Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    diana samawi 10 months ago

    permanent ceasefire and peace for palestine!

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    Rena Korb 10 months ago

    The idea that you would call for a ceasefire in Gaza WITHOUT calling for the return of the more than 200 hostages that Hamas still holds speaks volumes. Does Oakland "love life" except when it comes to Jews?

    This resolution speaks to the council's ignorance to the events of October 7 and the barbaric actions committed by Hamas terrorists. Is this ignorance willful or are you really unaware of the horrific details of the murders, torture, and rapes committed by Hamas on that day? Where is your outrage for Hamas and its use of rape as a weapon of war? If you have any, clearly it's buried under a pile of words, like "colonialist" and "colonizer-settlers" and "oppressors." Unfortunately, words don't kill but Hamas does.

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    Barbara Kluger 10 months ago

    I’m a Jewish resident of District 7 and a member of Temple Sinai. I strongly oppose Council member Fife’s overly simplistic resolution demanding that Israel institute a ceasefire, a resolution which will further divide our own city and cause harm to its Jewish residents who are already frightened and upset. I’m horrified by this war that has killed so many civilians in Gaza. I worry about our loved ones in Israel and about the future of the state of Israel. With the extreme and sudden rise internationally of anti-Jewish sentiment, I worry for the safety of Jewish people here in the US and abroad. Resolutions like this one will likely incite more violence against Jews and possibly also Muslims.

    Peace is a lovely wish for the people of Israel and Gaza and I continue to hope they’ll be able to find a path to peace, with the help of allies. This resolution – that was created with little or no input from Oakland's Jewish community – is whipping up a great deal of strong negative feelings against Israel and Jews right here at home.

    If you insist on passing it anyway, I do hope you'll add an amendment that condemns Hamas. It makes no sense at all to demand “hostages be released” without acknowledging that Hamas terrorists planned and carried out the violent kidnapping of hundreds of hostages from Israel and dragged them across the border to Gaza.

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    maia rasheed 10 months ago

    I am strongly in support of this resolution. It’s very important to me that our elected officials use their public platform to advocate for a ceasefire and stop the bombing and killing of Palestinians. Some may say that it’s an issue outside of the scope of our city council but I firmly believe that we are all interconnected and anyone with a public platform needs to use their voice and privilege to stand against this genocide. I urge all the council members to vote YES. I also encourage all Oakland residents who are confused by this position to read more about why so many people are asking for ceasefire and are supporting the idea of a free Palestine.

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    Natasha Gottlieb 10 months ago

    I am writing to oppose the proposed resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This complex issue involves historical, political, and social factors, which the resolution fails to fully address. Its one-sided nature lacks a balanced perspective, ignoring the intricacies and responsibilities of all parties involved.

    It's crucial to consider Israel's right to self-defense against security threats. By solely condemning Israel, the resolution neglects important aspects of national security. Additionally, such a resolution could deepen division within our community, whereas promoting dialogue and understanding would be more beneficial. We should advocate for a peaceful, two-state solution that respects the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians.

    Local government should focus on uniting our community and addressing local issues. Engaging in international conflicts might detract from our primary responsibilities to our constituents.

    In conclusion, while I oppose violence and human rights violations, this resolution is not an appropriate response to a complex international issue. I recommend that the Council pursue resolutions that encourage peace, understanding, and respect the sovereignty and security of all nations involved.

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    Tomer Altman 10 months ago

    I oppose this Resolution if not amended.

    Dear Council, my name is Tomer Altman. I am a Jewish descendant of Holocaust survivors and a proud Israeli-American. My daughter goes to school in Oakland, and my synagogue is in Oakland.

    The cruel and unprovoked attack by Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians on October 7th was the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Personally, my 12 year old relative was caught in the onslaught at the small village of Nirim in Israel, near the border with Gaza. For 12 harrowing hours, his parents didn't know whether he was dead or alive, as news began to spread of the butchering of families, the gang rape of women, and the beheading of children. Thankfully, he was found unharmed hours later, but 1,200 of others at his village and others nearby were not so fortunate, and were brutally murdered.

    I am here asking you to amend the proposed resolution to condemn Hamas and call for their removal. As President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken and Congress have all made clear: There can be no lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians if Hamas remains in power. As stated in their charter and shown by their October 7 attack, Hamas has no interest in coexistence. For these reasons, I hope you join Representative Barbara Lee and Senator Bernie Sanders by amending the resolution to condemn Hamas, and calling for its removal. It's important that we Free Palestine from Hamas. Thank you for your time.

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    kassandra vasquez 10 months ago

    I support the call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. More than 35+ days of suffering and agony, enough is enough. Free Palestine

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    Liron Ouziel 10 months ago

    On October 7, around 3000 terrorists penatrated Israel, murdered,raped, beheaded and burned people alive and kidnapped 241 people, including babies and the elderly. Since that day, 9,000 rockets have been launched at Israel, hitting people houses,playgrounds and the hospital in Ashkelon city.The leaders of Hamas continue to threaten in all media that the terrorist attack on Israel will continue again and again. The Israel Defense Forces operates in accordance with the international laws of war and informs the Gazans where it is going to strike. Hamas is the one that prevents the residents from fleeing and uses them as human shields. The people of Israel deserve to be free in their country and they are not free at the moment

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    Fatima Hasanain 10 months ago

    I wholeheartedly support this resolution. A permanent ceasefire and an end to the occupation in Gaza is necessary to preserve human rights in the region. Israel's numerous war crimes and its blatant human rights abuses are well-documented and well-understood by anyone who has paid even the slightest attention. The human cost of Israel's genocidal war against the Palestinian people has surpassed all prior eruptions of violence in the region. Oakland, as a historical center of revolution and a leader in the fight for liberation for oppressed peoples worldwide has a duty to speak up on this issue. It is not merely a symbolic act. It is an act of solidarity that reflects this community's collective conscience. Other commentators have suggested that it's not Oakland City Council's job to interfere with foreign affairs or comment on this violence. To suggest that is to ignore Oakland's unique history and its impact on the country and world. When Oakland speaks, the world listens. As Americans and as taxpayers, our money directly funds Israel's genocide of Palestinians. To ignore Israel's crimes would be to abdicate Oakland's duty to both its own citizens and its duty to our brothers and sisters in Palestine.

