Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Jas Stade 10 months ago

    I’m a born & raised Oakland citizen of District 3 and I support the resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza. More than 5000 innocent Palestinian civilians that have been killed are children, what is happening in Gaza is a humanitarian disaster, and all support from the US must be withdrawn.

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    Dave Kalloor 10 months ago

    I'm a longtime resident of Oakland, CA and I call on our city council to join in the worldwide call for a ceasefire in Gaza. We can follow the lead of Richmond and Detroit in making our voice clear that we don't support the bombing and killings of innocent civilians, especially children, and we support the immediate allocation of resources into Gaza such as clean water, food, medical supplies, and fuel. Please be on the right side of history!

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    Ryder Diaz 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now!!

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    Amber Kury 10 months ago

    I live in District 1 and I am a nurse serving alameda county residents. I have dedicated my life to bringing health justice and equity to our community. What is being done to Palestinians in Gaza is beyond a nightmare for any person who cares about human life.
    This is not a political issue or a war, this is a human rights emergency- a genocide that our tax dollars are funding. This money needs to stay in our community and help those who desperately need financial support- and not go to fund a genocide. Not in my name! I am urging the city of Oakland to follow the lead of the City of Richmond and approve this resolution that calls for an immediate ceasefire.
    Israel is bombing hospitals, schools, churches; they are releasing white phosphorus on Gazan civilians- a population that consists of 50% children. Gazans live in an open air prison with no way to escape or seek refuge from this daily terror.
    As a nurse I am horrified with the response of those in power. I am urging you to use your power and voice to stand along side the majority of United States citizens and demand a permanent ceasefire by passing this resolution. Thank you

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    Ralph Band 10 months ago

    Full support for this resolution to end the bloodshed and annihilation in Gaza with an immediate ceasefire. Already, over 14000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army, with more than 5000 of them being children.

    Oakland should be at the forefront of this issue in keeping with its rich history of social justice.

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    Marcelle Cohen 10 months ago

    As a Jewish American resident, I strongly support a ceasefire in Gaza and a political solution.

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    Stephen Settanni 10 months ago

    Many major cities across the US have already made public Ceasefire resolutions in support of Gaza. Such as Detroit, MI. And our East Bay neighbor Richmond. Why have we stalled? It’s important for us as a city to join in our progressive metropolitan peers and demand a permanent ceasefire now in Gaza. It’s important for us to help lead the way to take a stand against genocide and to stand up for human rights.

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    Nadia Kury 10 months ago

    There should be no question when it comes to speaking out against violence and ethnic cleansing. One innocent person killed is too many. We are now at 20,000+!! Please honor Oakland’s legacy in supporting and affirming human rights and speak up for a cease fire now.

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    Jess Olson 10 months ago

    I'm a district 3 resident and I fully support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Our tax dollars are funding the genocide of Palestinians. A ceasefire is the bare minimum. End the Israeli occupation!!

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    Mayssa Sultan 10 months ago

    As a native of the Bay Area and a resident of Oakland, I would like to request that you support this resolution for an immediate and ongoing ceasefire in Gaza. Our government is structured in a way that the voices of the people are heard at the ballot box and then not much more after. It is our duty and your duty to uplift the voices of those who provided you with the opportunity to speak for us. In this moment, the necessity of us to use our collective voices to speak from the local, to the state to the national level on this issue is critical. Oakland standing up for Gaza is not taking sides in a conflict but standing up for human rights and to stand on the right side of history. I hope you will support this resolution and have Oakland join the many cities across the nation who are speaking up to defend the right of people to live, in freedom, as we say in this country, "with justice for all." Make that true today. Thank you.

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    Susan Beaty 10 months ago

    My name is Susan Beaty and I am a Bay Area resident who has worked in Oakland for the last 8 years. I strongly support this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Oakland must stand on the right side of history, and against the indiscriminate killing of thousands of Palestinians.

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    Nikki Lee 10 months ago

    We absolutely require a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel has committed numerous cruel and inhumane war crimes against thousands of civilians, and America needs to take a stand (given they're the only ones Israel will listen to).

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    Jacquelyn Wu 10 months ago

    I support the resolution for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and all Palestinian land.

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    Camille Cerrado 10 months ago

    I’m an Oakland resident and a Bay Area Native who wholeheartedly support this resolution to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. I urge our city council members to show their stand against genocide. Free Palestine!

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    Angie Morales 10 months ago

    I support a ceasefire in Gaza. The killing of thousands of innocent civilians is inhumane.

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    Margolit Sands 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish American and resident in District 3 of Oakland. I support this resolution for ceasefire in Gaza, and ask the members of city council to listen to the voices of Oakland who overwhelming shout for peace in the Middle East and demand justice for Palestine.

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    Joshua Carroll 10 months ago

    Thank you CM Fife for initiating this discussion and vote. We need a full ceasefire to meet the human rights of those in Gaza and slow down the domestic $ drain to militarization so we can provide for people here. Our solidarity matters, Ceasefire now!

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    Barrot Lambdin 10 months ago

    I unequivocally support an immediate and unending ceasefire in Gaza and all Palestinian land.

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    Yasmeen Odeh 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident who whole heartedly supports the call for a ceasefire. Gaza in an open air prison and a concentrarion camp. Half of Gazas population are children. A 16 year old in Gaza has already survived 4 ariol adults on Gaza by the white supremacist Israeli state, and is living through their 5th.
    Currently the confirmed number of deaths in Gaza is more then 20,000 people with another 1,700,000 displayed. 70% of the people in Gaza are refigees, meaning families are being made refigees for a second or third time. We are watching the a genocide, a genocide which has been taking place for over 75 years.
    Oakland has a history of resisting white supremosy, oppression, and racism. This city has a history of advocating for justice no master the condiquenses. City counsil members you have a responsibility to reprisent your constituance. We demand a ceasefire, we demand an end to the siege on Gaza, and we demand the end of US military aid to Israel. You have the opportunity to stand on the right side of history and vote in favor of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Farhan Quadri 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident of district 3, I strongly urge you to vote YES on this resolution. There needs to be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, humanitarian aid must be allowed in. Furthermore, this council should consider divesting from companies complicit in human rights violations against Palestinians in Gaza. Why are we ok with our tax $ going towards American-made bombs that have killed over 6,000 Palestinian children?