Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Emily Wheeler 10 months ago

    I support a permanent ceasefire and cessation of all US military aid to Israel.

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    Randy Kasper 10 months ago

    I strongly support an end to the violence in Gaza and encourage the city of Oakland to call for a ceasefire!

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    Emily Noll 10 months ago

    I am in full support of this resolution. I am calling on Oakland City council to hear our voices and vote for an immediate ceasefire. Stop the killing, protect the children. This is not the way. Cease fire now!

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    Yara Qattom 10 months ago

    I am a Palestinian American who has resided in the Bay Area for the past 10 years. I take pride in the way that Oakland has showed up for causes for justice in the past and implore that Oakland takes a similar stance for humanity and the tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian lives being lost. Since October 7th, 14k+ innocent Palestinians have been murdered by the Israeli military and this number is likely very underestimated due to the amount of people still stuck under the rubble. Even during the temporary “ceasefire”, the Israeli military has been shooting and killing innocent Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. It’s also worthy to note that this didn’t start on October 7th. In 2023 before October 7th, over 200 innocent Palestinians were killed and since 2008, over 30 thousand. I have family both in Gaza and the West Bank and wake up every day not knowing if they’re going to be alive. The violence abroad is also fueling violence domestically, as seen with the hate crimes and even murders happening in our backyard. In order for me to continue to support and feel safe in Oakland, I need to know that our leaders will call for an end to this violence abroad and domestically. I support an immediate and permanent ceasefire — and ask for the city of Oakland to do the same.

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    Elisabeth Long 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident of district 2, I call on city council to affirm the people of Oakland's resounding support for a PERMANENT ceasefire, the release of all Palestinian political prisoners, unrestricted entry into Gaza for humanitarian aid, restoration of basic needs such as clean water, power and intern and a permanent end to illegal Israeli occupation and terror. This is the minimum the city can do to affirm that Palestinians deserve justice and sovereignty.

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    Gianna Michael 10 months ago

    Oakland city council must absolutely support an immediate and total ceasefire and support of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Our tax money has been supporting this horrible genocide and it is beyond time to stop, we cannot support this when we have thousands in the streets of Oakland in need of support and help. We support the liberation of the Palestinian people and an end to the white supremacist war machine. Free Palestine !

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    Woods Ervin 10 months ago

    I am a resident in District 2 and am in full support of the resolution for Oakland to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Jasper Lounds 10 months ago

    I am a jewish educator and activist, and I call on support for the immediate Ceasefire declaration of Israel’s siege on Gaza. As a queer jewish person, the phrase “never again means never again for anyone” is incredibly important to me. This is an immediate concern, and life must be uplifted and supported around the world. No more genocide in Gaza!

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    Mohammad Rahhal 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now

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    Andrew Aggabao 10 months ago

    I am a constituent of District 2 and strongly urge all council members to vote for this resolution to call for a permanent ceasefire of the Israeli military’s genocide campaign in Gaza. Our tax dollars are paying for the slaughter of tens of thousands of civilian Palestinians, nearly half of whom are children. We must demand that the U.S. government not only stop our weapons and financial support to Israel, but also use every means possible of stopping the Israeli military from continuing this racist, ethno-nationalist, horrifying mass murder. Stop the genocide. Ceasefire now!

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    Marie Morley 10 months ago

    Ceasefire Now! The US must end its financial and military support of the genocide of the Palestinian people!

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    Sanyika Bryant 10 months ago

    This is the absolute bare-minimum that should be done. The City of Oakland needs to stand on the right side of history and oppose the genocide happening in Palestine. The City of Oakland needs to stand with the rest of the world and demand an immediate end to the siege of Gaza and an end to the occupation of Palestine. Stop the Genocide!

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    Dean Lyons 10 months ago

    I am in full support of the city of Oakland supporting an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Free Palestine!

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    Tai F 10 months ago

    The city of Oakland MUST vocally and emphatically support a PERMANENT and IMMEDIATE ceasefire in Gaza and an END to Israel’s illegal, inhumane, and US facilitated occupation and genocide. Oakland is an amazing place, let’s stay on the right side of history!!!

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    Varun Mehra 10 months ago

    I strongly support an end to the violence and in Gaza and encourage the city of Oakland to call for a ceasefire!

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    eden jequinto 10 months ago

    as a resident, worker, lawyer, and lover of oakland, i without reservation support this resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. working with countless youth since 2004, i am honored to remeet former youth now in their late 20s and 30s who continue to stand for the town's commitment to love life. generations support this ceasefire because we are survivors of colonization, militarization, displacement, and erasure. we understand the violence of domination through politics, narrative control, and consumerism. we have supported people's champions into office to speak love, truth, justice, and life to power and enact these values through courageous decision making. we understand that it's people power that leads to transformative justice, creating a world worth leaving for seven generations and beyond. Oakland has been a refuge and home to our peoples from around the globe. with the continual and heightened genocide of Palestinians and massive physical destruction of Palestine, the minimal effort Oakland can offer is a resolution to ceasefire, so i thank you in advance for affirming that the town will forever stand on the right side of ourstory…that we care about life, respect, self-determination, unity, justice, and peace. much appreciation for everyone's effort to make this happen. may peace and blessins be upon you. love, eden silva jequinto, esq.

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    Miya Cain 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I support this resolution, a ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people and an end to apartheid and Israeli occupation.

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    Rachel Raiyani 10 months ago

    Hello, my name is Rachel Raiyani and I’m a resident of San Ramon, CA. As a citizen of the Bay Area, I support Oakland City’s resolution to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Omar Slayyeh 10 months ago

    Oakland has a history of standing on the right side of history. Of standing with the oppressed and marginalized. This history is what lends Oakland its vibrancy and diversity today. We must continue to stand on the right side of history and support national and international calls for a ceasefire in Palestine. The brutal and rapid murder of Palestinian people and children is beyond unjust and we must call for its immediate cessation.

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    anna steiner 10 months ago

    I am a district 1 voter and urge the city council to support this resolution. We demand an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza, immediate aid to Palestinian people and an end to U.S. funding to Israel. Long overdue for Oakland to represent!