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    emma mcwaid 10 months ago

    I am a District 3 Oakland resident and I am demanding a resolution to call for an immediate, PERMANENT CEASEFIRE NOW! I stand with the Palestinian people and I stand with humanity. We cannot continue to contribute our tax dollars to fund ethnic cleansing and genocide. Palestinians deserve to live!

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    Ta SG 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident with young children. Our home, the only home with a mezuzah on our street, was recently vandalized. Antisemitism and Islamophobia are in the rise. Please don’t pass this resolution that will only serve to give people an excuse for more hatred and violence here in our town. My children deserve to live in a community where they feel safe and valued. Thank you

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    May Mash 10 months ago

    Please vote NO on this resolution. As an Israeli-American Jewish Oakland resident who always voted for left political parties that advocate for Palestinians’s rights and a two-state solution, I find this resolution to be overly simplified and not representative. I do not believe that a call for a ceasefire before dismantling Hamas or without calling for its complete surrender is the solution. Keeping Hamas in power, a radical Islamist terror organization that steals all aid from its citizens, uses them as human shields, teaches them to hate and kill Jews since birth, and kills its own opponents, will not help “Free Palestine”. It will only inflict more violence and death on both Israelis and Palestinians. Hamas leaders said they will do Oct. 7th again, and are committed to killing the Jews and destroying Israel. By doing so, they are deeming both Palestinians and Israelis for an endless cycle of violence, suffering and death. It will harm both Israelis and Palestinians, both in the short and long term.
    Moreover, I beg you to think about what this resolution will do to our community, which is composed of both Israelis and Palestinians, both Jews and Muslims, after the deadliest attack on the Jewish community since the Holocaust, and amidst rising hate, antisemitism and islamophobia. Inaccurate and one-sided resolutions will not solve the conflict or bring us any closer to peace. We must bring our community together in these harsh times – not pull ourselves apart.

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    Sonia Alam 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution and call on city council to join other cities in demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. Too many lives have been lost and we are complicit in funding this devastation. I stand in solidarity with Palestinians and their allies as a resident of district 6.

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    Becky Lai 10 months ago

    I am strongly in support of this resolution. It’s very important to me that our elected officials use their public platform to advocate for a ceasefire and stop the bombing and killing of Palestinians. Some may say that it’s an issue outside of the scope of our city council but I firmly believe that we are all interconnected and anyone with a public platform needs to use their voice and privilege to stand against this genocide. I urge all the council members to vote YES. I also encourage all Oakland residents who are confused by this position to read more about why so many people are asking for ceasefire and are supporting the idea of a free Palestine.

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    Becky Lai 10 months ago

    I am strongly in support of this resolution. It’s very important to me that our elected officials use their public platform to advocate for a ceasefire and stop the bombing and killing of Palestinians. Some may say that it’s an issue outside of the scope of our city council but I firmly believe that we are all interconnected and anyone with a public platform needs to use their voice and privilege to stand against this genocide. I urge all the council members to vote YES. I also encourage all Oakland residents who are confused by this position to read more about why so many people are asking for ceasefire and are supporting the idea of a free Palestine.

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    Brian Bartz 10 months ago

    I strongly urge the Oakland city council to pass this resolution. Our tax dollars are supporting the genocide in Gaza, and we must demand it be stopped. A ceasefire is the bare minimum to ask for. It is obvious that Israel has no interest in respecting international law or even the terms of a ceasefire. I believe that it will only be through significant acts of global pressure that Israels genocidal policies will be stopped. I hope that Oakland will stand for what is right and contribute to the increasingly loud voices calling for the liberation of the Palestinian people. Free Gaza, Free Palestine.

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    Amal Hararah 10 months ago

    I am in full support of this resolution. I am
    Calling for Oakland city council to echo the shouts of the majority and demand an immediate ceasefire. Enough innocent lives have been taken, mostly children, and it needs to end. Thank you for your time.

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    Claudine Tong 10 months ago

    My name is Claudine Tong. I have lived in Oakland since 1962 when my parents moved here from San Francisco so they could have a house. I grew up in the multicultural San Antonio district down the street from Manzanita School. I now live further East in the Melrose District and I work for OUSD as a paraeducator. I have always been proud to be from Oakland and I am grateful and proud of the Council members who wrote and support this resolution . I am a parent and grandparent. One of my sons died at 33 last year. I cannot even begin to imagine what thousands of parents in Gaza must feel as they hold their dead infants and children in their arms or watch their bodies carried away as they are taken to a makeshift hospital with no medicines or running water. Over $6 million of the billions in military aid going to Israel is Oakland's portion. That would go a long way to take care of Oakland's unhoused residents, make needed repairs to our streets and our schools. I urge the Council to pass the resolution as is. It is already a month and a half and over 11,000 lives too late. Thank you.

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    Amanda Gonzales 10 months ago

    Oakland resident urging for a ceasefire now! No more children’s lives lost. The destruction is devastating beyond words. Enough is enough. Ceasefire!

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    Valerie Ackerman 10 months ago

    Need to also condemn Hamas for its brutality and goal of destroying Israel.