Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

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    Michael Cook 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I fully support an immediate ceasefire on the Palestinian citizens of Gaza. If this does not happen we will be failing these people that deserve to exist on their own land.

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    Annalise Ophelian 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area resident of 30 years who has lived and worked in Oakland in the past. I'm also a queer clinical psychologist and Jewish descendant family who fled pogroms in Eastern Europe and were killed in the Holocaust. I am horrified by what is happening to the people of Palestine and am urging the City Council to affirm this resolution and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire. What is happening in Gaza is nothing short of genocide and must be clearly, loudly, and unequivocally opposed. Please act with courage so that other cities may follow your example, thank you!

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    Chris Cohen 10 months ago

    i lived and worked in Oakland for years and i demand an immediate and permanent Israeli cease fire! Oakland cannot be complicit in this genocide.

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    Vanessa French 10 months ago

    I am in full support of this resolution; I am calling for Oakland city council to echo the shouts of the majority and demand an immediate ceasefire. Enough innocent lives have been taken- mostly children- and it needs to end! Thank you for your time.

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    Emma Ammirati 10 months ago

    I am an educator and was a resident of Oakland for 9 years, I urge the council members to vote for the resolution that supports the ceasefire and ends the genocide in Palestine.

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    Mallory McCarley 10 months ago

    I am an oakland resident and am fully in support of an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

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    Mercedes Ortega 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area resident and I fully support the city council passing this ceasefire resolution. 4 days is NOT a true ceasefire, the people of Palestine deserve all of our support and the people of the Bay Area are making our voices clear. Please stand on the right side of history and listen to the voices of your district and the entire Bay Area!!!!

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    javad hashemi 10 months ago

    We are proud of Oakland's profound anti-apartheid and anti-oppression history, and I really hope our city upholds that tradition. For years, all major international human rights organizations have recognized Israel as an apartheid state, and partly due to us neglecting that fact, now Israel is committing genocide with direct support of the United States.
    The former mayor of Oakland, Congressman Ron Dellums (2007-2011), has pioneered the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act in the US congress. Our city has a rich history. Let us not not disregard our proud history. Let us stand on the right side of history again!

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    Joshua Lee 10 months ago

    The United States involvement and in turn enabling of these atrocities occurring in Gaza must end. I am a D3 resident born and raised in Oakland, local government must continue to play a role in influencing the larger federal government to discontinue practices of US imperialism globally, to be a voice where others do not have one.

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    Mary Sanders 10 months ago

    I am a therapist/social worker residing in district 2. I fully support immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. We must stand on the right side of history and fight with the people of Palestine. In the words of Fannie Lou Hamer, “nobody's free until everybody's free.”

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    Mengjiao Zhang 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now! Oakland for Palestine! Shed some lights on humanity!

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    Emily Franklin 10 months ago

    I am for an immediate and permanent ceasefire!

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    Claudia Sanchez 10 months ago

    Please stand on the correct side of history. This has gone on for much too long! Every minute there is no cease fire costs us people’s lives. Cease fire now!!

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    Kelly Ding 10 months ago

    I am a Bay Area and former Oakland District 2 resident, and I wholeheartedly support the City Council passing the ceasefire resolution. Oakland City Council should pass this resolution so that it is clear on the record that this city is against genocide. It will cost nothing to pass this resolution, but will costs thousands more Palestinian lives if we are unable to build more pressure to successfully call for a permanent ceasefire.

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    Nick Butler 10 months ago

    As an Oakland resident in District 5 I’m in full support of an immediate and permanent ceasefire. I call on my fellow community members and Oakland city council to stand on the right side of history and support the end of genocide in Palestine. With Oaklands rich history of progressive action towards liberation of all people and this is our chance to show the world we again will not stand silent in the face of injustice. Thank you

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    Monica M 10 months ago

    This council has a responsibility to protect our families, from Oakland to Gaza. Acknowledging Palestinian humanity will be the first step to deescalating anti-Arab and Muslim hate in Oakland. Thank you for listening to your constituents and putting our safety and the safety of our families in Gaza first. We know that you will do the right thing and stand on the side of humanity.

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    Annie Gallo 10 months ago

    I am a D3 resident of Oakland and am urgently calling on the City Council to affirm this ceasefire resolution and follow in the leadership of Rep Barbara Lee in this moment. This resolution is a critical way to break through the propaganda that our government and media apparatuses, as well as the Israeli government, are using to try and manufacture consent for genocide. We must pass this resolution and show that the people of Oakland unequivocally stand with the people of Palestine and join in their call for total liberation from occupation and apartheid, for an end to the siege on Gaza, for an end to US aid to Israel, and for freedom and justice. We cannot sit idly by as we watch atrocity after atrocity unfolding -- as the Israeli government slaughters innocent civilians (more than 14,000 at the time of writing), bombs refugee camps, sacred places, hospitals and leaves civilians with nowhere to turn, as they dehumanize and wage a genocide against the people of Palestine. We cannot sit idly by when we know that millions in Oakland taxpayer money directly funds the genocide we are witnessing. We need that money in Oakland to support our unhoused neighbors, invest in schools, and so much more. Please act with courage and stand on the right side of history by calling for an immediate ceasefire.

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    Sabine Dabady 10 months ago

    This past weekend we've been able to witness what can occur with a cease fire, however a temporary ceasefire of a few days is not enough. We need a permanent ceasefire now to ensure no more lives are lost, maimed, or starved. I support this resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to end this madness and genocide and we need you to support it to. We cannot wait any longer.

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    Daniel Ackerman 10 months ago

    I'm a resident of district 3 and I fully support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

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    Elaine Tai 10 months ago
