Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

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    Jessica Mitchell 10 months ago

    I’m a D4 resident and writing in support of this resolution. I’m horrified that our taxes here in Oakland are supporting genocidal violence in Gaza. Oakland has long been a leader in progressive social movements, let’s live up to that legacy!

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    Roxana Dhada 10 months ago

    I am a 15 year resident of Oakland in Council President Bas' district, a child of an end-stage genocide survivor and historian. Pass this resolution as is, by the end of tomorrow's meeting. This is the bare minimum and embarrassingly long overdue. I'm disgusted, sick and tired of living in a country that sends $8.3 billion dollars yearly to fund end-stage genocide. I will not live in a city that says nothing and does nothing about it - especially a city whose officials love to claim a legacy of social justice whenever it's convenient for them. Live up to Oakland's legacy right now. Demand a permanent ceasefire, immediate aid to the Palestinian people, and an end to all local, state, and federal funding of the Israeli apartheid state. This is not a radical action, it's not even a progressive action, it's the absolute baseline required to remain human. Anything less means willing compliance in genocide denial and international war crimes. Genocide survivors are everywhere, and they are watching us. Your behavior in this moment determines how much freedom ANY of us can hope to have in the future. Get. It. Together.

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    Ann Young 10 months ago

    I support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the West Bank.

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    Vi Elder 10 months ago

    I urge you in the strongest possible terms to support a permanent and immediate ceasefire, to refuse to send further weapons or military aid to Israel, and to condemn entirely the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Anything short of firm, unwavering, and absolute condemnation of this genocide, which has been ongoing for decades, is further complicity in it. Over 20,000 Palestinians have been killed by Israel, over 8,000 being children, just since this most recent escalation began - not even beginning to count the many killed and imprisoned in the decades prior. We will remember how you vote on this.

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    Isabel Barbera 10 months ago

    I am writing in full support of this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. As citizens of a country that has been funding and fueling the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine, supporting a permanent ceasefire in this intensely urgent moment is both a critical first step, and the absolute bare minimum of what the city of Oakland can do right now. Our neighboring city of Richmond has already taken this step weeks ago. Let us follow in their footsteps and stand on the right side of history.

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    Charlie Fagan 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, I fully support the passing of this resolution demanding a ceasefire. I urge us to demand Palestinian liberation beyond a ceasefire. I urge us to demand Palestinians have a right to return to their homeland. I urge us to demand a world where Palestinians have the autonomy to govern themselves. I urge us to divest funds from companies and governments that enact, support and profit from genocide and ethnic cleansing. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

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    Ethan Yung 10 months ago

    As a D2 Oakland resident I support this resolution. Our government at all levels should voice support for human rights, and take action to save lives in Gaza. This is the least we can do for public support of the Palestinian people - at least as Oakland residents we can make this collective statement, and continue to compel the U.S. government to divest from and stop its deference to the Israeli government.

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    Samantha Edelman 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland Resident/homeowner in District 2, represented by Councilmember Nikki Fortunato Bas.

    I fully support a ceasefire resolution for Gaza effective immediately. Our humanity depends on it.

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    Kate Hillis 10 months ago

    I call for an immediate ceasefire. I call for the safety and LIBERATION of the Palestinian people. I call for an end to the occupation of Palestine by Israel. I call for an end to the funding and military aid to Israel by the US. I will not vote for any representative who does not support a ceasefire and I will actively campaign against any representative who does not support a ceasefire. Listen to the PEOPLE who put you in office. The PEOPLE want a ceasefire now!

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    Sydney Ji 10 months ago

    I am writing as an Oakland resident in District 3 in strong support of the ceasefire resolution. As a city, we must speak up and take our stance in favor of ceasefire, and against the Israeli genocide of Palestinians and occupation of Palestine.

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    Nathan Lee 10 months ago

    I support the calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    kaelen alexander 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish Oakland resident of District 1 and I call on city council to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the release of all Palestinian political prisoners, unrestricted entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, and an end to Israeli apartheid, terror, and illegal occupation. Free Palestine!

