Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Alecia Harger 10 months ago

    Oakland absolutely must support the call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel’s actions are nothing short of genocidal and we all have the political and moral imperative to do everything in our power to stop the senseless slaughter of Palestinians that is being funded by our tax dollars.

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    Sam Blickle 10 months ago

    I'm an Oakland resident in district three. Thank you to Councilmember Fife for recommending this resolution and working in collaboration with Oakland community! I want to echo other public comments and the organizers. I am calling on our city officials to adopt a resolution demanding an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza! This is urgent. The City of Oakland can help set a precedent and push forward this conversation across the country, to condemn the genocide of Palestinian people and condemn our country's complicity. We must end our silence, and demand that the US end all federal funding to Israel. I fully support a strong resolution and see this as a step towards change and liberation for Palestinian people. Thank you. Ceasefire Now!

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    Kathryn Gilje 10 months ago

    As a leader mg-time Oakland resident in Member Kalb’s district I strongly support a resolution for a ceasefire, for Justice and freedom. Our military aid and funding must not be to support genocide and pathways toward freedom and healing are desperately needed for future generations to thrive.

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    free palestine 10 months ago

    The people of Oakland demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and a free Palestine. No aid should be given to Israeli forces to bomb and terrorize innocent Palestinians. Not only is it inhumane to do this, but our tax dollars are also being used to fund this when the money can instead be used to improve our cities housing, infrastructure, access to resources, and quality of life. Ceasing fire now is the only correct this to do.

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    Jennifer Tilson 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident in District 1 and I urge the City Council to support this important resolution for ceasefire.

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    Lee Bass 10 months ago

    As a city that champions our commitment to social justice and equity, it is imperative Oakland continues to amplify and act in solidarity with the voices of those fighting for a world without apartheid and systematic violence. We must support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the military occupation in Palestine. We are already delayed in our support, but it is not too late to act. 20,000 Gazans and counting have been murdered by Israeli airstrikes. The people of Oakland demand a ceasefire, and it is the city's responsibility to pass this resolution to reflect the will of the people.

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    John Qaqundah 10 months ago

    My entire family and all my friends are mortified by the American-sponsored genocide unfolding in Gaza. Make no mistake: Israel’s actions are not self defense but rather a blood-thirsty, American-supported campaign of revenge. We people of Oakland must speak up at the grassroots level to effect change in congress. Please support a ceasefire to save lives now! Please!

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    Lesdi Goussen 10 months ago

    As a lifetime resident of Oakland, I urge the city to support the resolution for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza –and call for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine and U.S. aid to Israel! Our aid and unwavering support must go to the Palestinian people! Free Palestine!

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    Alejandra Quinteto 10 months ago

    I support a call for a ceasefire. As a labor organizer & active member of my community, I vow to use my large online platforms to organize against any electeds future political races that don’t call to end the genocide of Palestinians. We are not stopping. Ever.

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    Kelly Tan 10 months ago

    I not only support the resolution to a ceasefire but also ask that we go beyond that. The Palestinian people are not asking for a ceasefire; they demand liberation and it’s not our job place to water down their demands. I ask that the council pass a resolution condemning the US and Israel for this current genocide and calling for the end to US aid to Israel. The government here is just as responsible for the 11k deaths that have been reported in Gaza so far. Oakland (moreso California) should also pull any funding that goes toward this genocide and instead use that money to support our people here.

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    Sa Capacio 10 months ago

    I stand in full solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and liberation against all forms of oppression. Given this genocide is funded by US dollars, city governments must stand on the right side of history and fully dissent against our governments unrelenting support of genocidal Israel. The city of Oakland must demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to the gruesome, inhumane violence perpetrated by our government. The Palestinian people deserve life, freedom, and stewardship over their ancestral homelands. Palestine WILL be free.

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    Matthew Bridges 10 months ago

    Hi, district 3 resident here and Sephardic Jew in strong support of this resolution calling for a permanent and immediate ceasefire in Gaza now!!!

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    Andrew Polis 10 months ago

    Oakland city council must stand with Gaza and support an immediate and permanent ceasefire

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    Omar AlEjel 10 months ago

    Nearly 15,000 innocent kids, women, and men, mostly women and men, have been recklessly burned and blown to bits by Israel without any significant pushback from the United States. As a nation that is funding the operations that are killing innocent people, we have a duty to speak against a daily documented massacre of human beings in a small constricted strip of land. We owe it to our brothers and sisters in Gaza to speak up for them and stop the continuation of violence against them over the past decades. Israeli media has repeatedly admitted that their "strategy" has no rhyme nor reason, deliberately killing civilians.

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    Reem Assil 10 months ago

    As a small business owner in oakland and a district 4 resident, I unequivocally support this resolution. Oakland which has a rich history for standing on the right side of history, has an opportunity to take a stand against genocide happening before our very eyes and pave the path for other cities to follow. It is why I moved here twenty years ago and continue to remain invested in this community. We have the power to create momentum towards policies which keep our most marginalized safe and taken care of and away from a militarism which keeps no one safe. Let us be the pioneer and example of what that looks like. We need to take a stand now before it's too late.

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    Miya Sommers 10 months ago

    As a D2 resident, I am calling in our city council to support this resolution for a ceasefire, as is. This IS an Oakland issue. Our nation's highest levels of government have sent BILLIONS in military funds to Israel. That money that could have been used to support the urgent needs of our communities to ensure everyone is housed, fed, and has access to resources to ensure everyone in Oakland and the rest of the country thrives but instead is being used for genocide.

    It is a shame and Oakland must demand permanent ceasefire!

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    Disha Palimar 10 months ago

    As a Oakland resident I am urging the Oakland City Council to pass a resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, immediate end to be sent to the Palestinian people, and an end to U.S. funding of Israel. By remaining silent and allowing federal funding of Israel continue we are complicit and genocide, and I am urging city council members to end this complicancy now by voting YES andpassing this resolution. Let us stand on the right side of history like the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee have done in passing their own resolutions.

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    Kelan Thomas 10 months ago

    I am a resident in District 3 and support the resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Dylan Cooke 10 months ago

    Hello, I am a resident of District 2 and I am in full support of this resolution. Please, for all of us, pass this resolution.

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    D Alwan 10 months ago

    Dear City Council Members,

    Thank you for taking this step to bring this agenda item to the full Council.

    Prior to October 7th and for decades, Israel has persistently perpetrated at least five categories of major violations of international human rights and humanitarian law which have come to characterize its belligerent occupation: unlawful killings; forced displacement; abusive detentions; the closure of the Gaza Strip and other unjustified restrictions on movement; and land confiscation and the development of settlements, along with other accompanying discriminatory policies that disadvantage Palestinians and are forms of collective punishment. Additionally Israeli Apartheid extends to beyond Palestinians living in diaspora often separated from lands and loved ones to Palestinian citizens of Israel who are discriminated against and persecuted as well.

    For these crimes at a minimum we must demand a permanent cease fire. Additionally, we must enact Boycott, Sanction, and Divestment strategies against Israel until it complies with international and humanitarian law such that all are ensured safety and protection from its crimes.


    Dunya Alwan
    District 2