Meeting Time: November 27, 2023 at 4:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

1 23-0935 Subject: Affirming Oakland's Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza From: Councilmember Fife Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Affirming Oakland's Love Life Commitment And Support For The Congressional And Worldwide Calls For An Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    Mary Munoz 10 months ago

    Hello, I am a previous Oakland resident and current Bay Area resident. I firmly support a ceasefire in Gaza and a free Palestine. The Oakland City Council must stand on the side of justice and against Israel’s occupation and apartheid. Your constituents and the wider community are fighting against US Funded Genocide. Please stand with us and amplify the calls for a ceasefire.

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    Maddie Orenstein 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of district 3 in Oakland. I am a proud Oaklander and a Jewish person who is strongly in support of this resolution. I demand a permanent, immediate ceasefire in Gaza, immediate aid to Palestinian people, and an end to U.S. funding to Israel. We have to do everything we can to stop this and to stand up as Oakland to demand better for our world. Never again and not in our name.

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    Domenichi Morris 10 months ago

    Stand in solidarity and rise up against oppression. There is no neutrality on the deaths of civilians.

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    Sarah Taylor 10 months ago

    My name is Sarah Taylor & I am from Oakland District 7.
    As a mental health clinician in Oakland for over a decade, I know the deep impact collective trauma has on the lives of young people right here in our own city & I support this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
    We are following the precedent set by the City of Richmond and Alameda County Democratic Central Committee. We are complicit in genocide by our silence and federal funding—let’s end our silence now, and commit to ending our funding. I encourage all councilmembers to be courageous, stand on the right side of history both to end the violence being enacted on the people of Gaza and to demonstrate to Muslim youth right here in our own city that we will stand up for them, that we will see their humanity, and that they can count on us to take a stand when their community whether here, or abroad, is being targeted by racist policy.

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    My Khanh Ngo 10 months ago

    I am a resident and voter of Oakland District 1. I strongly support this resolution for the Oakland City Council to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. We have been witnessing a genocidal siege on Palestinians that has been facilitated by our tax dollars and the U.S. government's blind support of the Israeli government. The Oakland City Council should heed the majority of Oakland residents and of the world, publicly call for a ceasefire, and stand on the right side of history.

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    Sarah Roland 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident and I support this resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. I am horrified by the US-sponsored mass killing and displacement of Palestinian families. Let Oakland be a leader in demanding an end to US support for this war and ongoing occupation.

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    Valeria Kaim 10 months ago

    Dear Council, my name is Valeria.
    I am a Jewish resident of Oakland.

    I am here asking you to amend the proposed resolution to condemn Hamas and call for their removal.

    As President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken and Congress have all made clear: There can be no lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians if Hamas remains in power.

    As stated in their charter and shown by their October 7 attack – the deadliest on global Jews since the Holocaust – Hamas has no interest in coexistence.

    For these reasons, I hope you support a real peace by amending the resolution. Thank you for your time.

    Regards, Valeria

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    Sarah Tran 10 months ago

    I am a Santa Clara county resident in support of this resolution

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    Tyler Kerce 10 months ago

    I am a Jewish resident of District 5 and I urge the Council to adopt this ceasefire resolution. We must end all support for the violent occupation and apartheid of Palestine and the unending devastation inflicted daily by Israel upon residents — mostly refugees — of the Gaza Strip. Please speak out for humanity and an end to the horrors and pass this resolution. Ceasefire now!

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    Kai Morton 10 months ago

    I am strongly in support of a permanent ceasefire now so that there will be no more innocent lives taken or peoples homes occupied as they’re forcefully pushed out by the threat of military violence across Palestine.

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    Bradley Amorosino 10 months ago

    Ceasefire now!! Permanently!! Children are sacred. Always, everywhere. War breeds only war. No more dead kids. No more obliterated homes. The suffering is unfathomable. Ceasefire!!

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    hannah bg 10 months ago

    I support the resolution calling for a ceasefire now!

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    Kathleen Sorensen 10 months ago

    Oakland will be on the right side of history if Council votes to support a cease fire in Gaza. All lives are precious.

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    J Woodson 10 months ago

    i strongly support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in gaza and all of palestine. oakland’s “love life” motto and commitment demands that the council affirms this agenda item.

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    Leila Rad 10 months ago

    I am a lifelong Oakland resident currently living in District 4. I strongly support this resolution for a permanent, immediate ceasefire in Gaza, immediate aid to Palestinian people, and an end to U.S. funding to Israel. Growing up, Barbara Lee was my first model of the importance of speaking clearly and loudly against war, and in this case our failure to publicly support a ceasefire all but ensures the continued genocide and erasure of Palestinian people in Gaza. Oakland's history was paved by radical changemakers and truthtellers--let's be one of the first major US cities to publicly support a more humane and just world for all by voting to pass this resolution.

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    Jovida Ross 10 months ago

    I live in Oakland council district 1. I have been an Oakland resident for more than 25 years. I urge the Council to send a message that Oakland opposes using past genocide as justification for current violence. My Jewish ancestors believed that "never again" applies to all mass-inflicted ethnic violence. Please affirm that Oakland believes in human rights.

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    Aminah Luqman 10 months ago

    I was born and raised in Oakland and am currently a resident of District 1. I strongly support this resolution and urge Councilmember Kalb and all city councilmembers to attend Monday's meeting, adopt this resolution and join the Oakland and global communities' resounding calls for an immediate ceasefire.

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    Aminah Luqman 10 months ago

    I was born and raised in Oakland and am currently a resident of District 1. I strongly support this resolution and urge Councilmember Kalb and all city councilmembers to attend Monday's meeting, adopt this resolution and join the Oakland and global communities' resounding calls for an immediate ceasefire.

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    Amee Chew 10 months ago

    I am an Oakland resident in D5. Please pass a resolution ASAP calling for a permanent ceasefire, allowing unlimited humanitarian aid into Gaza, and no more US military aid for Israel! Also for the release of all political prisoners and an end to Israel's occupation of Palestine.

    We should be spending public money on our community's needs like housing, education, healthcare, and good jobs -- not genocide.

    Please call for an end to the Israeli military's genocide of Palestinians, and US support for this!

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    naina khanna 10 months ago

    I'm a long term Oakland resident, voter, community organizer and taxpayer as well as a homeowner in Oakland's District 1. I strongly support this resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire and humanitarian intervention in Gaza.