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    Mac McLeod 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident since 2015, I urge the City Council to support immediate and permanent Ceasefire In Gaza

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    Savannah Kilner 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident in full support of the people of Oakland’s resounding call for a PERMANENT ceasefire in Gaza and end to all U.S. military aid to Israel as we continue to fight for an end to the occupation, right of return, & Free Palestine. People of conscience all over the world are calling for the end to the current intensification of the genocide in Gaza, the city of Oakland must join them.

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    Christiana Roverso 10 months ago

    I support a ceasefire!! It is so frustrating to say the least, to watch our government condone a full on genocide & ethnic cleansing against Palestinian people by the Israeli forces. People of Jewish descent are even standing with Palestine because they recognize the heinous terrorist crimes being committed against Palestinian children & civilians by the Israeli forces! Palestinians have been displaced, forced out of their homes and off of their own land as they’ve been fighting to remain in, for over 75 years , land that they have eveh right to call home and come home to. As an American who has no say on where my tax dollars are spent, it is disgusting to know that they are going towards funding a genocide and occupation of land brought on by Israeli military on Palestine. I demand for a ceasefire now as well as demand for America to help rebuild Palestine and hold the media and Israeli military and all those who’ve condoned genocide accountable for their actions. I demand America call and end to this genocide and ensure the safety & return to home to Palestinians as well as the rebuilding of their communities, hospitals and schools and to NEVER allow this to happen EVER again!

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    Jonah Lounds 10 months ago

    Oaklanders like myself implore their city to call for an immediate ceasefire and end of Israeli occupation in Palestine! Israel is committing genocide, attempting to finish the job started in 1948 and violently dispossess millions of Palestinians of their ancestral lands, if not erase them from this Earth altogether. It should be a natural instinct of yours to object to this genocidal campaign and demand a permanent ceasefire. Furthermore, as an educator of young Oakland students, the ongoing mass murder of Palestinian children is sickening, unjust(ifiable), and permanently heartbreaking. For this I will never forgive the Israeli state and their Zionist defenders in the US and abroad. Please, do not add yourselves to this league of genocidal monsters. Call for a ceasefire now!

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    Leo Hegde 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland Resident in District 2, represented by Councilmember Nikki Fortunato Bas.

    As a trans and queer Indian American, I fully support this resolution for a ceasefire. I do not subscribe to the Zionist pinkwashing campaign, and I do not believe that militarization, occupation and the genocide of Palestinians creates safety for LGBTQ people. Rather, the LGBTQ community members of Oakland know that human rights are stake - that an immediate ceasefire and end to the genocide in Gaza will create lasting safety for our community and others around the globe.

    I call on the Oakland City Council to be brave in this moment, and use your platform to represent Oakland residents calling for immediate ceasefire by passing this resolution. We will remember and stand with you.

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    Lee GoodmanGargagliano 10 months ago

    As a proud Jewish d6 Oakland resident. I am heartened that the city of Oakland could take a strong stance in support of human rights. The horrific destruction wrought by the state of Israel and the US’s role in enabling it with our tax dollars compels the city to speak out. This resolution is an opportunity to stand with human rights and against manipulation of Jewish identity to justify the unjustifiable. Ceasefire now! Palestinians deserve full freedom and Justice in their homelands. Oakland has role in speaking out, ending our complicity, and advancing the cause of Justice. Thank you

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    Ariel Appel 10 months ago

    To the Oakland City Council,

    I am a constituent of district 1. I am writing as a Jew, as a housing justice advocate and organizer, as a youth educator, and a person of conscience who is imploring the council to support the resolution for a permanent Ceasefire. There is nothing Jewish about genocide. It is antisemitic to claim that all Jews monolithically stand for Israel's genocide of Palestinians. I support this resolution and encourage you to stand on the side of justice and freedom. Thank you.

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    Ceci Perez 10 months ago

    I strongly urge the City Council to take a firm stance for an immediate ceasefire and to allow aid into Gaza. Every single hour we stall in standing against this obscene and indiscriminate bombardment, we will lose precious lives. History will remember those who turn a blind eye towards these vile acts of terror perpetuated by the Israeli government. The people will remember how council members vote on this item.