Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Sasha Wright 10 months ago

    As a life-long Oakland resident, I support this resolution. The killing of tens of thousands of Palestinian men, women and children has been horrific and it is even more devastating to know this is being done with my tax dollars and my government’s backing. I call on Oakland council members to stand against the racist dehumanization of Palestinians that has made this possible and for peace and the valuing of all human life. Listen to us, the majority of Democrats who want an end to this genocide.

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    Calvin Williams 10 months ago

    As a D5 constituent and voter, I strongly support this resolution supporting an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian intervention in Gaza. I call on Oakland City Council to join the national calls for ceasefire and to take the lead in California as its first major city to support this declaration and impress upon our full Congressional delegation to follow Rep. Lee's leadership in doing the same.

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    Isaac Harris 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish Oakland resident in D2, proudly supporting this resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza. We must stop the endless killing of civilians and achieve peace -- the only real path to peace is justice. And that starts with an end to the fighting. Please stand with your constituents in our overwhelming support for a ceasefire.

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    Janelle Gayac 10 months ago

    As a East Bay resident I support an immediate ceasefire. Free Palestine!

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    Nathan Polich 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident of District 3. I demand: an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, an end to U.S. funding to Israel, and immediate aid to the Palestinian people. I encourage the council of the city of Oakland to stand with Richmond, and Detroit on the right side of history.

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    Dmani Thomas 10 months ago

    My name is D'mani Thomas and i'm from Oakland District 7. I support this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. No more genocide. No more of our money going towards bombs.

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    Naomi Boone 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident I affirm Oakland's support for the Congressional and Worldwide calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza. We cannot afford, in every sense of the word, to get this wrong.

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    joseph phuong 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I demand a ceasefire in Gaza NOW.

    Please end the state-sponsored killings of children and families.

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    Ashley Terry 10 months ago


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    Anum AA 10 months ago

    I am a resident of Oakland and I urge the Oakland CIty Council to join the worldwide call for ceasefire and to also lead major American cities by being the first large city to make this declaration. The US is complicit in funding and aiding the war crimes that are being committed by Israel. However, the people of Oakland and the US stand against funding a genocide and are demanding a permanent ceasefire.

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    Sandra Garcia 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution for Oakland city council to call for an immediate ceasefire and take a stand against genocide in Gaza.

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    Malia Byrne 10 months ago

    I am a Resident of Oakland District 3 supporting the resolution calling for a permanent ceasefire. Our city can and should adopt a resolution confronting the US-funded Israeli occupation and genocide in Palestine. The current pause is not enough -- we demand a permanent ceasefire, release of all Palestinian political prisoners, unrestricted entry into Gaza for humanitarian aid, restoration of basic needs, and a permanent end to Israeli terror.

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    Audrey Johnson 10 months ago

    I am a Oakland resident and I strongly support and call for the city of Oakland to pass a Ceasefire resolution to end the siege on Gaza by a permanent ceasefire. Lead the way and join the masses of people calling for a ceasefire now! Palestine will be free!

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    Nora Reza 10 months ago

    I am horrified at what we have witnessed in Gaza and the US support of this genocidal war. Please help save lives and call for a ceasefire. Thank you! Nora Reza, Oakland resident

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    Rebecca Compton 10 months ago

    enough is enough. Oakland must stand against genocide and call for a ceasefire.

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    Casey Hutchison, I Give Two 10 months ago

    Born in Oakland and raised on Ohlone land. The US knows too well the consequences and horrors that stem from colonization, white supremacy, and people in power stealing land and resources to enhance their profits. Israel has made their genocidal and oil-profiteering intentions extraordinarily clear. The mass murder of Palestinians must end immediately. I completely support an immediate and permanent ceasefire! The atrocities the IDF commits daily in Gaza and the West Bank have murdered entire bloodlines, and have displaced millions. This will only bring more violence in our global sphere with the rise of islamophobia and antisemitism. Ceasefire now!!!

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    Jenny Tighe 10 months ago

    HI, my name is Jenny Tighe, I live in District 1. I am strongly in support of this resolution. I would like Oakland to join the many other voices advocating for a Ceasefire and support of the Palestinian people suffering at the hands of US funded attacks. We need to assert our value for all human life and cannot be silent while so many innocent lives are taken. Strongly support Oakland's resolution supporting a cease fire

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    Mishal Riaz 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area resident and echo my community members in their call to strongly support this resolution in having Oakland adopt a collective call for a Ceasefire in Gaza. The people deserve an end to the devastation that is impacting the entire world, but more importantly the Palestinian people.

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    Kumar Kumar 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution in having Oakland adopt a collective call for a Ceasefire in Gaza. The people deserve an end to the devastation that is impacting the entire world, but more importantly the Palestinian people.

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    Shelby Radich 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now!!