Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Danny Henn 10 months ago

    We should do everything we can to stop the killing of innocents in Gaza.

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    Tori Porell 10 months ago

    I am a constituent in District 4 and I am proud to support this Ceasefire resolution. Thank you for supporting human rights and Palestinian liberation. Oakland is standing on the right side of history.

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    David Boone 10 months ago

    It is past time for us to acknowledge the reality of this lopsided "war." It's not an act of defense. It's an atrocity, a genocide, and America is wrong for supporting it with blank checks. We need a more nuanced solution to this problem, because blanketed bombing of an entire people is terrorism.

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    Joanna Yu 10 months ago

    I am in full support of this resolution; I am calling for Oakland city council to echo the shouts of the majority and demand an immediate ceasefire. Enough innocent lives have been taken- mostly children- and it needs to end!
    Thank you for your time.

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    Haneen Ali 10 months ago

    I'm in full support of this Resolution and personally can't believe it's taken this long. Thousands of Palestinians have lost their lives because of our lack of urgency. We must call for a Ceasefire and a lift of the siege now.

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    Momo Sakurame 10 months ago

    I strongly support Oakland’s resolution of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. It’s heartbreaking to see the violence of innocent people in Gaza. It’s clear that together we should condemn this modern day genocide. As a proud oakland resident, I want to stand by a city that supports basic human rights and publicly supports this immediate ceasefire.

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    Rachel Steindler 10 months ago

    My name is Rachel Steindler and I am a constituent of District 2 and Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas.

    Every day we are complicit in the murder of 13,000 Palestinian people and counting. Please join us in bringing our City Council in alignment with the 66% of Americans who support a ceasefire. We are already late, and we cannot wait any longer. There is nothing more important.

    Please support this resolution that speaks to the lifeblood of this city. Oakland is my home because it our community knows that choosing to work towards justice and right relationship to each other means choosing to do this even in the harder moments when the pressure to uphold the status quo is so much higher. Please choose what each of us are standing for here today — to stand together in calling for the lives of our people, to call for a permanent ceasefire. Thank you.

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    Donna Willmott 10 months ago

    As a resident of Oakland and a retired teacher, I am in full support of this resolution for us to join the worlwide commmunity demanding a permanent unconditional ceasefir and an end to our government's support of apartheid Israel. This is genocide, plain and simple, and it must end.

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    Kam DL 10 months ago


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    Storm Miguel Florez 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area resident, I lived in Oakland for 8 years and still have deep ties to Oakland community through my work as an artist and filmmaker. I fully support an Oakland resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. There is no other option. Please be on the right side of history and help set an example for cities across the US.

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    Melissa Natividad 10 months ago

    Hello, I am in full support of this resolution; I am calling for Oakland city council to echo the shouts of the majority and demand an immediate ceasefire. Enough innocent lives have been taken- mostly children- and it needs to end!

    Thank you for your time.

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    sylvia S 10 months ago

    Backing a ceasefire is a meaningful recognition of and opposition to the loss of life in Gaza. People may say this resolution is symbolic, but it’s also symbolic NOT to not pass this resolution. Recognize the genocide and take a position towards ending this deadly escalation in the occupation.

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    Zoe Willmott 10 months ago

    D2 resident in strong support of the Oakland City Council resolution for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Please act with urgency and courage to stand on the right side of history so that other cities may follow your example, before it is too late.

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    Malcolm Hatch 10 months ago

    I strongly support a ceasefire! We aren't free until EVERYONE is free!

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    Em Baraan 10 months ago

    As a Queer Filipinx resident in Oakland’s District 5, I deeply support the resolution for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. We cannot be complicit in genocide and must urge each of our communities to speak out against Israel’s occupation and apartheid policies. The bloodshed must stop. Free Palestine!

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    Lisa B 10 months ago

    Thank you! This resolution is dire, reflective of Oakland's values, and beautifully written.

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    Carol Regalbuto 10 months ago

    I am a resident of District 3 and strongly support the resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. I'm heartened and encouraged to see this council taking action to support the people of Gaza and standing up as leaders in the Bay Area, California, and the nation at large. As our siblings from Jewish Voices for Peace consistently demonstrate, Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism and I'm glad to see this council understands that nuance. I urge you all to vote in favor of the resolution.

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    Jennifer Y 10 months ago

    I urge the Oakland City Council to support the resolution for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and all Palestinian land.

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    Navina Khanna 10 months ago

    Im a long term Oakland resident based in District 2 and fully support this call for a ceasefire. Allowing our tax dollars to fund a genocide is unconscionable. I am grateful to my city council woman Nikki Bas and the rest of the council for your leadership in taking this small step to let Gaza live.

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    David Weintraub 10 months ago

    Though I normally would agree with those who say City Council is not a foreign policy body, in this case, where our nation is THE major military enabler of the genocidal mass murder in Palestine, it rises to such a pressing need for every person and political body to raise our voices and send clear messages from every corner to stop this murderous madness which will only lead to more (and will lead tragically to the election of Trump and turn our democracy into a scary autocracy)
    , this is a time to make the exception to only focusing on the local.. As a Jewish American, in particular I think these statements of support for cease fire will help build a multi-racial and multi-ethnic coalition that will give hope to the future.