds them accountable for genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.
Israel did not honor the 4 day pause & has been recorded bombing and shooting unarmed civilians in Palestine. Israel has over 8,000 Palestinians detained without charge a large majority of those are children under 18 years old. We must condemn these atrocities against humanity. If Israel is allowed to continue taking the lives of innocent civilians, whose to say anyone is safe.

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    Erica Fong 10 months ago

    We urge you to stand with Palestine and support a ceasefire to stop the destruction of homes, a homeland, a culture and the loss of precious lives. Please make a stand for a permanent ceasefire and condemn Israel’s violence and occupation.

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    Danny Kaplan 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland's District 1. I support this resolution. According to a recent NYT article, the Israeli military killing of Palestinians in Gaza has no precedent for scale since the Vietnam War. Tens of thousands, the majority women and children, are needlessly dead. This is tanatmount to genocide. This unconscionable killing does not make Jews in Israel or the United States safer. This country has tremendous influence in international politics. Our elected officials at every level of government must do what we can to move us to demanding a ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Joyce Bartlett 10 months ago

    I support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a fully free Palestine. We cannot push false equivalencies that equate the institutional violence of the Israeli state’s occupation with Palestinians resisting their occupation. It is a tragedy that people are being murdered on all sides - calling for a ceasefire does not support or negate lives being lost on either side. For those who are in opposition to this resolution, I hear your pain and fear over lives lost in Israel. I want to understand how you make sense of what it means for Palestine to have faced over 75 years of a brutal occupation and 16 years of a blockade in Gaza? Do you see the ways supporters of Palestinian liberation are equated to supporting terrorism? Do you see how it activates the broader Global War on Terror infrastructure, which has resulted in the murder of at least 3 million people globally in the last 22 years, displaced over 30 million people, and is consistently used to justify collective punishment on a mass scale? Israel continues to train police departments in the US from Atlanta, Ferguson, Baltimore, NYC, to other parts of the world who use these tactics against Black, Brown and Indigenous communities resisting state militarism, authoritarianism, and violence. The U.S. government sends $3.8 billion in military funding to Israel every year - our taxpayer dollars that go towards oppressing Palestinians, enforcing a blockade on Gaza and perpetuating apartheid - a crime against humanity.

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    Miguel Valencia 10 months ago

    Resident of District 1. Ceasefire.

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    Erin Mazow 10 months ago

    I stand with worldwide calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Elected officials, I implore you to act now and use your power and influence to end the devastating violence.