Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    SummerSolstice Thomas 10 months ago

    Oakland has a history of standing on the right side of history. Of standing with the oppressed and marginalized. This history is what lends Oakland its vibrancy and diversity today. We must continue to stand on the right side of history and support national and international calls for a ceasefire in Palestine. The brutal and rapid murder of Palestinian people and children is beyond unjust and we must call for its immediate cessation.

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    Brandon Abasolo 10 months ago

    As a former Oakland resident, I humbly request that the Oakland City Council adopt this resolution calling for a ceasefire. Thank you!

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    Natasha H 10 months ago

    I am in full support of this resolution. We need an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to Israeli apartheid and occupation in Palestine. Please stand against genocide and for fundamental human rights for all people.

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    Neo Linke 10 months ago

    The democratic citizens of California completely support a ceasefire in Palestine. The bombardments of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli army has already resulted in the deaths of over 13,000 Palestinian men, women and children; many more are still lost under the debris. Israel is using white phosphorous bombs, as well as cruel and unusual punishment on the people of Palestine: both of which are war crimes. What is happening in Palestine is an attempt at ethnic cleansing and genocide which has been ongoing since the Nakba in 1948. The democratic citizens of California do not support the needless loss of life, and we urge the council to support a ceasefire.

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    Maire Marshall 10 months ago

    I urge the City of Oakland to support the resolution for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza. I fully support this resolution. Until all of us are free, none of us are free.

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    Stephane Barile 10 months ago

    As a city with a deep history of anti-racist and liberatory struggle, Oakland must stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and join other US cities in saying we don’t support our national government’s policy on Israel and Palestine. We must use every means we can to call for a permanent immediate ceasefire, an end to the occupation and apartheid imposed by Israel, and to decry the genocide we are currently witnessing. Free Palestine!

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    jaime young 10 months ago

    my name is jaime young and i currently reside in district 2. i moved back to oakland just last week for various reasons including needing and wanting to live in an area where there are folx who look like me and uphold the same values & beliefs that i hold. one of these beliefs is that our struggles as oppressed people whether we are Black, Brown, Indigenous, Arab, Muslim, Jewish, queer, trans or any intersection of these and other marginalized identities are deeply intertwined. as a Black non-binary trans person i feel it is my duty to stand up and speak out in support of Palestinians and all those being violently oppressed globally. there is a genocide happening and over 20,000 Palestinians have been martyred at the hands of the “Israeli” occupation forces. Palestinians have been without clean water, enough food, safe shelter and proper medical care for more than a month. not one more person should be murdered for you to call for an IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL CEASEFIRE IN GAZA & THE WEST BANK. END ALL AID, MILITARY AND FINANCIAL, TO ISRAEL. ALLOW ALL AVAILABLE AID INTO PALESTINE. END THE “ISRAELI” OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE AND STOP THE APARTHEID. END THE GENOCIDE NOW! END THE GENOCIDE NOW! END THE GENOCIDE NOW!

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    Oliver Crow 10 months ago

    As a long term Oakland resident, I strongly support the resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The actions of the Israeli state in Gaza must be condemned. The US must cease funding Israeli militarism and seek an end to the Israeli apartheid system.

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    Avery Masri 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I support Oakland calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. We must stand against genocide!

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    Amelia Ortiz 10 months ago

    I fully support this resolution and believe Oakland should act immediately to affirm our commitment to a ceasefire. Let us act in the spirit of the history of our city and move boldly toward liberation and justice. CEASEFIRE NOW

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    Adan Deeb 10 months ago

    The city of Oakland needs to take a stand against the violent occupation of the Palestinian people. A 4-day ceasefire is not a solution, nor will it be the end of the violent killings of the Palestinian people. We must act now. Our tax dollars pay for this genocide, money that could be used instead to support marginalized communities here at home. We must demand an end to the genocide, a permanent ceasefire, and land back for all Palestinians. We look to you to be the voice of the people, the majority of whom support this resolution. I call on you to support us and do what you can to save Palestinian lives.

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    Alia Ghabra 10 months ago

    Greetings councilmembers, i am a 20 year oakland resident, 15 year oakland teacher, i am a queer muslim and syrian american, but above all, i am human. I support the call to an immediate ceasefire and end to israeli occupation and apartheid practices
    Towards palestinians. This “truce” has been only a first step, and not even a good one. Israeli snipers still conducted new checkpoints in Gaza and shot civilians trying to go North to get items from their homes. There are still thousands of palestinians who have been held hostage by israeli forces. We must stand on the right side of history and be firm in our call for a true ceasefire.

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    Ashley Corri 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution for Oakland to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to this genocide. It is the first step in ending the occupation of Israel and returning Palestine to the Palestinian people. Thank you for allowing us as a city to stand on the right side of history!

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    My Linh Wilson 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now. Israel’s ongoing attacks on innocent Palestinian civilians can no longer be considered defense. They are unjust. As of today Palestinian civilian deaths and displacement have surpassed the Nakba. How can we allow history to repeat? Oakland must call for an immediate ceasefire.

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    Madi McCloud 10 months ago

    no genocide now! Protect the people of Gaza, protect all people against violent colonialism!

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    Olivia Eng 10 months ago

    I am in full support and advocacy of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Humanity and the value of each and every single human life must always be the priority and forefront of every decision.

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    Andrea Martin 10 months ago

    I am a longtime Oakland resident and one of the things I love best about my city is the community here. I ask that you vote yes on this resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza. Let's stand against the humanitarian crisis that's been happening in Palestine. As Americans, we must include all of Palestine and we must continue the work of freeing Palestinians from the oppression that they have been subjected to for so long. Let's stop putting our resources (port, etc) into genocide and apartheid. Let's put our tax dollars into helping rebuild life for people here in our city. I would be proud of my city for putting through this resolution. It's just a start - but an essential one - and then let's keep it going.

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    Neder GatmonSegal 10 months ago

    I am a resident of District 3, an anti-Zionist Jew whose family goes back nine generations in Palestine, and I support this resolution.

    All of us, in our workplaces, our neighborhoods, our communities, and our cities, must take a stand against the ongoing genocide of Palestinians by Israel, an apartheid state. From true labor militancy to the Panthers, the people of Oakland have always stood on the side of justice for oppressed working people everywhere.

    This resolution is the least we can do to keep putting pressure on the US government to not only call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, where tens of thousands of Palestinians have been murdered, and over a million displaced, but also to end all US financial and political support for Israel and genocide in Palestine.

    I hope this resolution is a first step towards more comprehensive boycott, divestment, and sanctions policies against the state of Israel, and urge the city council to pursue BDS policies as soon as possible. Only with US support can Israel maintain its genocidal, apartheid regime, and as a major US city, and important shipping and business hub, we are implicated in the funding and abetting of this genocide.

    Oakland should not be unloading ships, housing companies, or maintaining relationships with an apartheid state, and it is incumbent that we exert what pressure we have as a city, and that the council takes this responsibility seriously. Ceasefire now, and a free Palestine in our lifetimes.

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    Olive Bartholomew 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident, I am in support of this resolution to call for a ceasefire in order to leverage our voices against the genocide taking place in Palestine.

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    Jennifer Smith 10 months ago

    I am in full support of this resolution. Too many Gazans have died including so many children. We must use our voices to demand a ceasefire and look for diplomatic solutions to the problem.