Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Katrina Lapira 10 months ago

    As a District 1 resident, I strongly support this resolution calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Jeesung Chang 10 months ago

    My name is Jeesung Chang and I’m from Oakland district 4

    I call on you to demand:
    - Immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza
    - Immediate aid to Palestinian people
    - End to U.S. funding to Israel

    We are following the precedent set by the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. I encourage all councilmembers to be courageous, stand on the right side of history

    -Jeesung Andrew Chang

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    Hannah Rice 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland District 6, and I strongly support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Lucia Leal 10 months ago

    Council members, I am indigenous Yaqui Yo’eme residing in occupied Ohlone Chochenyo land. I ask you to pass the resolution to cease fire in and be in solidarity with Palestine. The occupying state has been committing genocide, and there are no two sides to that. Every hour we wait to ceasefire, many more lives can be lost. My ancestors survived genocide in the same land you are all standing, but I don’t forget those who didn’t. We cannot allow this genocide cycle no more anywhere in this earth. I encourage each one of you to pass this solution to stop this ethnic cleansing and for the city of Oakland to be on the right side of our history. This genocide must stop. Thank you.

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    Anna Marie Miramontes 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident in support of this resolution. Stop the slaughter of innocent lives.

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    Trish Fronda 10 months ago

    I support this resolution and call for a permanent ceasefire. End the occupation!

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    Kate Tuig 10 months ago

    I stand in strong support of this resolution to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. We must sand with our Palestinian neighbors whose families are being torn apart by the actions of the Israeli government, and with our Jewish neighbors, whose immense suffering and trauma is being exploited by the imperialism of our own US government. Thank you to all of the council members who are supporting this resolution - I urge all to vote yes in support. Sincerely, Kate Vander Tuig, MPH, District 1 Resident

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    Lincoln Daw 10 months ago

    I live in District 3, and I support the resolution, but I think it could go a lot further.

    It could explicitly call out Israeli military war crimes.

    I look forward to a follow-on resolution resolving there be no more US war money for Israel

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    Andrew Straus 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident

    I am here asking you to amend the proposed resolution to condemn Hamas and call for their removal. As President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken and Congress have all made clear: There can be no lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians if Hamas remains in power. As stated in their charter and shown by their October 7 attack – the deadliest on global Jews since the Holocaust – Hamas has no interest in coexistence. For these reasons, I hope you support a real peace by amending the resolution. Thank you for your time.

    There have been numerous cease fires in the past each time broken by Hamas I. Their desire to eliminate the state of Israel and all Jews as stated in their charter. They have publicly said that if there is a ceasefire they will just use it to plan future October 7.
    If Hamas lays down its arms and leaves Gaza all fighting would stop

    If the city council takes a position it will only be divisive for the city making many residents feel unwelcome disrespected and threatened. At a time when Oakland has many serious issues to confront we do not need this resolution to pit resident against resident

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    rachna vanjani 10 months ago

    i am a resident of oakland district 2 and i strongly support this resolution calling for an immediate & permanent ceasefire in gaza.

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    Stephanie Aderholt 10 months ago

    As an Oakland voter, I strongly support a ceasefire now!!! Genocide will never be the answer. Do the right thing!

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    Liam Fleming 10 months ago

    The mass murders and imprisonment of civilians in Palestine are acts of genocide. To support calls for a ceasefire is to support human rights. Peace and freedom for Palestine!

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    Devyn Johnson 10 months ago

    My name is Devyn Johnson and I’m writing to urge you to support a ceasefire and an end to all funding for Israeli genocide and apartheid. Over 11,000 people are dead, a number that could’ve been much lower if you and our other representatives had spoken up sooner. We have a duty to fight for freedom, justice, and life. Please hear your constituents and stand up for what is right. No more death and destruction, no more displacement, no more occupation of Palestine! We hear your empathy for the families of the Israeli victims but where is your sympathy for Palestinians? Where is their justice?

    The terror and violence we have witnessed in the past two months is devastating. Your silence in some moments and calls for blood in others have enabled Israel’s continued attacks on an innocent civilian population. U.S. money has propped up apartheid in Palestine for many many years. We are complicit in every way for each death we see or read about.

    We your constituents and citizens of American are asking you to be on the right side of history, and fight for life alongside the people you represent. A ceasefire is just the minimum. A free Palestine is the ultimate goal and we can’t stop until we get that

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    Zaide Giacoman 10 months ago

    My name is Zaide and I’m a Palestinian-Salvadoran immigrant and resident of Oakland for the past three years. I strongly support this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza as it is the least that can be done in the ongoing genocide that has already taken over 20,000 Palestinian lives. By voting to support ceasefire, you support a world that is safer for ALL people, including Palestinian and Jew men, women, children, and elders. Delaying this ceasefire will only result in the continuation of murders to people and destruction of land that will continue to have effects on people’s health for many generations to come.

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    Kholoud Nasser 10 months ago

    Peace and justice and freedom be upon us all.

    Urging you to
    1) pass the resolution in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, who are being subject to ethnic cleansing and genocide by the Israeli state backed by the United States, and to demand a CEASEFIRE NOW. Already, over 14000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army, with more than 7000 of them are children!!!!!!!!

    2) Bring more humanitarian aid to Gaza

    3) Release all hostages including thousands of Palestinian hostages who have not been charged and those who have been charged in discriminatory Israeli military courts since years. Recognize Palestinian detainees have been tortured, so put pressure to stop this immediately.

    4) End the funding of Israel and end the funding of weapons and end any access for Israel that enables its power and supremacy.

    5) Recognize Israel as an apartheid state

    6) Recognize that western, American and Israeli powers are combining efforts to colonize Palestine and are committing a genocide and ethnic cleansing against Palestinian civilians.

    7) Work hard to dismantle colonization in Arab countries and in African countries. Let people live in peace if you want good inheritance of peace for your children.

    8) Recognise that IDF stole Palestinian dead bodies and released some and there is an investigation that Palestinian dead bodies have their organs stolen by IDF.

    Thank you,
    Kholoud Nasser, resident of Oakland

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    Grace Fujii 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland District 1, and I strongly support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Eli Isaacs 10 months ago

    As a District 5 resident and voter, as a parent of a student in OUSD, and as a jew, I strongly support this resolution advocating for an immediate ceasefire and allowing humanitarian aid into Gaza. I call on Oakland City Council to join the national calls for ceasefire and to take the lead in California as its first major city to support this resolution AS IS, with no amendments. I also want to impress upon our full Congressional delegation to follow Rep. Lee's leadership in supporting a lasting and permanent ceasefire.

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    Lailah Bezan 10 months ago

    I don’t have much to say but that we can’t stand on the wrong side of history during a clear cut genocide, as not only Palestinians suffer under a brutal and bloody occupation, but our very own citizens are losing generations of their family all at once. We can’t condone this, whether by supporting it or staying neutral. You have to call a spade a spade no matter the repercussions.

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    Jess Lehrman 10 months ago

    Oakland resident and jew for ceasefire now!!!!!! let's go oakland

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    David Jacob 10 months ago

    I strongly support this Resolution. I support a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the end of the siege in Gaza and freedom for Palestine.