Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.

Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Fouad Dahdah 10 months ago

    Please support the need for an immediate ceasefire. There are thousands of innocent lives being lost

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    Ragina Dhillon 10 months ago

    I am in full support of this resolution; I am calling for Oakland city council to echo the shouts of the majority and demand an immediate ceasefire. One more life gone is too many gone. Enough innocent lives have been taken- mostly children- and it needs to end!

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    Rachita Upadhya 10 months ago

    I support this resolution for Oakland city council to call for an immediate ceasefire and take a stand against genocide.

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    Hannah Lucero 10 months ago

    I totally support this resolution. Oakland city council needs to demand an immediate ceasefire. Enough innocent lives have been taken, this is genocide.

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    Ayana Nir 10 months ago

    As someone who was born and raised, I believe the only way to achieve peace and freedom for Palestinians is through international pressure on the Israeli government.

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    Jessica Shen 10 months ago

    I’m an Oakland resident and I strongly support this resolution for a ceasefire now. It is the least we can do to stand against genocide and refuse to allow our tax dollars to continue funding military aid to Israel.

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    Jon Ryan 10 months ago

    My name is Jon Ryan and I’m currently live in Oakland’s fifth district. I have lived here since 2020, and was a resident of District 3 for a decade prior.

    I fully support this resolution following the precedent set by the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee and calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

    By our silence, we are—in no uncertain terms—complicit in genocide.

    I urge councilman Gallo (as my district representativ) as well as all his fellow councilmembers to stand on the right side of history. End our silence now, and commit to ending our federal funding until the USFG agrees to end its support of the Israeli government’s long-running campaign of humanitarian abuses and corrupt annexation against the Palestinian people and their ancestral home.

    Some argue that supporting such a resolution is akin to supporting antisemitism; this is absurdity in its most brazenly political form. To recognize and decry cruelty and injustice is not intolerance, bigotry, ir cowardice. But to support—even through “neutral” silence—the atrocities such as we’ve seen in recent weeks and years is nothing short of all three.

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    Eddy Tamura 10 months ago

    As a resident of district 1, and as a physician, I strongly support this resolution. There are estimates of over 15,000 deaths, including over 6400 children as well as thousands missing under the rubble of their destroyed homes. In 7 weeks, Israel has destroyed over 55,000 housing units, partially destroyed over 160,000 units, made 26/35 hospitals inoperable, targeted over 200 schools, and killed over 200 healthcare workers, as well as 62 journalists. We cannot allow this to continue after the current brief pause. A complete Ceasefire needs to be implemented

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    Mahalya Paz 10 months ago


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    Shibin Tharayil 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now!

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    Khalid Kishawi 10 months ago

    As a Gazan Palestinian and Jewish constituent, I call on you all to call for a ceasefire and an end to the siege on Gaza. Our tax dollars have paid for the bombs that killed at least 12 of my family members in northern Gaza and flattened their neighborhoods. We will never recover but a call for a ceasefire today will save more lives tomorrow. A ceasefire is the bare minimum that anyone with any power can call for.

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    Joti Singh 10 months ago

    Following the lead of Richmond, Oakland should adopt this resolution to represent the will of the people in this city. An immediate and lasting ceasefire is there bare minimum we should be calling for after the horrific death toll in Gaza. As a taxpayer, I do not want my hard earned funds going to support the death of Palestinians. Rather our tax funds should building more sustainable communities here and supporting life. I urge you to support this resolution.

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    Diem Tran 10 months ago

    Please affirm that Oakland stands for life and justice. Support a permanent cease fire and for a free Palestine.

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    Shiv Mehra 10 months ago

    CEASEFIRE!! End the occupation and stop bombing GAZA

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    Waleed Zaiter 10 months ago


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    Jennifer Edwell 10 months ago

    I’m an East Oakland resident, and I strongly support this resolution.

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    Kelly Wong 10 months ago

    Dear Oakland City Council,
    I am a constituent of D1, and I support the resolution for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. I oppose having my own tax dollars fund genocide, and I am horrified that the leaders I elected enable and support the killings of thousands of Palestinians. Following Richmond's city council's resolution of solidarity with Palestine and other similar actions, I believe Oakland's resolution will create the ripples of change we need to reach the federal level. Your leadership is necessary in this moment.

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    Lisa Knox 10 months ago

    I strongly support this resolution. As an Oakland resident, I am proud of our city’s tradition of international solidarity and action, dating back to the city’s divestment from South Africa during apartheid. I urge the council to again speak out and oppose apartheid and genocide in Palestine.

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    Nalini Kumar 10 months ago

    A ceasefire is the bare minimum. The bombardment and massacre of innocent people has to stop.

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    Becca Coleman 10 months ago

    As a resident of district 2, a Jew, and an educator I strongly support this resolution and urge the council members to vote in support. Ceasefire now!